=AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (Finito!) (Full Version)

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Swallowtail -> =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (Finito!) (2/27/2006 13:48:08)

Hello all!

I'm sure some of you know me as the new Archknight of Legends in Lore. I'd be happy to answer your questions so I can get to know you better... and hopefully you'll know me better too ^_^

The Queen -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 13:55:29)

Hi Swallowtail!!!
Hello Lonna ^_^

What inspirations do you have or use when you write?
That's a tough one! (here I was thinking this would be easy ;P) Well, I think I don't get sudden inspiration when I write... It's more of a growing sort of process. However, for Spellbound, I was just feeling like... creative, you know? I was doodling on a paper and drew a girl in, like, mage robes with a sword that had a flower on it. From there, I just kind of thought of a story about her and it just sort of started to carry itself. To keep the story going, I kind of picture the scene in my mind with the characters standing around in the setting and wonder what they would say to each other and how they would interact. And I try to write down my ideas as soon as they happen so I can get out what made me laugh or feel kind of sad at the time. So I guess I try to force myself sometimes to daydream about my story and characters. It's sort of... a deversion from.. you know... reality.

Since becoming an AK for L&L, what's been your most favorite thing so far?
Hmm.... I guess I like it that I've been able to suddenly meet a lot more people on the forums and I've gotten to read a lot more stories.

Prankman Hifly -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 14:21:51)

Hello & Nice to talk to you
Hi ^_^ Nice to talk to you too Prankman.

What is it like to be an archknight?
It's kind of like being a regular forumer... just with more responcibility! :D

What is your favourite element in aq?
Well, I'm quite partial to Earth.

What do you like & dislike about these forums?
I love the community of people here... and there's really not anything I dislike.

Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums?

If do what do you listen to?
All sorts of stuff! Right at the moment, I'm listening to Daft Punk-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. I really like listening to Rush, A Perfect Circle, Finger 11, 311, 10 years, Flogging Molly, and Coheed & Cambria. There's more, but those have been my favorites recently.

What do you like doing when you are offline?
I'm usually at school (like I am now =X) or work. When I actually have some free time I like to bike and see my friends. I miss them when I'm at school.

Ok that's me done! Bye!
Good talking to/with you *waves*

Scakk -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 14:35:47)

Hello Swallowtail.
~|[image]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sign/sign0203.gif[/image]waves at Swallowtail|~
Hola! *waves back*

Just thought I would drop by with a few questions.
You're always welcome to ask.

If you are younger than me how old are you?
Heh, im 21.

What do you like best about being an AK?
I really like getting to meet new people on this forum. It's hard with so many members.

What kinds of movies do you watch?
Lol! I work at Blockbuster so I have unlimited access to movies... and I rarely watch them. I guess I love a good comedy. I take that back, not even a good comedy. Anything that will make me laugh until my stomach hurts. Example: Waiting... I almost died laughing watching that.

What is your favorite smilie?
I love ^_^ and if I'm feeling silly, I enjoy a kitty face :3

How long have you been on the forums?
Hmmm, I'd have to check my account to be sure, but I think it's been about... a year and 2 or 3 months.

What is your favorite thing to do when not on the forums?
Well, I like to write ^_^ heh heh...

I like your avatar....Where is it from?
*blushes* Thank you! I'm not sure. I looked up something like "cute anime" on google images and got this sweet picture of a guy and girl hugging and I sort of cropped it until it was just her face with her finger to her lips looking like she was saying "shhh".

Is the weather nice where you live?
No. *pout* Right now, it's freezing outside and snowing, and I'm the kind of person who likes the warm and sun.

My mind has gone blank for now...If I think of any more I will be back....[;)]
Come back any time you like.

But before I go....
~|snuggles Swallowtail|~
awww! ^^ *resnuggles*



Dark_Splinter -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 14:41:53)

Hello Swallowtail
Hi Dark Splinter!

do you like Green Day?
Yes, but I'm so old that I remember/like all their older music, like "Dookie", more than "American Idiot".

Why did you pick the name Swallowtail
Well, it's pretty sounding for one ^_^ its also a type of butterfly. And finally, it's the name of a song by Finger 11. My favorite line from it is "We all know and we can't ask why you've turned into an ugly butterfly"


Bye for now!

