RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (Full Version)

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Crimson dragon -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 2:44:57)

try giving the dynamic txt box this var:_root.score
yay im all happy cuz i helped sum1 lol

Zoltan -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 3:13:38)

Yeah, when I was first doing variable text, I would use _root.score.text = 10; and just name it in the properties inspector, not naming it the variable.

Crimson dragon -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 9:05:16)

*sigh* yet another question lol.
how can i do stats? i have no idea so i source code would help, but ill read the code as well

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 18:57:15)

wait, zoltan , what version of flash do u have?
and if u have mx, can u do the score thing? ive tried all the methods and none work,I GIVE UP! i cant do it!

Zoltan -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 19:26:19)

Crimson dragon: Are you asking a question, because that scentence is kinda vauge

mathus the seconth: I have mx2004, what was your question, with a good explination.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/7/2006 21:06:16)

Zoltan: I'll try to explain this clearly:
_root.score.text is a textField, right?
everything in a textField belong to the string datatype, even number(number datatype:1, 2, 32, 2.354...) and boolean(boolean datatype: true or false)
so it's not a very good way to add number in a string, and it can cause problems, like this one:

you may think that _root.score.text is now 30, but you're wrong. in Flash, the string takes advantage when we use the "+" operator
so now _root.score.text is "1020", which makes a big difference.
what I suggest is that you put the score in a variable, myScore, that have a value of 0 (a number!), everytime the score changes, do
(10 is just an exemple, change the number if you want), then change the textField's value:

number+number=number, string+number=string
hope you understand[;)]

Zoltan -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 1:31:35)

Umm, *coughs* were you trying to explain that to someone else or me.... cause I allready know....

Crimson dragon -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 3:18:13)


how can i do stats? i have no idea so i source code would help, but ill read the code as well

Yes that is a do you do stats for a rpg lol.....

The_suggester_xlk -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 16:36:03)

hey how do i make movement without it selecting everything like i only want it to select a fist but i selects everything

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 16:42:09)

You have to put the thing you want to move on a seperate layer.
crimson: That's one of the oldest thing in the book! var/_global/_root/char/_parent/etc.stat = your stat goes here;. If you want to put the stats into a battle system, you have to figure out some math equation to tell the damage.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 16:43:17)

yay, a non actionscript question, *cough* i'll take it from here somebody (who doesn't pwn graphics questions as much as blue does BLUE PWNS ALL GRAPHICS QUESTIONS MWHAHAHA)

ok, first of all if you want to select the fist take the box selection tool and capture all of the fist (which includes parts surrounding it) then hold down shift and select the parts you DONT want until you have only the fist remaining.
2) right click and cut the fist out of the picture and make a new layer above the first one
3) paste in place on the 2nd layer,
4) convert both frames to motion tween frames
TIP) if you want to edit the picture of either object (fist, body) that is in the tween, you MUST double click the object and edit it there
TIP cont'd) to go back just press the "scene 1 "button at the top of the timeline next to the sign "tween 1"

Crimson dragon -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 16:51:00)

riiiigggghhht...ok thanks someone (i think thats your name i forgot lol), that will help!
lol ran out of questions yay

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 17:05:41)

Lol. And i'll take it from there.
If the fist is a vector graphic, first turn it into an MC.
Tip cont'd cont'd) You can also use right click>edit to edit it by itself without the lighter stuff in the background, however remember that the MC will show how it was before you stretched it, flipped it, changed color, etc.
first part of lil boi blue's post. Or just click directly onto the fist.
Edit:I can now expect to be whipped by lil boi blue.
Crimson:It's somebody. =P

The_suggester_xlk -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 17:42:31)

thanks yall yay Go naruto punch that bad guy lol! thanks

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 17:56:37)

somebody deserves a whip'n, cum ier boa

2 minutes to make lol

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/8/2006 20:08:27)

LOL!!! that's cool...(just joking...)
somebody: I find out that a chatroom can't work without a server or a server-side language
the tutorial on shows us the Java code as a server(Apache), and not JSP(which use Java language)
Java is more stable and faster, but it's possible to create chatroom with only PHP, ASP or JSP(learning PHP and forgetting ASP right About multiplayer game, I don't know

The_suggester_xlk -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/10/2006 16:15:00)

oh yust one problem lbb which one is the box tool do you think you could send me a screenshot of it with a circle around

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/10/2006 16:29:37)

does anyone know a good tutorial for creating a chatroom with Flash and PHP?
I searched google but I can't find a thing

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/10/2006 17:19:50)

I have ANOTHER question... i figured out i needed more experience to make my game, so i made a simpler prototype:
so... i wanna know how you make it go to frame 2 when the timer reaches 60.

I already tried:
if (time.text = 60) {

here is my photobucket so u can see my work:

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/10/2006 17:51:05)

Do not use time.text. Instead, store the variable as a number variable. You already know that text is stored in a string. Also remember, for dynamic textboxes, you can always use the var box.
Also, when checking for equivalance, use if(blablabla == blabla){. = is for setting objests, and == is for checking for equivalance, (and === is for strict equivalance, but i generally don't use this).

Flsg:I have a tutorial for a shoutbox with mySQL. Kinda stretching it though.

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/13/2006 14:06:05)

no, that doesnt work.

LBB or zoltan, i know u know this, how do you make "guy" play a walkcycle when key "LEFT or RIGHT" is down?

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/13/2006 20:23:21)

I'm tired of people just asking for direct code, most likely without even trying themselves. We all know how to use the Key.isDown method. Also, there are gotoAndPlay examples on the front. Your logic a little off if your code did not work with the previous example. before did not work. The output box is put there for a reason.

mathus the seconth -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/14/2006 2:22:22)

every time i come to ask a question here is because i have tried all i know, i tried:

onClipEvent (load) { 
moveSpeed = 19; 
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { 
if (Key.isDown (Key.RIGHT)) { 
this._x += moveSpeed; 

just give me another idea

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/14/2006 10:20:57)

you know, you could use onKeyDown instead of enterframe, like this:
//put this code on the main frame:
//put moveSpeed on _global instead of _root
    //use _global instead of _root

the onKeyDown event happen if a key is pressed

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A thread 2 ** checked everyday (4/14/2006 11:07:16)

You forgot one of the most obvious things. Actually look at the output box. You forgot the }.

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