RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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Flint_a -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/6/2007 3:13:34)

I was using Beastmaster armor when I trained my Cha from 45 to 50. I had used the stat increasing ability of the Beastmaster. When I won, the trainer set my Cha to 50, then when the battle ended all my stats were reduced by 10 when the ability wore off. As a result, I ended up with 40 Cha. Ouch.

I'm afraid I'd rather not duplicate this, training stats isn't fun. But the bug seems to be quite obvious. In any case, I don't think it can be fixed(though yay if it can), but people should be warned.

Edit: Okay, then I tried raising it to 45 and it gave an error. Also, my MP was somehow 80 higher than it should be.

However, now I logged out and back in and my Cha is 50 and my MP's back to normal. *shrugs*

brigid -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/10/2007 17:22:25)

I went to hunt seedspitters and thus collect health potions. I started out with 24 potions that I'd collected. Thing is after collecting the potions from the seedspitter and going back to Battleon the potions disappear and I'm bad down to 24. What's the matter?

NixaFF4 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/10/2007 20:18:35)

Um... When I went to make sure my email was activated, I noticed that it let me set my email to the same one that is listed as the old one. The system DOES check for this, doesn't it? 'Cause if it doesn't, that's a real easy way to rack up money without doing anything, and I'd peg that as a major glitch...

EDIT: Our system makes sure that you only get the free gold once. Even if you change your email several times.

frogboy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/11/2007 13:36:43)

my character can't lvl up any more he has a bug where i only get gold now days. i need my xp i'm almost 70 can u plz find out wats wrong. i got hacked next thing i know i lose xp ability.

CompNerd -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/12/2007 15:55:14)

I am currently using Mage armor, BoA, with and without Asgir sheild equipped, Nerfkitten, and Floating Eye Guest.
I am level 70, and started this morning LVL 69 w/ 85 INT. I just trained INT to 90, and when I came out it was 80....
I went back in and as I trained it to 85, it jumped to 90 mid battle, then when I finished there was an error saving and instead of the 90 I had wanted, or the 95 that would have been a nice glitch, it dropped me back to 80 AGAIN.....
I don't think I activated the Mage armors INT boost, although I may have done so out of habit. Either way, this is slowly killing my gold. Whatever you find out, I'm going to check another armor and see if that fixes it. I'll edit this to give the new test results.

EDIT: I just tried with the Pyromancer's Robes. It still gave me an error while saving, and I still have 80 INT instead of the 85 I started this morning with or the 90 I would like to have. On the plus side, it isn't taking any of my gold like I thought it was, and it still says I have the points to spend on INT once you fix the problem.

EDIT2: I logged out, logged in, now have 90 INT. Problem solved.

Dragonmaster William -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/12/2007 16:24:52)

i just trained my int. to 95 (tried) and when i finished my int. was 85.... makes me mad..
flash version: 9
web browser: firefox
Operating system: Windows XP

EDIT: logged out now its fixed.

The Trobble One -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/13/2007 2:34:06)

Even after the Captain posting this thread. The XP bar still doesn't show up. I logged back out and in again but it still didn't show up.


Signature removed. No sigs please.

Have you tried clicking your HP/MP/SP bars to toggle it on? You're on the correct version, so it should be working for you, unless perhaps your version of Flash is too outdated.

Avallach -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/13/2007 20:21:26)

I'm not entirely sure if this should go under game engine bugs, but here's waht happened. I logged in today, and something was wrong. I'm a level 73, with good stats.
80 STR
55 DEX
50 INT
70 END
50 CHA
60 LUK
When I logged in today, my health was 791 and my mp was 698, wich is way lower than it should be. The last time I logged in was a long time ago, and the last enemy I remember fighting was one that sapped my stats. Could that have anything to do with this? I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the enemy. The numbers for my hp and mp were also written in a different script than usual.

Windows XP, Internet Explorer(Yahoo), Flash

I also had less heatlh and mana potions than before.

791 HP and 698 MP are the correct totals for a level 73 with 70 END and 50 INT.

onewa12 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/14/2007 16:09:20)

wen i am playing on somthing like tempol of hope or town of battleon my graphics will go to medium and low then back to medium then hige i am sure it is bug it is anoyng if it is not (plz i now i spell wrong)

r0xXx0r -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/14/2007 16:10:55)

I bought The Protector rod (500 tokens) and i had 1400 tokens so 1400-500=900 (not exactly 1400 but i dont remember). i then sold it (3 mins after i bought it) and it said 450 tokens sell back. ok BUT i got 1160 tokens after i sold it. WTF? 300 tokens less?(or something) i bought Blackroot and i have 1060 instead of 200 or so tokens less! thats much for an adventurer..and NO IM NOT Lieing just to get 200 tokens! pls do something about it!

what happened is that i got the 48 hours after-price instead of the 50 token less price!

EDIT: Our game database records show that you bought the Protector Rod for 500 and sold it for 450.
Maybe your guess as to how many tokens you had when you entered the shop was off by at least a 100 tokens.

U_Neek -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/15/2007 12:19:27)

Options Tab Bug
I set my pet to 'Stay Back" but then after a sequence of battles/quest it went back to "Attack in Battle"

Not too sure when it happened but here's what i did before i noticed it:
1) Protector Quest
2) Triple Challenge (Tried to get to TLaPD)
3) TLaPD

So i guess it happened between 1&2 becuase i did 2&3 in the past and it never happened.

