RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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azcheron -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/26/2006 5:12:50)


In Nightbane's Fortress

after killing multiple guys and getting passed the part where you have to fight 2 battles each time before getting healed...

it will ask if you want to retreat or keep fighting

when you click "keep fighting"

nothing happens, just shows background and nothing else happens

destructionist -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/26/2006 7:55:28)

Ninja quest problems
I did the nija quest and halfway thru, i decided to go on under quest. After some time, wheni decided to look at my character stats, i discovered that instead of being ninja, i became a rogue. I have not gone for the rogue quest pior to that.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/26/2006 18:53:56)


In Nightbane's Fortress
after killing multiple guys and getting passed the part where you have to fight 2 battles each time before getting healed...
it will ask if you want to retreat or keep fighting
when you click "keep fighting"
nothing happens, just shows background and nothing else happens

I can confirm this bug, happened to me too.

azcheron -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/26/2006 23:19:45)

yeah, the nightbane fortress bug is really upsetting, i want nightbanes form NOW!

Gers1 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/27/2006 11:29:45)

I went to Paxia and when i arrived, the screen looked like this!

Screenie, click here.

This is the second time it has happened, i am using BT Openworld and have flash version 8. Why is it happening?

Corey1030 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (9/30/2006 14:08:22)

When I went To Paxia And I Click Continue, There is nothing there! not a tower not a ship not and utopia, nothing! is this weird or what?[&:]

speckledorf -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/1/2006 12:07:16)

when you go to the rip in the sky and you go past the gate, the exit arrow in the left hand corner doesnt do anything, is this supposed to happen?

DanielGitzel -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/1/2006 16:37:54)

When I entered battle the Attack menu won't show up. This only started happening after Upgrade 32.5 and I suspect the changing skins are to blame. my character will just stand there in the battle and nothing will happen. This only happens while playing in Firefox.

Edit: I have confirmed that the changing skins are to blame. I set the Attack menu skin back to default in IE and it runs fine now. The bug does not occur in Internet Explorer.

x purelife x -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/1/2006 19:55:13)

when i became a ninja it said my class was a rogue

Bella -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/2/2006 18:48:09)

I hope this is in the right place I have looked everywhere and this seem like the place to put this problem I keep having.

Sometimes in battle when I get hit I dont losse any HP's, I didnt care until I did a special attack and hit the monster and it didnt loose the points it showed me it didnt loose any.

Please help, and if your already working on it, SORRY!

Thank you

hitake kakashi -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/4/2006 22:33:52)

An Analphar Death Bug

While i was going through analphar going for reign set i ran across an orc horde, after a few minutes i died and at the same time i clicked "ok" an orc hit me and since i usually zip thru the conversation with death, i did the usual like that, but this time the button that takes me back to battleon took me to a random battle with an undead paladin, and every time the paladin hits me i get automatically healed back to full health

If someone has already reported a bug similar to this, my bad =\

Dark ss -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/5/2006 15:50:56)

ok wen u put ur mouse on artix in battleon the description in the top right corner is artix but wen u click him and he moves over he it says hes robina and lastly, wen he is standin still after u clicked him, he it says hes Twilly.

Don't no if this has already been reported though

phoenix blue -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/5/2006 16:43:35)

phoenix blue

does Galanoth only use element x against dragons when your a guardian he worked on my friends guardian account but not mine until i was guardianized

Character Post #: 1

RE: Galanoth - 10/5/2006 16:25:30

Pie is Good!

Dunno, possibly cause it is much stronger
Character Post #: 2

RE: Galanoth - 10/5/2006 16:26:42


Character Post #: 3

RE: Galanoth - 10/5/2006 16:27:49

New Member

It should be that he does element X against any dragon, even when you are an adventurer. However it could be a glitch. What dragon were you facing when he didn't trigger?
Character Post #: 4

RE: Galanoth - 10/5/2006 16:29:36

phoenix blue

loads all types that appear between lvl 52 and 72
Character Post #: 5

RE: Galanoth - 10/5/2006 16:36:54

New Member

Is it just that the blade soes not glow or that it still does earth damage? If the second is the case then you should report it in the AQ Bugs section rather than here, make sure someone hasn't reported it yet.

Ahnacht Sula Kahn -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/5/2006 18:01:38)

when fighting the orc horde, the weapons, armor, shield, etc menu fails to laod. this has happened twice now.

Crozakis -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/6/2006 3:50:45)

In the Isle D'Oriens it is possible to be entered normally, but when wanting to leave, the button to exit does not work.

eiji_wolf -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/6/2006 13:21:19)

I have encountered this bug consistently.