Rock God -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 15:08:54)

Hey swallowtail!
hola rock god \m/

What is your favourite ever genre for stories (and do you write most of your stories based around this genre)?
to read or to write? I guess I reall enjoy fantasy stories because its a break from the real world, but I do like to read a book centering around biology or other interesting factual whatnot. I write fantasy stories because in them, you can do anything. I mean, anything. If you need someone to appear out of thin air, they can and you can make up a reason why they did that.

What kind of music are you into and what's your favourite band?
I listen to mostly rock (classic rock and what would be considered "alternative") and it's hard for me to pick a favorite band. I guess as of today, my favorite band would be A Perfect Circle.

What's the best book you've ever read?
I LOVE the Chronicals of Narnia. I guess that's a series of books rather than just one book, huh? Thats my favorite fantasy series/book. And my favorite sort of factual book is called "Mean Genes".

Have you ever heard of James Patterson/Jeffery Deaver?
James Patterson is a familiar name, but I'm not sure from where (a writer, perehaps?) I guess the answer is no.

When did you first start writing stories?
I first started writing stories when I was.. well as soon as I could write really. And maybe before. When I was like 3 or 4 I used to make picture books about dinosaurs. :P And I remember writing a short story when I was like in 3rd or 4th grade... oh! no wait! I remember I have a story book I made in the 1st grade. So... pretty much forever ^_^

Why (if you do) do you think 'Legends of Lore' board is the best board on this forum?
Well, I like all the boards of course... but Legends in Lore is my favorite. I think it's because I can get feedback on my stories and read some interesting works that I would never find anywhere else. And some of them are really really good too.

Thanks for answering these questions. Bye! [:D]

You're very welcome ^_^ bye!

Art of Blade -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 15:46:12)


Archknight, eh?
Yes, but I'm not Canadian ;P

Well, good job so far.
Aww, thank you ^_^

And stuff.
And some junk ;).

Anyway, on to some RANDOM QUESTIONS! *Random doom type music*
Dun dun dun! RaNdOmNeSs!

Who would you say is your favorite villain in, well, anything? I'm quite partial to Kefka, as you can see.
Villian... oooh! thats good one. I guess I like the white witch in Narnia (she was E-B-I-L) and Sesshomaru (sp?)

And your favorite video game system? Old-sk00l for me.
I too, am from an old school time. My original NES still works and I loooove it. So many games! *drool*

What kind of questions were you expecting, anyway? Practical questions? I mean, first we need to have a few sane people here. Then we can start talking about 'practical'.
I was expecting the "how old are you?" "what's your favorite color?" "what kind of food do you eat?" (or even that no one would know who i am and i would get like -1 hit. and then stuff thats completely off the wall that I could laugh at then answer. Like "do you like drinking milk upside down?"

Did you know about the cheddar slice who went to overthrow the monkey tyrant king of the moon? >_>;
Of course! Don't mess with that monkey, man!



DON'T LOOK AT ME! >_>; <_<; *Runs around randomly before falling out a window... and then flying*
*looks away from Art of Blade* Bye for now!

lillerare -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 16:11:18)

hello Swallowtail... meh sounds like a bird Pokemon name to me.
hmm... interesting. It's a pretty butterfly tho ^_^

hows life?
Tiring! But good. I'm never EVER bored.

hows forum life?
Great. I've been a lot more active now and I've met a lot of new people.

hows AQ game life?
Err... Not as good. I haven't played much (I did snugglefest of course) and I'm still at level 77. I'm trying to get the Nightmare Set. Only like a hojillion gold left to go... -_-;

hows life life?
Life life? I'm living it, that's all I can say ;)

have you ever watched Pokemon, Digimon, Metabots, Duelmasters, BeyBlade, Yu Gi Oh or B Daman?
Yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes and no in that order ^_^

have you ever watched Jetix, Nickelodeon, Cartoonnetwork or Disneychannel?
Yes to all, but Cartoon Network is the best followed by Nick and the other two.

what do you think of Mice?
They're cute and tiny ^_^

Not as cute... and used in some of my lab experiments...

Awww! Squirreley! <3

Soft and likes to roll in the dust :3

Sort of like a hamster/mouse dealy. Squirreley is better.

whats your favourite smiley?
^_^ always ^_^

ok time for a joke question hope youre ready.
I dunno... I hope so *crosses fingers*

did you become a AK rigth away or did you be an Admin or Mod before that?
I was a regular forumer and then I became an AK. Admins and Mods are above me. *looks away from Mods and Admins in their shining glory*

cant think of anymore torture errrrrr i mean questions maybe il come back bye.
lol ^_^ if you can come back whenever you like.

