RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (Full Version)

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Andras -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 17:28:05)

What is your favorite Final Fantasy? I had to ask, sorry if it's annoying.

Do you like Moogles? If so, which kind? (Standard Bearish, FFTA Bunny) I have a sad habit of drawing the bunny ones in school. Health just seems so unimportant O_o.
All moogles.

isaiahdjkim -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 17:37:17)

What is your favorate monster in AQ?

How did you feel when you first joined the GC?

I felt: yay.

That's all. Thanks.

jendinn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 17:41:01)

do you want to become a NPC on AQ?

if so then what will it be for?

do you like my sig?
Sure your sig is great.

Rusty_Shackleferd -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 17:42:43)

Are you a fan of the Doors?
Probably not.

Does Ice Tea really kill brain cells?
I doubt it.

How does Strongbad type with boxing gloves on his hands?

DragonMagi555 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 17:54:28)

If you could have one wish (no extra wishes!), what would it be?
To work from home as a graphic artist.

Also, do you play any RPGs?
I haven't lately, but I am a big fan of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 7, and Secret of Mana.

Gang Starr -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:16:27)

If AQ were to end, what would you do?
I'd try to find some other game work I could do.

Also, when and if you are planning to do more 3APD, how long do you plan on continuing that for?
I'd like to finish 3APD someday. It is a 3-book story so it'll be a few hundred episodes. I hope to start up again soon, but I'm not sure how long.

cbouncerrun3 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:37:12)

Are you going to update 3APD soon? :P
(Sorry If it's been asked already...I'm too lazy to read 5 pages of questions :p)
EDIT: It's right above my post! lol....Told ya I'm lazy :p)

spencetrix -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:37:28)

As most of us can guess what NPC you are...

1) Will there be a female version of the 'armour'?

I don't think so.

2) Do you have a paying job, if so what is it?
Yes. I work in the automotive industry as "slave labor". I call it that because it would take too long to describe exactly what I do. Let me just say it's boring, monotonous, and pays the electric bill.

3) Are you designing anything for your class? (weapons/ armour look/ shields ect)

Yeah. I'm doing a good portion of the artwork for it, NPC, monsters, backgrounds, weapons... No info I can tell you about it tho. I hope you'll see it soon. ^_^


gandalf5849 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:45:15)

Are you currently designing and equiptment that may come out soon?
Yeah, some class stuff. I can't really give details though.

If you had to choose one element in AQ what would it be?

What subrace would you like to be?
Elf. Second choice: Drakel.

kennethlee95 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:49:56)

Do you know if a new war is coming soon? Is there? When? Thanks, just curious!
They never tell me these things.

Edit:I see that you have some of the zelda games on GBA. Do you like them?

Vertex -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 18:56:48)

How do you get your ideas for drawing?

DioPorack -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:04:12)

If you could work for any big gaming company as a Graphic Artist (and you could work from home) What company would you work for?
I'd like to work for Square. [;)]

I might've figured [:D]

X -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:04:56)

I myself am quite interested in drawing.. (I didnt see these questions asked already, if they where Im sorry, sleep deprivation is cruel.. And sorry for the lot of questions.. trying to improve)

What do you do to improve your skill
I draw muchly.

What programs do you use for refinement(if any)
Gimp, Photoshop Elements, Flash

Do you suggest any books/online tutorials to aid in drawing
Get a good "human anatomy for artists" book

What made you interested in drawing
I don't remember...I was 4.

What is your general process for drawing heads/faces?(more detailed if possible)
I usually draw the shape of the head, sketch a vertical line down through the nose and a horizontal line where the eye will be, draw in the face, then the ears, then add hair.

What is your general procces for drawing bodies?(more dteailed if possible)
I usually draw the head, then the torso, then draw in each arm and leg as a collection of skinny cylinders (I draw in the knee before drawing the lower leg so that I can remember which way my leg is going), then draw in hands and feet, then add clothes.

Rusty_Shackleferd -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:08:31)

I forgot to ask this question, and it's a really important one too:

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Hand the clerk $1.19.

gandalf5849 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:14:51)

I forgot to ask a question

If you could get a customized wepon (besides necrostaff) what would it be?
I don't play the game.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (3/14/2005 19:15:57)

[Deleted by Admins]

Lord Altima -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:21:34)

Two questions:

1. How does one get rid of a warning? (I got mine for a stupid reason)
I'm not really sure. You can try PMing a forum administrator about that (Lady Tomo, Blackhawke, smbdoll, etc)

2. Seeing as you like Zelda games, which is your favorite?
The original Zelda. I got it for christmas shortly after my family got the Nintendo. It's all very nostalgic.

zeph -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:21:50)

i'm seperating this with stupid questions and good ones...


why did you join the aq team?
been asked

is it fun?
No, I hate my work here, that's why I do it for free ... (sarcasm)

what do you do? (job wise)
Both my real job and AQ job have been answered.


can you put my axe in the game...only for me though...its as strong as the boa with no special but changed from dark, fire, or light depending on what the monster is weakest against(example: if it was a light dragon it would be a dark mode...if it was an ice dragon it would be in fire mode...if it was a dark dragon it would be ain light mode) it is...i hope your able to do it even though i know its extremely unlikely... Zepher's Ripper
No, sorry, but try suggesting it in the suggestion forum.

how much do you get paid?
I'm not telling you what I get paid at work, but I generally charge $10 an hour whenever I do commissioned art work. I guess that's the only answer you are getting on that.

if you get paid alot can a 13 year old join?
Join what? The Kaley fanclub?

thats it...

BlizzX -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:28:32)

Ok, your being sent to a deserted island to live for a month. What three things would you bring have with you and why? And this is one of those luxury islands, with electricity and all that other good stuff.
My laptop, a massive solar battery, and a satelite LAN card.

davidfreeland6060 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 19:54:11)

if you could kill 1 monster without losing any life in the world of lore what monster would you kill?(it can be megogg(500000000) if you want it to be)
I don't know very many of the monsters of AQ. Seedspitter?

zeph -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 20:12:58)

ok one last question...can i ask you a question about my avatar by a pm? i dont want to post it in public because you might be swarmed with pms depending on your answer...
You can ask.

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 20:16:34)

i am currently writing a book. would you like to do the illustrations?
There's a slim chance that I would be interested. I don't have a lot of time ...

gael -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 20:21:50)

(sorry if this hase been asked if so please tell me)Do you recieve alote of pressure beign the head gc.
Yes. I tend to get PMd a lot.

Jimbo -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 20:45:00)

Do you play any instruments?
Yes. I play girly instruments: Flute and piccolo. And I don't play them well.
Cool. I play the guitar.

Do you like the strokes?
No, the band silly.

Do you like bacon egg and ham sandwiches?
I love my heart far to much to love those.
I am currently mad at my heart and I'm not soeaking to him untill he appologizes.

Do you like my sig?
Why is it cute?

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Kaley! (3/14/2005 20:45:14)

(I think you've been asked this alot, but:)

Um... Is it hard being a mod and answering all the questions in events like these? It seems like you are bombarded with questions and PMs everyday.
I like attention. ...

Lol, and if you could come up with a class, what would it be? This one is strange, I know.
Hmm. I think I'd make a morpher where you could morph into some neat creatures like dragon, unicorn, shadowelf, etc.

Interesting. Ok, thank you for your time. [;)]

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