Werewolf form, FireWere pet, Guardian Angel guest.
Firefox and Flash constantly updated (latest version); Pentium IV dual core 3GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM; in any case, no other such bug on this machine before.

In Epic Quest, part Troll-o-vision the game stops at the first battle loading screen with everything loaded BUT the Guardian angel ("Guest: Loading...").

No problems loading Guest anywhere else I have gone yet.
Poelala loads with no problems.
No other bugs with the game engine encountered so far. please? I wuw my angel [:)]

Edit: did the part with Poelala instead of the angel. I consider this a workaround; the bug is still happening.

BlackTearz -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/6/2006 21:54:21)

On the map I go to Darkovia I got to nightbanes fortress and after I end up dying there it sends me back to the map and then nightbanes fort isn't there? Also happened after I watched the nightbane vs wolfwing cutscene

Demon66 -> Paxia problem (10/7/2006 1:41:42)

When i got to paxia the only thing that shows up is the tower with the catapult. I cant join a clan or anything is that for just guardians or what?? help please. Thanks in advance.

Even when the "Contnue" button appears, sometimes the game is not finished loading the area. When you encounter this problem, simply give the game a bit more time to load all the data, especially if you have a slower connection.

monkey child -> RE: Game Engine Bugs (10/9/2006 3:25:17)

Hope this is the right bugs forum.

Anyway so far i have encounterd this problem 3 times now,in the Alnaphar quest were you search for the reign set it freezes half way through (not quite sure but i think some where round about monster encounter 14) at the loading the new battle. I have tried this 3 times now and it all seems to stop around the same part, also where is says Monster, Player Pet, Guest it never loads the "monster" part just stays at "loading..."

So any other info needed or is that all?

Edit: Changed the thread name back to "Game Engine Bugs", Demon66 your not allowed to change the thread title :)

Aires -> RE: Game Engine Bugs (10/9/2006 9:45:20)

I Beleive there is a bug /glitch on my Guardian server guy, for well over a month now i cann access Guardian Angel, i go into the guardian tower and the arrow is lit up but i will not allow me into the armory.I can go into the stables but the 2 kids and guy are not there and i cannot go up to the Teleporter. Only 2 rooms in Guardian tower are accessible by me on Guardian Server

im not sure what the problem is, i have taken Advice to Clear cookies/cache, logout and back in, Restart my computer, Done all of that MANY times and no avail.

would just like to see it fixed if it is indeed fixable.

name "Aires "

Even when you can enter an area, sometimes the game is not finished loading that area yet. When you encounter this problem, simply give the game a bit more time to load all the data before entering the tower, especially if you have a slower connection.

Edit: i have waited 30+ minutes waiting for it to load,yet nothing

kyrei -> RE: Game Engine Bugs (10/10/2006 23:58:29)

i dont know if this has been posted, but this is about the battle results saveing stall.
Unless this is actually part of the programming, but I've noticed that there will be a stall until approximately 30 seconds have passed from the start the battle, before the results will save

i didn't see it posted anywhere so just thought i'd note it o.o;

It is indeed part of the game engine, and so, not a bug.

Dox Para -> RE: Game Engine Bugs (10/11/2006 2:22:50)

Minor bug.

Refresh browser->I went to Isle->Library->Carnax Scroll->Get Carnax Blade->Immediately Exit Isle->Immediately Fighter's Lvl 10 Mission->After declared as a winner: returned to Falerin's Library.

I use Firefox. Graphic on low. Regular Guardian char.

Tried it 3 times (with browser refresh).

AmonAmonAmon -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/11/2006 15:50:11)


ORIGINAL: Ronin Darkwalker


In Nightbane's Fortress
after killing multiple guys and getting passed the part where you have to fight 2 battles each time before getting healed...
it will ask if you want to retreat or keep fighting
when you click "keep fighting"
nothing happens, just shows background and nothing else happens

I can confirm this bug, happened to me too.

Me to. And is very bad, cause it's impossibile to fight against Damfeldork the Were-Dragon .. PLEASE fix it!

veterandoggy -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/17/2006 22:55:26)

i fought the old fire war, then i left the isle and decided to do the level 10 knight class quest. after finishing it i ended up back in Falerin's room

Adobe Flash player 9, although i think its from your side XD

Antman -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (10/21/2006 13:07:31)


ya when ever i go to try the mogoween thing i go trick or treating ok ya i get candy but when it comes to fighting a monster.... it will just say everything is done loading except the pet... so it would say pet: loading and it juts says that forever!! ive tried it like 5 times but same thing happenes every time...

EDIT i just sold all my pets and now it works...

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