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 16:28:11)

Wow, quite an influx of new staff. Congrats!
Thank you Aerowarrior. And I noticed that too! o_O (PS, is your name from Aerosmith? Because I know someone who has a shirt that says "Aero Force One" from an Aerosmith concert.)

What is your favorite (in AQ)...

Blade of Awe... cause it really is awesome ^_^

Werepyre form OR Gaurdian Ice Dragon Armor. Both are really good.

Golden. It took me forever to get... I actually got it like the week before it went away forever... and it was worth it.

Daimyo :3 He's so cute and I use him almost every battle.

I like it when you can have an NPC as a guest. I usually take E or Galanoth.

Heal Wounds... it's the only one I ever use. =Þ

Arkiloth is way cool... I mean hot... I think.

Artix. He's so cool! And his character looks handsome ^_^

Do you play zardwars?
Yes! I liked it.

If so, what's your favorite weapon there?
I think I was using the Pzycho Blade a lot.

Do you have any pets?
In real life? Yes.

If so, please specify species, name, age, and breed.
I have a canis domisticus and the subspecies is Cocker Spaniel. She's going to be 12, her name is Sandi and is sooo cute ^_^ I also have 2 parakeets, which I can't find the species name of. They're both about a year old and I named the blue one Melon (I'm crazy too) and my mom named the white one Teeso.

Awsome editing colour you got there, it really stands out.
Thank you ^_^ I love green.

Well, I'll leave you to answering some of the other questions that you have. Bye!
Thanks. Come back any time.

Suikoman444 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 17:18:51)

Hi Swallowtail :)
Hello Suikoman! Good to see you ^_^

Favorite Color?
...Green of course :D

Favorite game (Videogame or otherwise)?
Of all time? Final Fantasy VII. I beat that game 100% and got EvErY item, limit, spell and beat all the bosses. and had all my characters at level 99 o_O

Favorite movie or TV show?
hmm... For now, my favorite show is the Office (the British version, not American) but I also LOVE Family Guy and the Simpsons.

If you could be any animal what would you be?
I've often asked myself the same question... I would love to be like, a dolphin, but I think I'd rather like to fly more than be at the beach/ocean my whole life. I guess maybe like an eagle or a hawk. Something at the top of the food chain, but also able to fly.


Ryu_Dragon_King -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 17:31:41)

*waves* Hello Ryu.

Bet you haven't seen me around.All I've done here is write Upon Wings, We Fly. Check it out sometime!
Indeed I have seen you and your story. I'm always lurking in the Story Writing section ;)

How's life treating you?
Pretty good. I'm always busy and I work a lot of hours, but everything's going well, thanks ^_^

You have any pets? (In real life, of course)
Indeed I do. A doggie (an old doggie) and 2 parakeets.

Swallowtail, eh? I believe there was a song called Sswallowtail, wasn't there?
Why, yes. Yes there is. I know of one by a band called Finger 11.

It was a good one, forgot the artist though.
(See above, it's an older song too!)

Well, bye New AK!
Bye ^_^


Eternal Chaos -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 18:27:15)

Jambo, Swallowtail (Means Hello)! I know you've probably never even seen me before (because I never post in this Forum) but I feel that I need to get to know you either way, regardless of whether or not I use this board frequently or not. I love it when I stumble across these Meet the ArchKnights Sessions - they're lots of fun! (And you can trust that I'll be back in a few days too). Random questions, coming right up!
Aloha Chaos ^_^ I know, I like the meet the AK threads too. I may have seen you around, but in truth, I know the people in Legends in Lore the best. But that's why I like these threads; I get to know people i wouldn't normally.

1) What is your favorite music genre? Why so?
I guess I like rock. That would have to be because I like the way it makes me feel. Some of the more melodic songs can make me feel really calm. Some of the harder songs make me feel better when I'm sad or angry and the really fast songs make me feel alive and ready to actually do stuff.

2) Do you play any sports? If so, what?
I used to be in sports when I was in high scool and elementary school. I was on the basketball team (because I was tall) and I did track all through high school... I threw shot put o_O And I'm not a big/muscley girl either, that sport is all technique. Now, I just ride my bike for fun and I'd like to learn how to snowboard.

