RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Spyduh -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/31/2011 1:20:35)

In flame fish's description it should say "... and your chopsticks WILL burn to a cinder..." instead of "... and your chopsticks with burn to a cinder..."

1337 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/1/2011 14:29:47)

@ Rhowena
Check Safirias.
Vampresses unearthly........

mastamaker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/4/2011 16:47:40)

In the Today's Event page, on mouse over, the Salvation Armor says "Salvation Armor and the Blade o Purification."

Should be " Salvation Armor and the Blade of Purification."

mastamaker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/8/2011 16:47:26)

Rabbit Defender Description

Descriminate should be Discriminate

Spyduh -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/11/2011 16:13:22)

Ramlioness: "The beast's fury allows it to shake of its wounds"

Should be "The beat's fury allows it to shake ofF its wounds"

UltraGuy -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/28/2011 1:19:25)



This novel is as long-winded as YewVhe! Open it up to blast your foe with all that hot air! As powerful as the Level 125 Guardian Novel of the Winds!

It should be 135.
Fixed. ~In Media Res

1stClassGenesis -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/17/2011 23:08:33)


Sea Scourge's Description

"This intricate acnhor.." --> "This intricate anchor.."

@ below
Singing or signing?
Fixed. ~In Media Res

Baker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/24/2011 23:22:46)


Don't know if this is ever checked nowadays but I figure I'll post it...

The description for Jordin Sharks has a typo. It reads "Winner of the Lorian Idol siging contest!"; it should be "signing," of course. I almost thought it was some kind of forum signature contest until I realized what the problem was. :P I've never encountered the other-level versions of the monster (Kelpy Clarkson and company), but the typo could be in their descriptions too.
Fixed all of them. ~In Media Res

Edit: Haha, "singing," oops. You should have corrected me, IMR. :P Thanks for fixing. - Bb

chesse20 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/2/2011 20:13:11)

NEW RELEASES: Use the Event button in town to search for 3 new spels in the spell scrolls quest! PLUS: GEt this year's rare Guardan Gift Box items in the Guardian Tower! These will open to reveal the real items by January 1st.

i cant wait to find the new spels for my guardan

My Name is Jake -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/6/2011 17:27:06)

After you beat the Krakathan in the last Pirate Class quest Captain Rhubarb says "Ye sent the Krakathan back to the depths and got all of Sharktooth's treasure! It'll be a while before more sialors go missing again due to THAT beastie!"

sialors should be sailors.

OatmealCookie -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/11/2011 17:29:32)

In the Today's Event, when you mouse over the pile of gift boxes, it says, "The Gift Boxes open January 1st! This yar's theme is 'Full Metal Santa'!"
"yar's" should be "year's"

Baker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/12/2011 23:35:23)


Ancient Undead War Party's description has a typo and is too long to fit in the info box. The second part (after the skipped line) reads, "This ancient war party has been wandering Lore longer than most, whether there power is born from their long existence or their long existence is due to their power". Wrong "their" is bolded, and maybe you can take out the empty line so the whole thing is displayed? Encyclopedia entry here if you want to change that when/if you fix.
Fixed both. ~In Media Res

big E -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/15/2011 10:19:33)

The message displayed when Green Envy's Daze effect is successful contains a typo:

"The foes is dazed by the toxic gas produced by its Envy."
Bolded "s" to be removed.

Master K -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/15/2011 15:55:50)

In Mass Mardar, when the hero discovers the Blood Orb...


......That mut be it. The Blood Orb. Yuck! Is it actually MADE of blood?!

Mispelled must.

Ghostclaw -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/14/2012 8:04:53)

Wrayth Blade's special says 'Non-Living beings do not feal fear'. Should be feel, no?

Westwycke -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/15/2012 16:33:01)

In this year's Blarney War.

The cutscene shows a conversation with Lucius

THe entry to the war from Battleon states:
This year Uncle Sham has taken the horn of the great Lucian.

