Jakau Ryuu -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/23/2024 16:57:55)
Some of the "worker" mobs you face when trying to activate estate buildings seem to scale very, uh... aggressively, these days. Take the renamed Kabroz you deal with when trying to activate the Trading Hut, for example, since he's probably the biggest offender: his overtuned stats seem to result in a ridiculous initiative mod, because my level 123 character with 150 LUK and 250 STR (rest in CHA), wearing the H-Series armor, consistently fails to win initiative, at which point Not-Kabroz deals several times that character's max HP with his opening attack. Giving up on trying to win initiative and instead switching to level-appropriate Dark-resist gear still results in taking well over that character's max HP, also in one single spell, and of course switching everything over to STR + END + LUK and coming in with appropriate Dark-resist still melts over half the character's health bar. He has the MP for five casts at that same level of damage, and a hefty amount of HP backing all that up (this character is seeing well over 7k), high enough base INT that he almost always lands every single hit and and enough CHA to consistently shrug off certain normally-cheesy strats like Control spam (if you can somehow survive long enough to try), and if memory serves his non-spell attack replenishes a significant sum of MP as well if you can somehow survive all of that... not that I've seen that recently to confirm. ^^; The renamed Bishop Finch you face when activating basic Mana Collectors also packs a wallop, but not to quite the same degree... the Void damage still does quite a number, but only to a degree it's difficult to out-burst him rather than impossible to do so. I know it's only a couple buildings in an old part of the game that not many players/characters are encountering fresh these days, and it's the rest of the "Worker" mobs are mostly pretty weak, but those two in particular are uh... quite something to deal with.