3) Do you have any hobbies in particular (besides story writing, AQ, etc.)?
I can't say story writing? Do'h. I'm actually learning how to knit right now :3 And I like to doodle on my papers.

4) I will guess that you find some kind of interest in anime (Japanese Animation). I know I'm judging quite bluntly (I judge by your avatar) but if you like anime, what are types that you like in particular?
I do indeed like anime. I love Cowboy Bebop (I own the entire series and the movie), Trigun (which I'd like to own) and Inuyasha. I like all the action-y ones with some comedy. I don't have much access to it, since Blockbuster doesn't carry much so I really just watch what's on Cartoon Network.

5) What did you say when Reens attempted to abduct you?
Abduct me? As... like an AK? I said "holy cow!"

6) You just searched 'cute anime' on the internet and found that? It looks cute...I thought it was from some anime series.
It could be lol! I wish I knew what it was from. I love the way it looks.

7) You're 21 and you call yourself old, eh? And to think I called myself old today and I'm only fourteen...
Haha! You know, when I was in high school my friends called me gramma. I think I just act old alot... Maybe it's because of the amount of responsibility I have with school and my work...

8) Which is your favorite book in the Chronicles of Narnia series?
It's hard to pick! I really liked Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but then again, the Last Battle and the Silver Chair were good too. I guess that'd be the top three.

9) Do you enjoy reading books? If so, what is your favorite genre?
I do like to read. It's relaxing. I think fantasy is my favorite genre... I also like a book about biology or science thats kind of told like a story (ex, Mean Genes and Beak of the Finch)

10) The weather is bad over there? We are having a week of showers and thunderstorms...to think, it's only going to be sunny on Saturday, and then when Sunday comes back it's showers for us in California again.
Lucky ;) It's very cold here. We don't have much snow, but it's snowing and cold here.

Well I think I might be back for another round of random questions...but until then...*snuggles* :3
Okay, come back whenever you like ^_^ *resnuggles*

Golden Dragon -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 19:09:06)

What? I like to look around.
I like to look up and down. ^_^

Huh... whowhat now?

What's up?
The ceiling, a light, the crawl space in my house, clouds, the sky, stars, planets and the universe. There's prolly more too ;)

Of the earth? 4.6 billion years. Of me? only 21 ^_^

er...man I can't think straight, can you?
Never. *thinks in a squiggley line*

Hi. (lol)
Howdy ^_^ heehee

I feel so tired. Don't you feel tired sitting on your behind staring at legend and lore all day long? xD
I'm tired too. And I'm not there all day, just a lot. I'm at school all morning and I work at least 3 nights a week usually from 5 to midnight. All that makes me tired ^_^

Well good for you.
Lol. Thanks. Stop by and say hi any time Golden.

Bye byes.

Metal -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 19:21:55)

:D Hi Swallowtail!
Hi Metal-y! I'm sorry I missed your thread :'(


So, you've been asked just about every question, huh?
Yeah, but I think I'll hear some more... I hope :D

Did you have a title before you were AK? I didn't see you alot, and the times I did I probably wasn't paying attention.
Yeah, I don't think I saw you much either before we were promoted. My title was "creative" *beams with creative pride*

I'll keep it short because I know how it feels to edit 7 pages of posts :P
Awww. That's because you're popular and loveable ^_^

Bye :)

Deer Crossing -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 20:40:53)

Hey there Swallowtail.
Hello Deer Crossing ^_^

What is your favorite thing to write about?
Favorite thing to write about? Hmmm... I guess it would be things that actually happen to people. Like fights with family members, losing friends, love, finding yourself... but disguised in another type of story.

I guess I like to make people up like Rosalyn. I like writing about her ^_^. If I had to pick a person to write about, I might pick one of the rulers of ancient India (like Asoka--pronounced ah-SHOW-kah) they had some really cool lives. Or maybe Darwin.. I'd like to write a fiction about him... you know mixing science and fiction... but not really science fiction... yeah...

??? I think you mean like genre? Fantasy. It's easier to write fantasy than anything else... For other genres you have to check facts and make sure you're not making stuff up and whatnot.

Back for more later.
I'll be looking forward to it.

subdivision -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 21:06:44)

*hugs very tightly* Hello subdivision-man!

