Scrap metal (Full Version)

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DarkRaven93 -> Scrap metal (9/21/2006 19:06:16)

Scrap metal
This is a small piece of metal used in the creation of Dr. Whatever's metal monstrosity. Collect THIS item as well as a DRIVE UNIT to construct a robotic pet!
(No DA Required)

Location: Voltabolt's Challenge
Price: N/A
Sellback: 10 Gold

Level: 1

Max Stacksize: 100

Combine 10 with Battle Core to form Clockwork Tog
Combine 15 with Battle Core to form RoboTog

Combine 10 with Enchanted Battle Core to form Steam Tog
Combine 15 with Enchanted Battle Core to form PowerTog

Combine 15 with Filament to form 20-Watt Brightbulb
Combine 20 with Enchanted Filament to form 30-Watt Brightbulb

Combine 10 to form Cube of Scrap Metal
Combine 100 to form Ultra-Compressed Scrap Metal

Use 10 to unlock the 6th Guardian class skill

Rarity: 1
Item Type: Resource

Other information
  • Item was previously used in the following retired merges:
  • Item was previously available from the retired quest You Need More Iron In Your Diet.

    Thanks to
  • Stephen Nix for entry rewrite.
  • Jay for max stacksize information and other information.
  • Clockworktog10999, Krazy_Kakadu, and pharo212 for information.
  • Peachii, Niki, and SalvationXI for corrections.

  • Page: [1]

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