Little Me (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Little Me (4/1/2006 0:48:49)

Little Me

Price: N/A
Level: 0
Sellback: N/A
Location: April Fool's 2006 - Save Twilly (Rescue Twilly Quest)

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 45

Fire: 98%
Water: 98%
Wind: 98%
Ice: 98%
Earth: 98%
Energy: 98%
Light: 98%
Darkness: 98%

75% Base and Random, 30% BTH + a hit of one of the following
"You're in trouble now!" 25% Base and Random, 90% BTH, Ranged Fire
"I'm gonna get you now, ugly face!" 50% Base and Random, 60% BTH, Ranged Light
"Get away from me, you dumb-head!" 25% Base and Random, 90% BTH, Ranged Wind
"That isn't very nice!" 50% Base and Random, 60% BTH, Ranged Light
"Meany butt!" 75% Base and Random, 60% BTH, Ranged Wind


Rarity from OmniGuardian.

Suikoman444 -> Little Me (4/1/2006 0:54:43)

Little Me

«Fully Defensive Energy armor with an accurate lean. Does an additional damage due to the random elements.»

Location: April Fool's 2006 - Save Twilly
Element: Energy
Level	100
PowLvl	100

Price	N/A
Sell	N/A
Melee	47
Ranged	47
Magic	47 
Fire	82
Water	120
Wind	95
Ice	95
Earth 	82
Energy	52
Light 	95
Dark	82 
Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	377.8
Stat%	717.8
BTH	17 
SKILL - Insult!$
Hits: 1
Type: Ranged if your weapon is Melee or Ranged; Magic otherwise.
Element: Random, see effect.
BR%	815.8
Stat%	775
BTH	17

SPCost	194 
NOTE: This is treated as a normal player attack, respects your weapon special and gets weapon-based effects. Uses CHA instead of MainStat for damage and BTH. Magic weapons get an additional *4/3 of the listed BR%. It gets a reduced SP cost as elemental compensation. You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SP cost.$$

  • You receive Armor Lean x0.8.
  • Skill's element is randomly chosen between Fire, Wind and Light. It also gains an additional damage multiplier based on the pop up you get when using it.
    • Fire: 100% damage*
    • Wind: 75% damage**
    • Wind: 125% damage***
    • Light: 75% damage+
    • Light: 125% damage++
    $Use your weapon to hurt your foe (and its feelings)! Uses CHA and DEX for stats. Cost 194 SP.
    $$You need 194 SP to call forth that power!
    *You're in trouble now!!
    **Get away from me, you dumb-head!!
    ***Meany butt!!!
    +I'm gonna get you now, ugly face!!
    ++That isn't very nice!!!

    You were so cute when you were little... cute, but dangerous.


    Numbers and description thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to afterlifex. Image thanks to Kalle29. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	100
    PowLvl	100
    BR%	400
    Stat%	760
    BTH	12
    The normal attack gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

    Insult deals *2 BR% if your weapon is Melee or Ranged, and *2*4/3 BR% if it's Magic. Additionally it gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. It also deals *325/301 damage due to the random elements.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    April 1, 2006: The armor was released.
    ???, 2006: The armor became rare.
    March 28, 2014: The armor was updated.

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