Possible rule? (Full Version)

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OriginalNavineous -> Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:21:07)

IS it a possible rule that soon splices won't be aloud because I make splices and have a splice shop and I really need to know.

skyboy59 -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:27:33)

why wouldnt they be allowed? lol

i mean, no reason they would be banned...

OriginalNavineous -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:29:15)

Well this guy said it will be banned in the future on a thread and I was very un-happy

skyboy59 -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:36:25)

:/ which guy lol

anyways, banned spices would be like banned entire digi community...

though ugh, dont claim spices are your own... they arent yours... you just editted them, the pokemon pictures belong to whoever you got them from, or from nintendo? forget who owns pokemon lol

.//Obsession -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:40:32)

I had been talking to metal about them, looks like sprites will be down to Heavy edits and Customs. I helped decide this. As an experienced spriter, he's taking my opinoin into thought. Nothing more.

Splicing is NOT art. It takes little to no skill. That's why it may end up resrticted.. I think I have the Pm..

Edit: Here we are. Straight from Metal.


As much as you all may dislike the sig makers section, the rules are about to become just like it. A poll would be good, but there are far to many inexperienced spriters roaming the board not aware that what they are doing is wrong, and I don't need their opinions.

Some ideas I have are a definition of ripping a sprite from a game, and stealing a sprite from another member, the extent one may "splice" a sprite, copyright laws game creators have on their property, knock-off's of other members sprites and what risk you're taking by doing such, recoloring, and overall what sprites you may call your own, and ones you can't take any credit more than just chopping them up and rearranging them.

Sprite rules will be tightened and enforced, I know you members who've been doing it for awhile will appreciate it, but I anticipate a large number of the forum to disregard the new rules, but that's their choice.

I have removed the end, for it pertains to me and me alone. Don't ask for it.

OriginalNavineous -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:44:09)

VampireHSS said this person said it.

skyboy59 -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:45:49)

heh yeah... i agree somewhat with what was said...

but doesnt that also apply to all renders that people use? since they are normally brushed over/resized/otherwise changed to fit the sigs? lol

wolfythegreat -> RE: Possible rule? (8/27/2006 23:49:50)

skyboy does have a point...

chickenbakeok -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 0:04:02)


splicing isnt art? it takes no skill? i think the opposite...it takes a certain skill to make it look natural, recoloring is a skill, and splicing is somewhat like making a lower lvl mug, which is like ur saying that doesnt take skill, if it wasnt for practicing and gaining "skill" i wouldnt be able to make a splice that looked natural and fits together like a whole new pokemon

but i do agree and disagree about some points about inexperienced spriters but as skyboy said wat about the renders? and fe mugs, there all about the same thing....

OriginalNavineous -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 10:49:20)

I agree with you Chickenbakeok! But I disagree with some splicing people like its just a hobbie I think is better then a hobbie!

chrislongden3 -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 11:35:33)

I agree that splicing needs little no creative skill. Its just saying, "i can put two images together" which anyone will a brain cell and MS paint can do.

OriginalNavineous -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 11:38:20)

Yes but the blending and coloring it take little skill but not none now lets not start a flame war.

skyboy59 -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 15:31:01)

you have to recolor sprites too and blend egdes too...

just because some people doesnt do them well doesnt mean it isnt done..

like some people dont do it to renders... but its ok for them to use teh render?

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 15:40:55)

So this was the rule l2agnarok was talking about...Gosh....If it would become a rule....Every single spriters work (except for the ones with plenty of customs) will go to waste! It could cause total alteration of the GoCA for months.....And...what would the spriters do anyways? It's like we have any other forums to go to...

.//Obsession -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:07:49)


Raggy and I are the ones working with metal about spriting atm.

Splicing and Recolors are theivery. They are copyrighted characters. If you make it, your just making it for yourself, and it would be illegal to share it.

Ultra, as Metal said, this is soon to be just like the Digital Arts. And, I'll say this, if Raggy and I get our way, I'm gonna make sure there will be no one getting away with theivery. All of the arts soon to be banned are theivery to an extent, and I don't like them.

Skyboy, the thing with render is that unless the rendered it themselves, then there not really sharing it. Also, when the do render it, it was a skilled art. The reason there should be NO recolors is because there are internet programs that all you have to do is type in the colors and it recolors it for you.

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:20:35)

Ok Kereo, I understand about Spriting (yes I ahve read your quote on Metal's PM)...but explain to me...what is the population of novice to medium spriters going to do? Just leave the forums entirely?

Chameleonare -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:22:06)

Yeah right..

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:26:58)

I doubt certain spriters have the ability to make sigs/avvies....(such as myself) I don't wanna lose such a good hobby...

Zero Hex -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:27:32)

Um. If the company who made the sprites aren't gaining or losing profit, they really don't care. So it isn't illegal to use sprites. If it was, they would've taken action as soon as sprites hit the internet.

Edit: Oops. 'Aren't' not 'are'. XD

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:28:44)

Quite agreeable Zero Hex...would you explain to me about that?

Zero Hex -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:35:25)


A note on the Fair Use Clause.
Fair use makes copyrighted work available to the public as raw material without the need for permission or clearance, so long as such free usage serves the purpose of copyright law, which the U.S. Constitution defines as the promotion of "the Progress of Science and useful Arts" (I.1.8), better than the legal enforcement of claims of infringement. The doctrine thereby attempts to balance the interests of individual copyright holders with the social or cultural benefits that follow from the creation and distribution of derivative works. Insofar as this doctrine protects forms of expression that might otherwise be enjoined as infringing copyright, it has been related to First Amendment free speech protections in the U.S. Constitution.

From the GoCA Rules. :|

VampireHSS -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:35:34)

"I TOLD VHSS! " duh... that's one of the reasons why noobs are called noobs, they do not deduce things...

skyboy59: That was one of the things I though when started to make sigs and such... Since everyone did it I though it wouldn't be a problem... That's why I wanna learn 3d art and be able to do my own renders one day <.<

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:41:05)

Zero Hex: I'm not so familiar with U.S. law...but I understand what it says.
EDIT: isn't there a 'Terms of Use' for pokemon sprites?

VampireHSS -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:50:27)

I guess not because when pokemons were made originally weren't supposed to be sprites.

UltraWarrior -> RE: Possible rule? (8/28/2006 17:52:58)

Then how come there are sprite rescources for not just Pokemon...but for most or every video game?

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