Which is it: Lucius or Lucian?

Kalas -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2012 12:00:50)

This is when you fail the roll for rogue class level:

You Were Spotted!

You weren't good enough on your feet to able to sneak attack your target, and now the most wanted Rogue in Krovesport has escape <--(typo) your grasp!

It should have said escaped.

Westwycke -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/28/2012 15:17:57)

You are doing it again.

The Unicorn Bowie G has a description that reads (in part):
This powerful dagger given to you by Lucius has a chance to cleanse its weilder of Poison!

But when the ability occurs, the text is:
Lucian's alicorn cleanses toxins from your body.

Again I ask: Is it Lucius or Lucian??

Continuity, please.

Affinity -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/15/2012 5:02:50)

In the Wyvern Riders quest, when Duke Daestis is attempting to justify his rebellion, he says

Sire no, I only wanted to put an end to the trechery...

Treachery is the correct spelling.

In the same quest, <Player>'s dialog also has a typo, I think.

Yeah, maybe a quite room in a dungeo...

Quiet, I suppose.

And another one from the same quest after Cyrus devours Duke Daestis. It can't exactly be quoted, but both speech bubbles are labelled as <Player>'s name. I'm supposing the one with larger fonts should be Galanoth's name. Link

Skull Kid -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/17/2012 6:22:54)

In Return of the Huntress Part 5, Trouble from Beyond in encyclopedia:

Artix: We are all together here for one reason… To learn what we can about the Devourer before it is too late.

But actually in the game Warlic says it :

Warlic: We are all together here for one reason… Yo learn what can about the Devourer before it is too late.

"Yo"-"To" and "what can"-"what we can" in the game, in game typo.

Again in the same quest, in-game
Huntress: I still appear young because living in-between universes, as The’Galin does, halts the flow of time. WHile I am here on lore, I am aging normally.
unnecessary capitalization in-game

In the Mage's intro to every quest, in-game, Warlic says Magick instead of Magic

In Devourer Saga, Temple Of Hope encyclopedia entry

What would you like to do?
Do not give up noe!
Continue exploring
Go back, I'm tired...

In game it is correct.

In the Ice Orb quest in Temple Of Hope, in-game typo

Warlic: These orbs--they must be the ones left behidn by the Elemental Lords themselves, long ago. The orbs with the greatest power. I know where the nearest orb is located-- lucky you

In the same saga, --> A New power for the Devourer? Garlic says : Perhaps he has fallen into cprruption himself
Typo: corruption

My Name is Jake -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/17/2012 19:50:52)

In the Devourer Saga quest 10: Rogue City Sage Uldor says "Probing the Etehreal Realm would have helped very much, because that dimension touches all others. As we started our search, however, someone ELSE must noticed."

Etehreal should Ethereal

IamSoSmart -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/10/2012 7:42:17)

The Big 100K is not lv70, now its lv100.

But its description still says:
At level 80, The power of this weapon's special increases!

Maybe it could say:
At level 110, The power of this weapon's special increases!

Or just remove it.

Removed it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/18/2012 2:11:30)

In the free server, the advertisement caption below the game screen states 'To hide the advertisements, and you are a Guardian click here to go to the Guardain-Only game server.' It should be 'Guardian', not 'Guardain'. The grammar is also a little awkward; the sentence could be rephrased as 'If you are a Guardian and wish to hide the advertisements, click here to go to the Guardian-only game server.'

phoenixjoe -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/10/2012 15:30:50)

There's a spelling mistake in the spell that Neberon - Mage Trainer gives you while training Intelligence.
The spell, Mana Restoration, says: "Neberron has granted..." - One of the "r"'s should be removed

Shadow Genesis -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/15/2012 11:40:15)

in the description in-game for fire knights lvl 75 and 105 it says: "At least he doesn't get gold at *coughs* Knight." should be cold.

Fixed. ~In Media Res

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