IbZaa -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/15/2007 23:09:15)

I had two problems while playing AQ, both related to walking inside the buildings (inn, guardian tower). I'm an adventurer and i went into the inn. When i went into the room past the lounge, where the mouse hole is, there was no arrow pointing 'back', so I had to make the 'Into the darkness' quest to get out of there.
Then I exited the inn and decided to tour the Guardian Tower. I went to the stables and the same happened to me. There weren't any arrows, not to go up the stairs, neither to the exit. There was only Sparky the dragon but the horses weren't there. It looked like this.

16968 players online
flash version
windows xp professional
aq version 33.8

freedomgd -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/16/2007 1:31:49)

I have all the item to make the blade of awe. But the Problem when i went to the valencia she told me i got some problem She cant SWAP!!! And she tell me to log out and log in again so i told to do so, and then this problem happen again and again my item keep on to be the guardian staff and guardian Robe even though i change my inventory to guardian blade and guardian armor. IT just won't CHANGE PLs HELP me THANKS!

EDIT: The Guardian staff can not be converted to the Blade of Awe. (and you really don't want to convert your Magic weapon to a Melee weapon)
We will soon have a "Staff of Awe" which Valencia will convert w

Alar Menoc -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/16/2007 6:36:09)

I'm unsure whether this is considered engine or graphics, but it affects multiple monsters, so I'll post it here.

Many monsters stop their animation during the player's attack animation. The class armor menu make this extremely evident.
It seems not to be the case with all monsters, though, but too many to list. In the case of the banshee, she stops moving, but her hair does not, leading me to believe this could be fixed.

Oh, and the forest demon becomes extremely easy... it freezes its animation at zero defense.

EDIT: Some older monsters are coded to stop animating when the player is attacking.
This helps a tiny bit of the animation lag. But, yes, it's a bad side effect with the class armor menus.

hagayg -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/16/2007 16:28:12)

Operating system: Windows xp pro sp2
internet browser: IE 6 with Avant Broswer skin (got Firefox propetis as well)
flash ver: 9

every time I kill a monster the game cant save the gold and xp and I get the blue scroll of doom!

Blackbird -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/16/2007 17:03:07)

I had two windows open with AQ at the same time (one was playing, the other one was to get the link for the character page, then closed)

And even after closing it, the other window said that I still had it open, and thus I now have to do the Groggle quest all over again!

Also, is the attack the Berserker does after dying supposed to never, ever hit?

OS: Windows XP Professional
Flash: I guess...10?

EDIT: If you log into the game using a different browser AND select your character, loading it to town, your older browser window will no longer let you play.

(not sure about the Berserker thing)

IbZaa -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/16/2007 17:58:55)


ORIGINAL: onewa12

wen i am playing on somthing like tempol of hope or town of battleon my graphics will go to medium and low then back to medium then hige i am sure it is bug it is anoyng if it is not (plz i now i spell wrong)

This is because the option of the Automatic Graphics Quality adjuster was brought in in AQ upgrade 33.80.
Here is what Captain Rhubarb wrote:


New Game Interface Updates for AdventureQuest!
Upgrade Version 33.80

* The yellow experience bar is back!
* Click on any of the bars to cycle between three different displays.

* New Option Setting: Automatic Graphics Quality adjuster!
Click the Options tab underneath your XP bar, then click the More button to open the Game Settings window.
The automatic setting will raise and lower the game graphics setting to keep the battle animations running as smoothly as possible.

Valthonis001 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/17/2007 6:57:55)

I realise that this bug has been posted countless times, but here it is AGAIN, for it has not been solved and neither is it in the known bugs list.

When fighting with a creature that saps stats (Syphon Vamp) or fighting the Stats Trainers, if you use any skill or item that buffs your stats, you'll receive a negative buff after the battle is finished. This is very irritating when doing long quests because the only solution available is to re-login.

Yunci -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/17/2007 16:29:24)

After watching the new video promotion in ballyhoo for the second time the thing gave me "undefined gold" and turned my gold into NaN so I had to close and log in again.

Z Man -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/17/2007 19:37:48)

I was doing the Jagged Peak Quest when I faced a Google. After I defeated the Groogle, the Blue Scroll of Doom popped up about 3 seconds later. Then the next monster never loaded, and another blue scroll of doom popped up again. Then I clicked on an the Inn and the screen was black for the remainer of the session (until I reloaded the page).

OS: Window's XP Pro SP 2
Flash Version: 9
Browser: Avent Browser version 11.5 build 20
AQ version 33.8

ranger66 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/18/2007 6:15:42)

plz help me
i got some weird login bug
many times when i log in, no matter what i do , i cant get exp and gold from monsters and get only blue screen of doom
its not internet problem or something like this, becouse all other things work good
on the other side, sometimes its work good , but its seems to work good only when i see this line in top :
i use the newest internet explorer
but its realy annoying to login 5 times , till i get a login which i can get gold and exp
(its not cap problem too, and when i say i get only blue scroll, i mean after i tried like 15 monsters each time... )
edit : sry, i write this again in the right place, in login problems

Hommy G -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/19/2007 19:42:27)

This Just Started Today But When I Was Fighting Monsters I Seen That There Was No Gold ( I Fas also fighting other animals and even a Tresure box and still got no gold) I think that this should be fixed right away!!
Flash Player:9

Man~Thing -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/19/2007 19:52:45)

i think this goes here..... but when u go upstairs in yuglarss inn, and fight the shower monster, when u flee, u end up in ise ordeans in Falerin's place

boom_dawg -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/22/2007 2:05:21)

In Yulgars attic, you have to get the things for bishop finch, there are two lists, I've done the first list and it worked properly but when I finished the second list it still said I was missing items. Any Ideas?[&:]

DreadRansom -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/22/2007 9:53:28)

iv been having save problems as iv said here

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