Suikoman444 -> Holy Paladin Guard (5/15/2006 20:05:54)
Holy Paladin Guard Also see Consecrated Paladin Guard, Blessed Paladin Guard, Purified Paladin Guard, Exalted Paladin Guard Level: 70 Power Level: 70 Price: 5,235 Gold Sellback: 2,617 Gold Location: Edge of Extinction / Paladin Class Shop Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +7 Ranged: +7 Magic: +7 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: 0% Water: 0% Wind: 0% Ice: 0% Earth: 0% Energy: 0% Light: -17% Darkness: -17% TRIGGER If Paladin is your active class or you are wearing Paladin Class armor, this shield gains +3 to all combat defenses. * If Necromancer is your active class or you are wearing Necromancer Class armor, this shield loses -3 to all combat defenses.** *The shield shines with Light as it deems you to be a paladin! **The shield dulls as it deems you to be a necromancer! DESCRIPTION The primary shield used by Paladins. [image][/image][image][/image] Alternate image Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf and Watashig.