RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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tomasanas -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/19/2007 8:22:31)

when u battle with some weapon like say light first u see old light damage icon and the realy fast it changes to th new one

hereiam -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/19/2007 13:06:50)

IN the current paxia event, i clicked on my base( Aerudo) and then the arena button. durring the battle the game was laging beond belife and my hp/mp bars kept healing. suddenly it sent me to a orc hourd and i had 0 hp. i couldnt get a screan shot cause it sent me back to town.

s1ay3r -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/20/2007 0:00:05)

at the warlic quest for the fire yarn when i return and go to the next one i pressed back and it sent me to the next quest start button even though i haven't unlocked it and when i pressed it again it sent me forward again
please fix

Seedling -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/20/2007 0:05:02)

Not sure if its a bug,but if you go against 3 Hybee Soldiers Your options icon (e.g weapons,spells items) flash on and off several times then go back to normal

thebartyone -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/20/2007 10:40:23)

After completing the "First Battle" scenario of the new Deren war, I clicked 'Return to Town' bringing my character back to the Deren overworld and then clicked 'Return to Town' once again to arrive in Battleon. There is some bug with this sequence as my character is randomly loaded onto the Battleon screen: Image

And it stays on screen when I traveled through the Guardian Tower and anywhere else throughout Battleon.
Here are some other screenies:

After I entered a battle and completed it everything reverted back to normal.

Golduin -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/21/2007 4:52:46)

Octo-Pacus Arena
Encounter with Orc Horde (80)
Game hang - no attack menu, neither the oponent attacked.
FireFox on Windows 2000 SP 4
Flash 9,0,28,0 (will update to 9,0,45,0, as I was not aware new version is out)

Venom_Faceless -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/21/2007 6:43:04)

just gave me this fight although I had already died ..

Antigrav -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/21/2007 11:32:46)

Training up Charisma with Neberon, I lost about 10 points. I trained three times, and the stat appeared to increase by 5 the first battle, to 35, then after two more successful battles, it was back to 30!

I was using the Pet Whistle and the Beastmaster ability Internal Beast. The stat loss does account for the ability and the whistle expiring at the end of combat, and the loss was in the base stat.

Serpent of Shadows -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/21/2007 15:42:03)

this is the BIGGEST glitch ever!! ok first you go to g tower and equip any rider armour then lick on the boy in green and go to the battle UNEQUIP the rider armour then leave.the attack menu will be up! click attack or any will fight the monster you ran into! but for awhile,you'll regenorate your HP and MP!! just like when you enter battleon!!


TheDustMan -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/21/2007 17:46:24)

i dont know if this is really a bug,but it might be:

ok so when i died from a orc horde i went back to the paxia things and then i didnt click *ANYTHING* and suddenly im in the battle with a light demon,and while im using undead mutant,it keeps healing my MP!and when the monster attacked,it did 8 damage and it healed me!!i dont know what happened,but im thinking their is something wrong....i mean it heals my MP AND hp!!please fix this!-thanks


Wrathe -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/22/2007 11:12:17)

For some reason when i login and battle a monster all my cancels are gone even though i haven't pressed cancel even once.

EDIT: The Paxia Arena removes your cancels.

Hakunin -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/22/2007 12:21:50)

All my potions disappeared! I gathered the 30 potions (both HP and MP) long ago, never used them, and now I only have 2 (from both)!

EDIT: There are few places in the game that reset your potions. You can recover them quickly though.

avablizzard597 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/23/2007 16:40:49)

A lovely and irritating glitch I just experienced.
I just went to visit the stat trainers. At first I used the warrior to train my dexterity from 75 to 80, I won and it happily took my money THEN REDUCED MY DEX TO 70 (had the cheek to put that lovely little congratulatory message as well). At first I thought I was mistaken and that I had not remembered my stat right, so I trained again but this time with Sir Lancelot and guess what it happily took more of my money AND FURTHER REDUCED MY DEX TO 65! As you can imagine I am not best pleased. I dunno if posting here is the right thing to do, hopefully other people have experienced this and something is done. I would like my stat updated or at least my money back.

avablizzard597 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/23/2007 16:44:15)

ooh I just checked my page and its been sorted out. Either you people work ridiculously quick or its sorted itself out. Still the glitch counts it gave me a lovely little shock.

Phantasmia -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/23/2007 20:02:35)

New House Bug:

House Owners Skin and Eye Color are the Same as Your

I did Blue Skin and Now i Have Yellow Skin but they all have the Same Skin Color

yummyflesh -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/26/2007 13:09:00)

In zorbak's hideout, I just rolled a zero, but my stat bonus' saved me. Aren't stat bonus' supposed to be nullified if you roll a zero

faldun -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/26/2007 16:27:35)

i have a few glitches i have noticed

1. the map for the 8 orbs quest sometimes doesent give you the full map and instead only gives you the middles of the map from corner to corner (top right to bottom left)

2. after i got all the orbs nothing happend and the wall where the orbs are suposed to be there all missing except 2 (fire and water)

3.also i dont no if this is a glitch or my comp but everytime i kill a creature in 2 turns or less it takes forever to save it mostly lower level creature 1-38

Dog10250 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/26/2007 17:27:47)

{please pm me if this doesnt belong here,and tell me where it really belongs}

I went to the stat trainers to train my cha to 80 ,and when i clicked "nebron the mage",the blue scroll of doom came up for 3 times in a row,then on my fourth try it loaded Nebron the mage and i defeated him but then he didnt make my cha 80(said there was an error),it happened 4 times in a row,then i logged out and logged back in and my cha was 80,and he took the gold needed!

Soul Keeper -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/26/2007 21:57:48)

The stat trainers are become untrainers. I paid gold to train charisma and it lowered it a level BUT I STILL PAID! I did it again and BOOM same thing. I want my money AND my stats back.[:@]

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/27/2007 16:47:37)

If fighting a pack monster that drops a Temp. Weapon, if you attempt to collect the Temp while at least one of the pack is still standing, the game will freeze.

jynx67 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/29/2007 11:27:51)

I'm getting a lock up in the saving process after fighting Fumidus in the Triple Challenge.

darkragnarok -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/30/2007 19:21:20)

If this is not a "loading" bug, then here it is. as a lvl 10 mage with warlic, i was defeated and then it says,


tempestofnight -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/30/2007 19:31:23)

you probably did moglin forest. Twilly holds your potions, if you flee a battle or refresh the browser, he never gives your potions back.


All my potions disappeared! I gathered the 30 potions (both HP and MP) long ago, never used them, and now I only have 2 (from both)!

EDIT: There are few places in the game that reset your potions. You can recover them quickly though.

Lokean -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (5/31/2007 19:49:14)

New quest synch bug. Only transient, so details removed

mike da man -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (6/1/2007 2:49:07)

When I get the stat roller in pirate class, and I fail, then it says the quest failed thing, and the options give up, and try again (not exactly try again but it leads to trying again), but then I also get into a fight with Ratliver (or something like that), with the give up, try again menu still up. When i beat him it says I tried again

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