The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today! (Are Hiring Raters And NEED GIMP Teachers) (Full Version)

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wu218 -> The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today! (Are Hiring Raters And NEED GIMP Teachers) (1/23/2006 16:32:16)


About Us
We are a rapidly growing organization that will help new sig/avy/ban/flash games makers to get better.

Do not flame
Do not spam
All AQ Forum rules apply here

GIMP Teachers
Pix(zoenadam, Dragon Heat, Batman101, Lord_Gabrieal, Shadow of the Night, The Ultimate)
Ninja 293(Lonard, Sir Peter Wolvesbane, Darkangle343, Omah, Leon Fayte)
ianto(KENYAEATATACO157, Monty Burns, Warlick, Loopy69, Fighter of Light, Ninjai Warrior101)

Photoshop Teachers
kakumei65*(Loggeyssamus, marvic)
_AcOlYtIc_*(Zanekfain, Shadow of the Night)
Memorex*(Mnemethreon, Sir Peter Wolvesbane)
Gravix*(Big Boy, aNyThInG)
Wu218*(VamporaganKid, Darklord517)
.Passion//(TheShadowed1, Shadow_911)

Flash MX
Valgaera(Shadow of the Night, loggeyssamus, DarkLord517, JJ_Legend)
Slayer991(VampireHSS, Tinytiger10, Servers)
Althorne*(Chaos Dragon Rider, Goodrun, Swenn)

Paint Shop Pro
Yofo*(Bootz, Cappsdragon)

Photoshop Elements 3.0
Danny/Taylor R(The Mist)

Doorknob101(Loopy69, Admin23)
Aq boi(Sir Peter Wolvesbane)
Shadow of the Night(Raziel398)
+Weapon Teacher

Siganture/Avatar/Banner/Flash Game Raters

To apply for teacher, tell what program you use and how long u have been using it.

To apply to become a student, tell what program you want to use.

To apply for rater, you must have at least 4 months in GFX

Students (25)
Shadow of the Night
Sir Peter Wolvesbane
Chaos Dragon Rider
Dragon Heat
aq boi
Sadow of the Night
The Mist
Fighter of Light
Ninjai Warrior101

Tutorials by teachers
Wu218's Brushless Signature on GIMP -
Ninja293's Scanline Tutorial on GIMP -
RaM Master's Mosiac Signature on GIMP -
Siris99's Weapon Conception and Creation Tutorial -
Doorknob101's Buddy Making Tutorial -


Reject -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 16:54:13)

can I join as a Photoshop teacher? I've been using PS for about uhh... I think a year, but i've stoped making sigs on and off.

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:01:09)

ok, u r accepted!

daehock -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:40:03)

can i join as a paint shop pro teacher ive been useing it for about a half year and im really good at it
and also a photoshop student? i just came into posession of ps7 and i dont know what im doing with it its alot harder than psp i tell u what

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:40:30)

how long have u used PsP?
u r rejects student now

logeyssamus -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:41:46)

Photoshop student.
Can i also be a Flash MX student?

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:42:22)

sure, but ur gonna have to wait till we get some teachers in those areas

logeyssamus -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:44:10)

So i am now a student?!

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:46:54)


daehock -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:53:03)

refer back to my edited message ^^^^^^^^^^^ and \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

ORIGINAL: daehock

can i join as a paint shop pro teacher ive been useing it for about a half year and im really good at it
and also a photoshop student? i just came into posession of ps7 and i dont know what im doing with it its alot harder than psp i tell u what

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 17:54:47)

ok ur in

Rezu -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:15:41)

I'll join as a GIMP teacher. Been using it for around 4 months. I'm pretty good too.

daehock -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:23:14)

what do we do exactly to get lessons or tips are they posted here or in pm's or what?

Grayfox19 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:24:02)

ill teach ps :)

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:33:32)

grayfox: ur in =)
rezu: ur in
daehock: through pms

Reject -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:39:13)

Hey Wu, i'd also liek to be a gimp student, if thats ok.

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:41:56)

sure, ull be my student

daehock -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:46:57)

reject can u empty your pm box i need some help and your box is full

Reject -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 18:54:29)


daehock -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 19:19:09)

cool thanx for helping me if u can (^u^)o'

logeyssamus -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/23/2006 21:21:07)

Can you teach me?
You are my teacher.

FuNkEy MoNkEy -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/24/2006 2:20:58)

id like to be a student
i use photoshop elements 3.0

Zoltan -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/24/2006 2:38:56)

So this is only for teaching people to get better at sig making...... well in that case I cant help but if you changed to help in all areas I could be a teacher of Flash MX...

wu218 -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/24/2006 16:24:54)

zoltan: we do have an area in flash mx, the question is can u make sigs in it?

dragonblader, ur in but ur gonna have to wait till we get more teachers in that area

Mr. Zarnac -> RE: The STO(Student Teacher Organization) Apply today. (1/24/2006 17:20:56)

daehock, thank God. I need major help with PSP. If you have MSN, add me. Mine is

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