Dux's Guide to animation (Full Version)

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darkwingdux -> Dux's Guide to animation (12/1/2005 20:51:47)

Dux's Guide to Animation
NOTE!!!: This guide is prefferably for paint. I'm pretty sure it works w/ other things though!

First off, for animations like Fire Emblem, you'll need a sheet. A great source for FE sheets would be www.feplanet.net.

Next copy the sheet and open a document.

Paste the sheet


This is a Fire Emblem sheet of Jaffar to use as an example. Use it as a template for this guide.

Open another document. Copy and cut the first sprite from the sheet and paste it in your newly made document.

Then do the same with the second sprite. Zoom in on the first one before you paste the second one though. Make sure that their shadow's match in this case. (Trust me)

Repeat this process until you get to the sprite where it looks as if hes leaping or jumping.

This is where it gets tricky. Keep the same sprite and move it forward bit by bit. If you wanna speed up the proccess, make a sprite of him leaping and make the next one just nothing. Then make him far away from where he was before. This will make your character move like lightning. It's a great method and I'm a fan of it.

After you've done all of his moves and stuff, when he hops back, use the lightning method. Then when he's just standing, stop using it.

Keep pasting the sprites like you did previously and his cape will wave. When you're done with that, You're almost done.

All you have to do is get an animator such as UnFreeZ and animate it. UnFreeZ is a universal GIF animator and can be found here: www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/

You can also add cool things like lightning bolts and fireballs.

You can even add character's to make them battle!

If you don't quite understand this, here are some finished products that you might want to take a look at:


I hope you liked this guide and it helps you out. If not, don't be TOO harsh with your criticisms please.

People helped by this:
Sabre Fang
PhoenixKing Aenarion
Necromancer King
Beta Wolf
Werewolf King

_Depression -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/1/2005 21:16:53)

lol, nice tut dux. you could make an animation of you actually DOING an animation by taking screenshots. That would be cool

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/1/2005 22:11:09)

I actually did and it turned out awful [&:]

Vader -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/1/2005 22:13:08)

nice tut dux :)

Dracologist1 -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/2/2005 6:17:55)

What kind of document are you talking about?

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/2/2005 6:45:03)

Thanks Vader, and Draco, I use paint, but i'm pretty sure it'll work on GIMP and Photoshop and other stuff, so give it a shot!

Sabre Fang -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/2/2005 6:51:43)

umm im confused on how to cut them of can u help me???

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/2/2005 16:57:20)

Ya, what do you use?

Sabre Fang -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/2/2005 17:18:47)

nvm lol i figured it out

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/3/2005 21:41:43)

THanks, Glad you like it

Celebloki -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/15/2005 2:09:12)

Dux without this guide i would not have been able to make my animations so i say*in a classroom child way*THANKYOU MR. DARKWINGDUX.

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/15/2005 20:01:53)

*shrugs* I didn't know this would inspire one so much, im glad you started to animate!

dorel argo -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/16/2005 22:26:51)

where do i get sheet from and where should i save it to and how do i cut it

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/17/2005 11:32:27)

Well, just so you know, this guide works best with paint, so if you don't have it, this might not make sense... To cut: Select the "box" tool so you can make a box around the sprite. Press Ctrl+X to cut and copy it. Save it to any picture folder, prefferably My Pictures. THe best place for sheets is www.feplanet.net if you want Fire Emblem sheets, otherwise, i dunno

crushdrinker -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/17/2005 12:48:13)

wer do u get UnFreeZ and does it cost anything also i cant get feplanet to show the sheets never mind it works now

omega340 -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/18/2005 2:52:18)

dux can u do one for this one?
I really need help with this one

Powerbait -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/18/2005 10:27:24)

this is hard...i can't get it into anything at all...how do you get it into paint?i used file and save as then open in paint and it says file is not currently directed right now.

logeyssamus -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/18/2005 10:58:04)

Do you know how to animate words, like they are there then they disappaer.
I have photoshop 6.0 just to tell you!

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/18/2005 20:48:22)

No, sorry i dont
Omega: Post that in my shop. (link in sig)

PhoenixKing Aenarion -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 4:05:59)

Thanks Dux. Because of this guide, i was able to make this...


darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 19:16:18)

Nice job Phoenix!
Da Nite Slaya!!! Don't triple post! Only post your sig once! and I think you might wanna check back on the front page, and you'll know what a sprite is.

necromancer king -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 20:19:48)

im still confused

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 20:31:01)

Sorry, that's all the info i can get you! What don't you get?

necromancer king -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 20:50:18)

where can i get an animating program cause i have it all worked out but that

darkwingdux -> RE: Dux's Guide to animation (12/19/2005 21:27:31)

Right Here! www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/

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