B-day specials (e.e now i really am up and moving...) (Full Version)

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wolfythegreat -> B-day specials (e.e now i really am up and moving...) (4/20/2006 22:07:25)

I need every one's B-Day. Sorry but now this is just for other people's reference...maybe not even that...I don't have time to update it...
zoenadam: 4th
rockerswild: 10th
Encore: 12th
nteal: 13th
bootz: 16th
Eddie12390: 24th
!?: 30th

CaMoFlage 1334: 2nd
Halo Shinobi: 3rd
Driger89: 9th
Andrew A.: 13th
Wolfythegreat: 13th
_AcOlYtiC_: 30th

VampireHSS: 4th
Zero Hex: 25th
Morgoth: 26th
aaronjc: 30th

deathslayer41: 6th
nickytan: 10th
Afina: 28th
Alexcool: 28th
sela29: 29th
Tarnak: 29th
Dr@gon: 30th
John Anderson Smith: 30th

Mavric: 2nd
Nickwright: 2nd
X~Zaros~X: 4th
MistNinja: 6th
Sabre: 8th
Jimip: 8th
Dream: 13th
rsmichael: 14th
drakel masta!: 17th
Ninja 293: 17th
Moriku 1133: 20th
smartix90: 22nd
Dilbert201: 30th

lalala person: 6th
TheShadowed1: 7th
Mobuis: 16th
englishippie: 21st
_Depression: 25th
DwD: 29th

Kereo Takana: 1st
jimboj: 1st
Tkill93: 1st
Blind: 2nd
ktt8400: 2nd
Bramble: 3rd
xxXxx: 5th
PhantasmicPhorces: 10th
Skilledplayer69: 16th
JJ_Legend: 17th
bartman101: 22nd
Wingnut: 23rd
Monty: 24th
Infernoheaven: 25th
fsdfgs: 28th

T@G: 8th
chickenbakeok: 9th
kr_mag: 11th
ReddShadow: 12th
Splinter123: 12th
The Invictor: 15th
Sunjeet: 16th
Flameboy17: 17th
independence quiad!!: 19th
~~~Kali~~~: 21st
lordheadbanger: 21st
_sephiroth_: 23rd
_Nicknack_: 25th
Sir Chatalot: 25th
Deemahnik: 28th

Goodrun: 7th
Shadow of the Night: 9th
wu218: 10th
Mr. Zarnac: 11th
althorne: 15th
Cloud_Strife: 15th
Phenna: 17th
TarVanimelde: 20th
UChihaSteven: 31st

Big Boy: 1st
hernan: 1st
Red Hawk: 5th
Taylor R: 10th
SCAKK: 15th
darklord517: 16th
MAF1A: 16th
darkrethal: 17th
Zorbaks brother: 20th
Andrew5a: 28th
Kiki: 28th
VampireSlayer2: 28th

****: 2nd
Dark Gaurdian: 2nd
Navineous: 2nd
aNyThInG: 20th
Drakosin: 18th
TMD: 20th
swenn: 23rd
dragonblader: 26th
=Max=: 30th

Vampragonkid: 4th
Ironized: 6th
.Passion//: 13th
maw03: 21st
I.Char: 24th
Bluemanrocks: 29th
JakeVasher: 31st

nolraitru -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:09:32)

December 24th (yes, I'm not joking)

This is a good idea ^_^

wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:10:27)

thx ;P

Firemoon -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:10:58)

.............no september eh? lol well once you do add it put me up for september 9th!

wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:11:48)

oops!!! i'll do that...[&o]

xxXxx -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:14:19)

[:D] Hope you will remember me

July 5th (right after the 4th :o)

wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:17:04)

i won't forget ;P <--yes i like to use this smiley...

.:Monty:. -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:18:14)


wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:31:02)

7 is july right?

.Heads -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:36:22)


wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/20/2006 22:38:20)


chickenbakeok -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 0:35:23)

august 9th

Darklord517 -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 1:36:20)

October 16th.

independence quiad!! -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 3:32:34)

august 19th yay im 16

FuNkEy MoNkEy -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 7:03:25)

november 26
long way to go till number 14

Big Boy -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 8:46:25)

octomber 1 :D
it better be a good gift :D

VampireHSS -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 9:28:55)

VampireHSS: 4th March.
Drakosin: 18th November.

.Heads -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 10:38:50)


ORIGINAL: wolfythegreat


Doesn't really matter for almost a year, but very well, 3/26.

JJ_Legend -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 11:00:07)

Mine is July 17th xD Thanks

wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 14:33:37)

thx all for participating.
Big boy: It will be cuse that's the same B-Day as my bro.

ktt8400 -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 14:50:47)

2nd july

VampireHSS -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 15:03:13)

Drakosin is 18th November, not March.

wolfythegreat -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 15:22:42)

oops i'll fix that.

Zero Hex -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 16:48:49)

March 25th. :D I shall be 15 then. xD

Splinter123 -> RE: B-day specials (4/21/2006 16:52:01)

Great idea! mine is August 12th [:)]

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