RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Razgriz -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/22/2007 17:03:36)

the description says amd but it should be and. \
o and necrospirit dwagon blade is no typo it is the real name of the weapon cus the dragons hate the real dragon blade so much... i think

Mithos -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/25/2007 4:48:53)

"DragonSlayer quest - if you fail the stat roll, it says "The illusive dragon is on the move" - should be elusive"

That's actually wrong. There is no typo there. They said illusive because it managed to get away from you before you found it. Illusive (From based on or having the nature of an illusion; "illusive hopes of finding a better job".
*sure, works for me.*
And in the Magic Ice Katana's description "overcharged" is spelt without the "c".

larry of the lemurs -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/26/2007 19:04:32)

the dragon spirit totem item says it increases ur melee magic dexterity and fire, but it instead increases ur ranged magic dexterity and fire


Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/27/2007 19:10:30)

From the current Pirate/Ninja War: And why did the Ninjas attacked right away?

Should be: And why did the Ninja attack right away?

UltraSonic50 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/31/2007 7:15:07)


ORIGINAL: Element Seeker
Same as the above except slightly different. This low damage weapon can hurt any creature, the bearer can face, but it drains your life force in order to do so. This weapon occassionally does extra damage!

Common Sense: what is the weapon above this?

so it is also a typo

Sir Gnome -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 13:10:53)

From the current Ninja/Pirate war final battle:

'He told ME that an invasion was head my way!' Should be 'He told ME that an invasion was headed my way!

Lucas Rap -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 13:23:37)

Well I found many typos in the Class Quests and maybe in World Map...

/World Map:

Dragonspine: ''even become a Half-Dragon! or to view the story of the Uneasy Peace'' (ends here... o.O)

Class Quests (Abilities)

Necromancer LV 9 Description - '' the cost of receiving no'' (ends the space here)

Pirate LV 3 and LVL 7 Description - Defensive bonuses undefined (??) - Increased defencces (it's right??)

Pirate LV 10 Description - '' do extra damage based on an'' (ends the space here)

DragonSlayer LVL 2 Description - ''...On dragons it does'' (ends the space here)

DragonSlayer LVL 7 Description - ''...Does 110% damage with a +4 BtH'' (ends the space here, I think it miss something...)

DragonSlayer LVL 8 Description - ''...Element X versus Dragons and does extra'' (ends space here)

Well already have many of others classes, I know only this because I have the armor of the class.... =D

Sorry if I made something wrong...

Lucas Rap

Resolute -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 20:11:22)

On the description of Ol' Scarface, the boss in one of the Berserker fights, the current desciption is: This old frogzard has heavy battle scars that toughen its skin. He got those scars from Eselgee. Elselgee got many of his scars from this ScarZard. They hate each other quite a bit.
Correction: This old frogzard has heavy battle scars that toughen its skin. He got those scars from Eselgee. Eselgee got many of his scars from this ScarZard. They hate each other quite a bit.


Entromorpher -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 12:32:10)

From Berserker skill lvl 0: The more damage you hurt
Should be: The more damage you are(you're) hurt

william0319 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/15/2007 9:02:27)

Sorry about posting non-aq. There's a typo on the front of mechquest home page. It says 1,0000 years before aq and dragonfable or did you do that on purpose because they have a different type of years and they call it 1 jouor?

*It's not a typo, and really does belong in the MQ boards. If you read the FAQ, it is covered*

Kosefira -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 11:25:53)

Special Scene on Deren.

Galrick: Perhaps he has fallen into cprruption himself.

That should be corruption.

Dog10250 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 15:21:32)

special scene on Deren.

Falerin:I fear that it may be about to get worlds worse. They are trying ot bring about the manifestation on their own terms...

Notice:The "ot" should be "to".

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/21/2007 11:17:37)

When clicking on Draklin in the Drakel Civil War:

Draklin was an experiement, a Moglin/Drakel Hybrid.

Should be: Draklin was an experiment, a Moglin/Drakel Hybrid.

EDIT: Here's another: Beserker Class Ability: Ticking Clock

My love for you is ticking clock!

Should be either: My love for you is a ticking clock or My love for you is like a ticking clock.

EDIT 2: Yet another; when entering the Battle Chamber in Isle D'Oriens, it welcomes you to the Haunted House.

Z -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/25/2007 8:28:58)

Cleaned up the thread. Please look if the typo has already been reported, before submitting. Thanks!
ALL reported (in this thread) monster/weapon/ etc (item descriptions) typos have been fixed as of 25Aug.

Rathour -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/26/2007 20:36:16)

On the Leech Head when it's activated it says +10 CHA, but in the stats its really +15

Rathour -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/31/2007 15:58:01)

On the save Mu-glen quest it says: "I need your help tp exterminate some pests from this otherwise perfect place."

UltiLink -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/10/2007 11:28:00)

When you fight Gilgamesh (cant remeber spelling)

It says your attack(s) bounce OF the monster's skin...

It should be your attack(s) bounce OFF the monster's skin...

Seedling -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/14/2007 21:39:42)

In the Defender Orb quest, on the second note it says "Captian Rhubarb"

It's Captain Rhubarb

Valthonis001 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/17/2007 5:39:52)

Bennuju Wetlands - After defeating the Hunters, you're given the chance to shop for the Dragonkittens by Robina, who says

"I also found an orphaned Dragonkitten that needs to be take ncare of. Some other hunters must have already been here... Can you help her?"

Inappropriate spacing.

nicknick -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/21/2007 10:46:32)

I need 186 XP to level up, but it says i have 100% XP!

Zero Hex -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/30/2007 10:57:31)

On the Travel Map, when you click on Alnaphar it says:

Here you will meet Hallifax,[...]

And once you click "Quest!", the intro says:

A woman called Halliphax,[...]

The Encyclopedia Entry says its "Halliphax". So I guess it's a typo on the map's part.

Rathour -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/2/2007 19:47:56)

On the lvl 7 berserker quest, the decription for Splasher is:
"Brakens have never really understoon humans."
Should be understood.

diggidiggidongdong -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/5/2007 3:52:47)

When you go to Grumbugly and ask for travel passes with out a pet rock (this is for adventurers) in the part when she says "I know that Mage Warlic can summon one in his show somehow."

mmichel -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/9/2007 21:03:17)

In the paxia war there is no space in Falerin's warning between arrive and soon.

Billybonkersbcq -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/10/2007 6:19:44)

In the Library of Isle D'Oriens

The Archmagi: History revealed (The orange book)

On page 14 it said;

"While little is KNOW about the artifacts that are found around Lore from ancient times, they are known to possess significant power."

It should say KNOWN

In the beach bugs quest

At the end after you kill (sort of) Kaboz's undead body guards.

Kabroz said

"So these are the ones helping _____ hold of the Devourer?

I'm not quite sure what but you should ad YOU or TO or something like that.

I think it may be ME because afterwards you comment about Kabroz fighting against the Devourer.

Out to Sea quest (given by Aquella)

The first thing Captain Frolgar said;

"THAR she blows!"
It should say "THERE she blows!"

When fighting a Baby Darkness Dragon

Last sentence in the description reads;

This one is just a baby but its still a DEADY foe.
It should say deadly.

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