RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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siddiqui2007 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/15/2008 23:28:59)

hi..i guess this should go here cause it is a graphic bug

I'm using:
Windows XP
Firefox 2
Flash 9

i have a big graphic i start AQ go to a battle, i change the graphics to low so i can kill fast and farm more. but these past days every time i change the graphics to low it automatically changes to medium then high and it stays in high so it goes a little slow. i don't know what to do, cleared my cache a lot, checked flash player (uninstall the old one and downloaded a new one version (version 9.0)

it would help me a lot if some one tell me a way of fixing it.... i will check if some one replies
thanks you very much

Laith -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/16/2008 6:42:51)

Sounds like you activated Auto Graphics Speed Adjust. Click on Options (beneath your XP bar), More and uncheck the third option.

mystic aurora -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/18/2008 22:11:50)

This is probably old news, but I've never seen this being mentioned:

Feral Garb and Primal Garb's head is being overlayered by the armor. You can clearly see that the head is supposed to fit in the armor, not behind it. Also, if that's not the only case, the head is misaligned and looks quite awkward. :P

I apologize if this was indeed already noticed (or if it's supposed to be this way, which I highly doubt).

Mutation Seeker -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/20/2008 22:10:10)

When fighting the Snow Burrower, I used my Feral Garb to summon a dragon. While it was summoning, the snow burrower's defense count kept rising, to over a thousand.

Mutation Seeker -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/20/2008 23:11:03)

Sometimes when myattacks against a Doomilicious Jelly miss, an image of part ofits body appears on the screen.

ziosin -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/23/2008 5:48:13)

When I go to Yulgar's inn, and talk to Hans about "Where's Yulgar?", I go into twigs dream. When I go into it wearing any armor and weapon, My head turns into a fish (Not the glitch) and i pwn some fishies. when I get up to the ice cweam and equip shinobi shozoku, everything seems normal until the dream ends. When I get back to the inn (just before the cutscene of "...Earlier today...") My head is off my shoulders and floating behind me. This is probably an odd result of completely changing the head's graphics, Idk. (I also used Ninja Death Strike 3-4 times in a row if that has anything to do with it.) I've tried this three times and it works. I use windows xp, and firefox with the latest flash plugin.

Here's a screenshot:

dess1313 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/24/2008 0:35:37)

when i go to see ballyhoo, i can't watch any of the tv ad videos. just the AQ/DF/MQ videos show up for me
the rest is a black screen
it's been like this for a while

firefox 2.something
vista system

SmashYouUp3008 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/24/2008 16:03:38)

Bug 1:

Where found: Sinister 7 quest.
Enemy: ScaleZard/LizZard

Graphic Bug: When killed and the huge leaf falls on the zard, there's a red line going straight betwwen me and the guest.

Bug 2:

Where found: Same as bug 1, but when the electric orbs w/jolts coming out of them apper.
Enemy: any.

Bug: Jolts of lightning start appearing here and there after a while, and the ones on the orb-like stuff dissapear off. Will post images if asked.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (2/26/2008 14:43:21)

[Deleted by Admins]

bloodstorm 5 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/28/2008 11:48:29)

Whenever I try to change the quality it just keeps jumping around between High Medium and LOw and I can change them but they just change on there own again

Laith -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/28/2008 15:27:09)

bloodstorm: Under your XP bar: Options - More - disable Auto Graphics Speed Adjust

skull0 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/29/2008 17:48:01)

i used to Have 40k now i have 4k heres my character:
(im pretty sure i had 40k)

I can't see anything to indicate this is a bug. Try contacting the Helpzard using for this issue. They are more capable of verifying things like this than I am.

nukkem1 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (2/29/2008 19:36:54)

golden plate has no right elbow when using spells or specials.

bloodstorm 5 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/3/2008 11:07:50)


LifeLine -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/3/2008 17:07:37)

On my Charecter page, My charecter appears to be using the 'unity' shield, but in my inventory when i equip the shield it is not that shield, it is the chaos shield. I never chose the chaos side, but yet two different things are being shown. I favour unity, so i would not like the shield of corruption+ the chaos side of the chaos/unity shield.

Here is the pic of my charecter with the chaos shield. Chaos Shield

IF you could also recomend how i could change my allignment back to unity, please also state that. Thanks [:)]

gamerdaniel -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/5/2008 0:28:04)

I'm on the last step on my dragonclaw island quest to get volcanic vent gas from death's domain..
I have collected all the items and the only one missing is volcanic vent gas..
I was gonna get it when the game just hanged..[:@]

So what? I'm gonna quest again? [:@]
It's not easy coz I'm not a guardian yet.. [:@]
Please fix this.. I'm running out of patience..

omgaw0lf -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/10/2008 14:55:04)

Bullyfighter - LVL 80

When drinking two health potions as the Bully Fighter your head changes appearance

deathtanz -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/10/2008 21:46:08)

The Bullyfighter's head is misplaced. Also, when attacked, the head seems to detach from the collar. I'll post pictures.

Here and here.

omgaw0lf -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/24/2008 12:45:37)

MogBusters Quest
Choose "No Thanks" as your answer while wearing your BullyFighter uniform and after picking rewards (I actually didn't take any rewards) your character is still standing to the left of the screen, minding his own business blocking the BattleOn News.

Sorry I don't have a thumbnail to post

KillaShadow1 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/24/2008 14:32:03)

the gardian mecha suit has artix head and not your own

Peace -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (3/25/2008 2:28:51)

when going to ballyhoo sometimes at the end when you try to click the box it shrinks up and makes it unclickable.

quilla04 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (4/2/2008 13:40:20)

Revolve, that happens with quite a lot of different monsters.

As for me, no matter how many times I click graphics to high, it sets it back to medium abt 3 secs l8r, and sometimes I flick over to another window for a few minutes and when I get back it's gone to low graphics. can someone set it up so the graphics option locks onto what you put it on?

P.S. if I just need to do something, or I'm doing something wrong, can you PM me?

Laith -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (4/3/2008 7:15:13)

quilla: To prevent the automatic adjustion of AQ graphics, you have to click options - more and uncheck auto graphics speed adjust. (PM sent)

CebuLips9 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (4/5/2008 16:09:04)

i was on and i was doing twigs dream again, and i am a ninja. i was wearing my ninja armor, so you couldnt really tell it was a fish head. then when i was done, i came out without my helmet on, and my head was floating to the left of my neck without my helmet on! but that didnt really matter, cuz my head was floating! i use vista and windows internet explorer version 7

s4tchel -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (4/17/2008 9:20:52)

When you equip Primal Garb with a shield, your arm and the shield move in opposite directions.

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