Um...can't really think of anything to ask, but I couldn't not post in your thread. ^_^
Awwww ^_^ well thank you for visiting <3

shippo13400 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 21:10:54)

Hey it's the ebil hamster's first time in the "meet the AK" threads (Thats me by the way)
Ebil? You seem nice to me, shippo ^_^

OK bare with me, im gona ask you some random questions
I can deal with that :D

for storys do you like action or romance?
Both =Þ I like to have a good balance so that a good group of people are interested in reading it... and for my own reading enjoyment... both as well. I can't read a romance novel (too trashy!) and straight up action is a little too much for me.

Dogs or cats?
Definitely dogs! But kitty face :3

Oh yeah before i forget Hi
Oh! That's right! Hello!

why is the sky blue?
It's not always blue ;) the scientific reason is because the atmosphere is absorbing all the other colors, but reflects blue light back to you so it appears blue. When the sun is lower in the sky, the angle of incoming light is different allowing your eye to see all different colors of the spectrum. Plus, its so pretty! ^_^

whats 8943780783708 + 111111111111?

these questions random enough for you?
Never wahaha!

Too bad im just getting started n_n

ummmm when i think of one that is...
That's ok. My mind wanders off without me, too som.... hey look at that thing!

have you take a look at my story yet............I havn't been able to update it to often, been busy.
Meh, don't worry. I take a hojillion years to update mine :P And I have read some of it, just not the whole thing yet. It looks good so far. I like the name Icarus by the way. It reminds me of Kid Icarus, the game for Nintendo. Oh, and Greek mythology of course.

if not: heres a random link to my story
I'll hang on to that link.

ummmm ok im out of questions i'll be back though with more random questions
Cool. I enjoy random ^_^

bye bye
So long *waves*

Grafh -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 21:12:56)

*snuggles Swallowtail*
Awww ^_^ *resnuggles Grafh*

Welcome the the madness of being a Archknight.
Thank you... and its not TOTAL madness... sort of. and it helps that I'm already a little crazy.

Figured I stop by and say hi, because we never really talk to eachother.
I know! I've seen you around, but we don't run in the same forum circles, I guess ;P I'm glad you came to visit. It made me smile :)

Take it easy, don't let the crazies get to you.
I'll try ;) And bye the way, I've always liked your avy and title.

*Bysnuggle* :)
*hug* Bye ^_^

sususus -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 21:34:05)

Hello Swallowtail.
Bonjour sususus

You remember me dont you?
Of course! ^_^

What do you think of my story so far?
I like it so far. It made me smile a few times ;)

What do you do other than being an AK?
I work. A lot! And I go to school. Other than that, I write, do a LOT of homework, hang out with friends, go to concerts, and sleep! How I love sleep...

Lucas or Peter Jackson?
Definitely Peter Jackson. I love Star Wars, but episodes 1-3 were just aweful.

Lucas or Tolkien?
Tolkien. His work is just so... I dunno. I guess more appealing to me.

Tolkien of Peter Jackson?
How did you know I would pick both of them? Tolkien. Both are masters of their work, but I like works of writing better than directing-ness.

LOTR or Star Wars?
Hmmm... That's hard. If we're talking about the original 3 (episodes 4-6) then Star Wars. If its star wars as a whole, then LOTR wins.

Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
Fantasy. Although sci-fi makes better movies or TV related dealies.

Artix or Galanoth?
Artix <3 He's handsom-er. We're talking about AQ people here, not the REAL Artix/Galanoth. Sorry Galanoth, I just can't tell what you look like with that helmet on ;)

SCAKK or Wallo?
I can't choose between 2 real people. I like them both ^_^

Spork Goddess or Pae?
See above

WestWind or Pzycho?
See above... above ;)

Zorbak or Kabroz?
Hmmm... Zorbak. I had him as a guest in ArchKnight and he's cool. I mean... ebil...

Is Twig Ultimate EVIL!?
OMG! yes!! ;))

Is Twilly?
Naw, Twilly is a sweetie.

Why Does Twilly always smile?
He knows something we don't <_< >_> I think it's because he's the one who hides all the treasure chests in the woods for Artix so he knows where they all are and which ones are booby-trapped or not. And then he can watch adventurers blow themselves and laugh. Hmmm...

Why is Twig addicted to Fish and Ice Cream?
Well... the ice cream is self explainatory ;) As for fish, once he was trapped in an aquarium by some fish who picked on him for 3 days! When he escaped, he got his revenge by eating all the fish he could.

