Buck -> RE: Suggested AQ Items which have been implemented into the game (5/11/2006 21:12:36)
I made a suggestion a while ago that seems similar to the current paladin v. necro war. I didn't repost it after the SB wipe, but after a bit of searching, I did find an old backup copy on my computer. quote:
Staff should let players choose to fight on different sides of a war and this way determine the prize. This would increase player interest beyond fighting a repetitive mass of monsters. For example, run simultaneous vampire and were-wolf only wars. Let the vampires fight one war, the were-wolfs another, and give whoever reaches their kill count first the bragging rights and the war prize. This is as close to PvP as you can get – you simply insert a third party (the kill count) between the two. Staff has made wars which you have to finish by a certain time if you want to receive the prize. This is similar to my idea, but I think Vampires v Werewolves is more interesting than Players v Time. Update: several people have asked about were-pyres. They would either be unable to participate, or else should be able to fight on either side at their discretion. They would not be able to fight on their own because of logistics (read post #13 to understand why) (Thanks to Kalanyr) But you don’t need the wars to be Sub-race based. They could be fought over just about anything! Immediate possibilities include: Build-based: Let Robina, Blackhawke, and Warlic all lead war-camps in a three-pronged attack upon a common target. If the fighters reach the chest first, staff releases a melee weapon. If the rangers win the war, staff releases a ranged weapon. If the mage camp wins, a magic weapon. Class-armor based: Drocomancers v. Dragonslayers. Cyrus and Galanoth each lead an attack against a horde of evil dragons. Whichever camp reaches the boss first gets the bragging rights and (when the item is permanent) a new item in their class shop. If temporary, then the war chest is accessed in the winning camp only, or (alternatively) released to both camps, but with a slight price differences. *The one NPC sells the chest contents to the other NPC with a markup, perhaps? Accompanied with a few appropriate comments?* (Thanks to MADemocrat) Element based: Light v. dark, for example. Finally, a chance to use those spiffy dark weapons! Let Artix and Zorbak be the war guests, and find out if those Zorbak supporters are as ebil as they say they are! Base the weapon, armor, shield, or pet release on the winning element. Mob based: You can choose to fight dragons, undead, Zards, or golems. Staff releases a new monster based upon which group of MOBs is beaten first, or, alternatively, is NOT beaten. The rewards don’t have to be dramatic, because winning the war is a reward in itself. My central idea is subjective: give options, instead of a single goal. You increase interest and rivalry when you split the players against each other. I also think that this would lower the rate of game inflation because staff can give out modest war rewards, while maintaining (and probably increasing) player interest. If the war featured a mob release, this would even counter inflation! Anyway, I think this is a simple way to make wars far more interesting. If you have any comments or suggestions, please post them and I will incorporate them into my suggestion. I would especially 'preciate some feedback from the GC, since they are the intermediaries between the players and staff. Never received any. And they're gone now, anyway. :P Someone could have easily come up with this idea independantly on their own, and since my suggestion has been off the boards for a while, I would prefer confirmation before claiming credit. I am mostly just happy that staff is making their wars more interesting.