That is enough...for now*cue scary music*
*A Night on Bald Mountain plays* (look it up and listen to it if you've never heard it, its scary). Bye!

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 21:36:03)

Hey! It's Me, The <Chuck Norris Burninator!!!> Ph34r Me!
I would fear.... Ph34r some one who could burinate Chuck Norris!

I like you, so I feel I must warn you of the post that is to come.
Thanks, I'm semi-ready!

Now, in Meet the < Awesome Kindlyones (you know, AK's!) > tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???
Yea.... NO!

Lets Begin!!

Favorite Color?
Green ^_^

Favorite Food?
Dark chocolate *drools*

Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?

Favorite Type of Music?
Rock. Classical or otherwise.

Favorite Band?
As of this minute, A Perfect Circle. However, that could change depending on my mood.

Favorite Song?
3 Libras (It's a very beautiful song, if you've never heard it before)


*For the Next part, it is which is your favorite*
It is? I mean... of course it is!

Purple or Tuna Fish?
Tuna fish when it's purple

"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
Oohhh!!! Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth definitely (I can't beat the one in Kingdom Hearts :()

Red or White?
Red... and definitely NOT pink.

Moogles or Demons?
Demons [sm=evil.gif]

Golden Set or Nightmare Set?
Nightmare Set... since I'll never be able to get all of the Golden... *sigh*...

Snuggle or Huggle?
huggle... but I do enjoy a good snuggle. ^_^

Vampires or Werewolves? What about Were-pyres? Vamp-wolfs?
Werewovles. I could never enjoy sucking blood ._.


If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?
Like be in charge of a class? Hmmm... I'd teach biology. Or how to be a paladin. Fighting skills and healing ability. Perfect combinatinon.

Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?
Visionary. He stood up for himself, he just did it the wrong way I suppose.

Sephiroth: Wussy or not?
No. I've always seen him as totally evil... yes evil and not ebil. And he always scared me... Poor Aeris (but why didn't they use a phoenix down? or life2??)

Favorite Final Fantasy?
VII. I've beaten that 100% I've beaten all the weapons (ruby and emerald) and gotten EVERY thing and had everyone at level 99... well except Aeris (with good reason!)

Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?
Final Fantasy 7 I guess... I also really liked Kingdom Hearts.

Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?
It depends on how much water you have to add to turn it back into regular water.

Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?
Only if used for good. Poor Bubbles... she had her hair turned into a turkey leg by meat vision.....

My Chemical Romance: Are they a Good Band?
Pretty good. I haven't heard too much by them, but I wouldn't turn them off if I was listening to them.

Have you met my evil clone, Lexa?
...no! I will have to do that. :)

Favorite Number?

Why < Swallowtail >?
It's a pretty name. And a pretty butterfly... and a pretty cool song ^_~

Favorite in Game Class?
I'm starting to really warm up to paladin.

Favorite Type of Weapon?
Swords! The bigger and sharper the better!

Favorite Weapon?
I like the BOA. If I could have it, I'd like the sword the main character in my story has.

Have you read the Radio Game?
No, sorry

If so, did you like it?
See above

Do you Like Chocobos?
Wark! I mean.. yes.

Do you Like Me?
Yes I do ^_^ *huggles*

Ever Talk to Your self?
...Yeah. A lot.

Ever PM yourself? (I did once; I sent myself a love letter)
No... I should try that. I have IMed myself, though.

Do you think I'm Crazy?
No crazier than I am @_@

Have I annoyed you yet?
It takes a LOT to annoy me.

Do you like my sig?
Hmmmm.... yes. Yes I do.

I'm done...for now *evil maniacal laughter*
Awww, well come back if you think of more!


I did warn you.
True that.

EDIT: One serious question. What do you think would be a better story to write about. Wolfwing or the Drakel?
I think Drakel... they're in my story btw *shameless plug!* You can make up a LOT with the Drakel since "not much is known about them yet..."

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/27/2006 22:29:56)

Hiya! *tries to snuggle swallowtail, passes thourgh her due to being made out of wind (sob...)*
Awww! Well, I still felt the snuggle. It was just like a breeze.

I've decided to post several more times in this therad. You see, I'm getting a tad bored with suggesitons (not much goes on there), and would like a place to practice my creative writing skillz. Could you post a few links to some inspiring stories that would get me incredibly intereste here?
Well, there are a lot of creative stories here in Legends in Lore. I'll give you the link to a few of my favorites.
A Land Beyond Battleon--Part of the Series with Vash
A Small Red Book--Short and wonderful
A Tale of TVO--I want him to finish it!
Ballad of Link and Robina--Very well written by HoW
I could find more, but these are some of my favorites. Be warned, A Land Beyond Battleon is VERY long.
Spellbound--How'd this get in here ;)
Return to Rafio--Almost complete

I read earlier that you like star wars, you should try googling Grocery Store Wars. It's a very funny parody.
Store Wars? lol. I like it already!

I take it that you attend college, what is your major?
Biology Secondary Ed with a second certification in Earth Sciences. (Meaning: I'm going to be a biology teacher in high school, but I could also teach Earth Science if I wanted to.)

Favorite element.
Earth. Not sure why, but i <3 it.

Favorite elemental Avvy?
Elemental avvy? like avatar? I'm not sure.

Do you like Santana?
He's a very skilled guitarist.

If so, have you ever heard their CD Supernatural?
I probably have, I just don't remember. I'm sure I enjoyed it.

If so, what do you think of the track "Put your lights on (feat. Everlast)"
I don't remember to be honest.

Just kinda wondering, did you replace anyone, or did the staff just decide that they needed a new AK?
Well, Tharg Bloodaxe used to be the AK for Legends in Lore, but he resigned :( I'm sad that he's not an AK, but I'm happy I am...


From my first post:
Aero: Wow, quite an influx of new staff. Congrats!
Swallowtail: Thank you Aerowarrior. And I noticed that too! o_O (PS, is your name from Aerosmith? Because I know someone who has a shirt that says "Aero Force One" from an Aerosmith concert.)

Actually, it's a very long, and pointless story that has to do with my screen name and a buggy computer ^_^
Lol! Well... Now I know.

I find these meet the ak things to be very interesting. Most of the time that you interact with mods, it's just diciplinary stuff. Have you posted in any before?
Yeah. I wanted to try to get hugged by all the mods/AKs, but I kept forgetting to post lol! I think I did it for Dadric and spellfire and I'm not sure who else :P I love these threads... which is why I'm so excited that I get one ^_^

Which would you say is your most frequented board other than Legends and Lore?
Probably the OOC room. I used to have my "Ideas and help in Romance" thread... ah, those were the days...

Have you ever tried playing Lore Alpha?
No... I'll have to check it out! I lied. I went to try it out and i HAVE played that before.

Try casting a spell, you'll see that Maisons icy Hell is the only option, but, alas, it does nothing. If you had to write a small blurb on what it would do, and how it was leant, what would it be?
You can only learn it by traveling to the top of Mount Zeda in the North. You'll need to search for the scroll on which the spell is written of course, putting your body through a frozen, hellish ordeal. The original wizard who designed the spell, as you will see when you open the scroll was Maison. He enchanted the scroll so that it can never leave the room in the cavernous mountain where you found it, so you need to memorize it. Once you try it, you realize why it's called icy hell. As you summon an ice demon, you can feel the heat being sucked away from the entire room and remember the torture you went through to get the scroll. Smoke, which is so cold that it freezes anything that comes in contact with, surrounds your opponent as the ice demon cackles and stabs the victim with it's icy spear. (If the enemy is weak enough, it merely shatters.)

Well, that's all I can think of for now. See you in a page or two :-D
Okay! Thanks for making me work *points up*

eagle88 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/28/2006 0:54:10)

Hello Swallowtail ^_^ *Squawks in joy*
Hello Lucky Eagle ^_^

Any truth to the rumor that us avians are taking over the world ;)
Shh! We can't let it out to every.... I mean... no?

So, which movie score Composer do you like best? (A few examples: John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer)
I like Danny Elfman. He's done a lot of work.

Which score or song in a movie have you found to be the most powerful in your estimation?
Well... I never really thought too much into it when I'm watching movies and such... but I guess the music in the Lion King when Simba's daddy dies :'(

Now, the Comedic singers: Who is your favorite one? (examples: Al Yankovic, Tom Lehrer, Luke Ski, Steven Goodie, Spike Jones)
Weird Al by far. He's so funny!

And lastly- fishing, hunting or spelunking ^_^
Spelunking. I always wanted to go through caves.

Ok, I'm off- fly well Swallowtail!!!
I certainly will my lucky Eagle :D See you soon.

Rift -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/28/2006 1:19:45)

Hiya Swallow!
Hello Piggy :3

speak spanish?
Yes a little.
Habla espanol?
Si, un poco.

do you like pie?
Mmmm. Who doesn't enjoy a good pie? I also enjoy pi. It tastes like math.

Wanna know what the G in my name stands for?
Grande? Great? Groovy? Gregarious? Yes...

like comedy movies/stories?
Yeah. Anything that can make me laugh is a good thing ^_^

Bye ^_^
Bye now!

kingsam2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/28/2006 7:36:32)

Hello! Now, for the most random questions you've ever seen! *thinks hard*
Hi Sammy ^_^

Huggle or snuggle?
Huggle! But I enjoy snuggling.

Digital watches or the tick-tick watches?
Tick-tick ones. They are usually prettier.

Favourite year of your life?
Every year :3 I dunno. I think 16 was good.

^_^ or :3?
If I HAD to pick... ^_^

Toothpaste or mouthwash?
Toothpaste... it makes you feel cleaner.

Fish and Chips or Pizza?
Fish and chips... I like fish-eh.

Pizza or Dish and Chips?
dish? hmmm... I'll go with pizza on this one.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
The same sound a tree falling in the woods makes when there is no one there to hear it.

Would you rather be killed by bricks or feathers? (Personally, neither.)
Feathers... suffocating might hurt less than pounding with bricks.

Squares or circles?
It's hip to be a square!

Here's a hard couple! A test or two to see if you can remember anything we've talked about:
*thinks...* o no! i have no short term memory!

Are my neighbors EBIL or not so ebil?
I'm pretty sure they are EBIL

Do I have blue, green or brown eyes?
Blue? I know you have brown hair...

I once mispelt an Australian constellation. What was the mispell?
No clue... I'm sorry.

I can't remember anything else about the billion random subjects I have talked incessantly about. Back to ye olde random questions.
Ok phew!

Monkeys or Chimpanzees?
Monkeys! (loooong story)

Would you rather tomato sauce or mustard?
Tomato sauce... (ketchup?)

That's about it then. If I say too much more my head will explode. With all these questions, you'll have a hard enough time without me typing all 2567 like I had planned. Oh well. Another day!
Lol. Ok. Well come and add the rest later.

Goodbye for now! *goodbye shnuggle*
awww ^_^ byeee!

winged_slayer32 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (2/28/2006 7:43:08)

hello!! this is me flying down.. *crashes* ow.
*picks up winged slayer* you ok?

Why, thank you ^_^

wallo or 1wingangel?
I like them both the same.

have you heard of rice?
As in food? Yep. It tastes yummy.

what am i supposed to do if i am addicted to rice.... *drools*
Um... well, it's actually a good thing for you to be addicted to. I'd say, eat it with every meal... as long as you're having other stuff with it ;)

you are married right? if you are, would you be happy to see your children get married in the future..???
Nope. I'm old, but not old enough to be married yet. If I ever have childred when I grow up I'd be very happy to see them get married.

are you from australia?
Nope. America.

well, i have been writing a story based on this message forum and star wars style.... but i have been a bit lax due to.. *stares at a big bundle of homework* what to do?
Lol! I know exactly how that feels. Trust me, getting your homework done is a priority. Then when you have some spare time and have built up some ideas for your story, get it all down on paper. Don't worry about turning out chapters every day, just try to work at your own pace, keep the story the way you like it and work on it until its completed the way you like it.

hate or love children?
It depends. I would normally say that I love children, but when people bring their kids into my work I don't :P I guess I love them when they're not screaming and behaving badly.

babies are cute aren;t they.....?
Yes! ^_^ Did you know that babies are meant to be cute? Parents want to keep cute things (this goes for all animals)... its a survival mechanism.

well, what was the inspiration for your user? mine was because i happened to like.. wings.
I was looking for a good nick name while going through some cds and found the song Swallowtail. It just sort of sounded nice and I decided to keep it. I was almost Sleeping Beauty.

how do you get the inspirations for your story?
I don't know... I mean I don't go outside and look at scenery or anything... I just kind of get ideas. I guess when I need inspiratino I'll read other stories or just sort of picture my characters in my mind and wonder what they would say or do. If I think of something funny or sad or good, I try to think of ways to put that into my story.
well to sum up with the last question. do you like school?

this is winged slayer, signing off!!
Ok! Thanks for stopping by!

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