RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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kardar233 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 0:43:03)

Aquella on her fly-by trident attack now does two hits.

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 2:21:59)

Nerfkitten (lvl10) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 3
- lowers all the stats by 3
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 3% of its original value

Nerfkitten (lvl50) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 5
- lowers all the stats by 5
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 5% of its original value

Nerfkitten (lvl90) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 6
- lowers all the stats by 6
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 6% of its original value

This applies only to the first 4 succesful attacks of this type!

Exact formula for the resistance changes:

R = O + abs ( round ( N * O ) )

R - new resistance
O - old resistance
N - 3%, 5% or 6% depending on pet level

Tola -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 2:39:22)

Also assuming the attack CONNECTS.

Mystical Z -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 8:41:29)

So, if I have 90 CHA, how often is my NerfKitten (90) going to actually do its function?

The Almighty -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 8:56:44)

Mystical Z and anyone who wonders, the formula from the post said that every 2 charisma = 1% attack rate, so your CHA/2= +X%

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 9:42:02)

Summary of the NerfKittens usability according to player's charisma based on their damage, special abilities and training difficulty:

CHA <=10 None. You schould find a more friendly pet for you.
15 <= CHA <= 45 Lvl 10 one.
50 <= CHA <= 80 Lvl 50 one.
85 <=CHA Lvl 90 one.

flyingkidjoe -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 12:14:42)


ORIGINAL: Mystical Z

So, if I have 90 CHA, how often is my NerfKitten (90) going to actually do its function?

52% if i remeber right

orfintain -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2006 12:17:43)

Ok I restarting this post from scratch I was confused with the pixie healing ability. I was assuming "your damage" to be The damage done by player. While I now found the master list of game formula sheet saying its' max health - current health. These postings are also contradictory if you consider after a round with pixie you health could go up but damage would continue to go up despite healing

VN 10 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/4/2006 2:41:35)



Nerfkitten (lvl10) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 3
- lowers all the stats by 3
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 3% of its original value

can only weaken the opponent 4 times, which means after 4 'weakenings', the monsters' stats/defense modifiers will not drop anymore

Nerfkitten (lvl50) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 5
- lowers all the stats by 5
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 5% of its original value

Nerfkitten (lvl90) weakening attack:

- lowers the defense modifiers by 6
- lowers all the stats by 6
- increases all elemental resistance factors by 6% of its original value

This applies only to the first 4 succesful attacks of this type!

Exact formula for the resistance changes:

R = O + abs ( round ( N * O ) )

R - new resistance
O - old resistance
N - 3%, 5% or 6% depending on pet level

wad i added

Scakk -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/4/2006 10:57:50)

*Since there is no thread for NPCs I will post this here*

Twilly ( with flippers )

Location: The Sea Fiend War
Ocupation: To heal you <--Pedia Entry

orfintain -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/4/2006 19:50:29)

King BURP dosn't attack any where near every round

ricepatty99i7 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/5/2006 19:13:45)

Ahh i didnt know you had a formula.

king hazzy -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/6/2006 2:10:58)

well thats what he said, it raises 5% of the elements current, so say if u have 160% fire it will raise it too 168% think of it this way, the 16 is sepperated from the zero and u do half of 16.

Yagno2000 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/6/2006 3:58:25)


ORIGINAL: king hazzy
think of it this way, the 16 is sepperated from the zero and u do half of 16.

You're very sharp to think like that, but the reasoning behind that trick probably isn't immediately apparent to most people.

To clear up any confusion, the level 90 Nerfkitten multiplies the monster's current resistance by a factor of 1.06. Thanks to the multiplicative nature of this change, the effects increase exponentially. That is, the second nerf is more powerful than the first nerf, the third more powerful than the second, and the fourth more powerful than the third. By the time the monster has been completely nerfed (and with enough Charisma, this happens fairly quickly), its resistances have taken a huge hit. At this point, your attacks do 26% more damage to the enemy and at the same time the enemy's defense has been reduced by 24. Coupling its terrifying abilities with its formidable damage, the Nerfkitten easily lives up to its name and reputation, landing it a spot among the absolute best pets around. This is a must-have for any character, and being a Gold-priced pet, it's accessability matches its power. This here is quite a juicy bone the staff has tossed us, so my advice is to gobble it up like there's no tomorrow.

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/6/2006 10:03:41)


Actually, the nerf kitten lowers the elemental resistances more if their resistance is higher(higher the kitty lvl the more it raises the resistances). And it doesn't raise the resistance if it is at 0.

Yes, it's all containedi in the formula.

Lord Mardell -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/6/2006 15:25:43)


ORIGINAL: Yagno2000

By the time the monster has been completely nerfed its resistances have taken a huge hit. At this point, your attacks do 26% more damage to the enemy

Its probably worth pointing out to folks that "26% more damage" while absoloutly true as relative proposition can actually materialise some much higher numbers in terms of wemon damage.

A monster with 100% resist will nerf to 126%

However a monster with 1200% resist (carnax) will nerf to 1500%. Meaning your doing 300% extra wepon damage per turn...

At least - I hope so. Maths was never my strong point [;)]

Masteroftheuniverse -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/6/2006 16:16:42)


ORIGINAL: Lord Mardell


ORIGINAL: Yagno2000

By the time the monster has been completely nerfed its resistances have taken a huge hit. At this point, your attacks do 26% more damage to the enemy

Its probably worth pointing out to folks that "26% more damage" while absoloutly true as relative proposition can actually materialise some much higher numbers in terms of wemon damage.

A monster with 100% resist will nerf to 126%

However a monster with 1200% resist (carnax) will nerf to 1500%. Meaning your doing 300% extra wepon damage per turn...

At least - I hope so. Maths was never my strong point [;)]

I believe that the equation is (where R is the resist of the monster) R * (either) 1.25 or 1.26

Thus giving you the final nerf resistance for the nerfkitten

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/8/2006 3:52:07)

Wind gatta and light gatta entries in the encyclopedia should be switched (the wind version is lvl 35 with 12-42 dmg while the light one is lvl 60 with 16-52 dmg).

Tha Stunna -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/9/2006 0:37:51)


King BURP attack rate 53% (if independent of cha, can someone check)
3 hits
Damage 6 to 25 (reward for beating lvl 70 version)
If King BURP damage instead scales with level, then base damage = lvl^.4 and random damage = lvl^.7, but I don't have a way to confirm this... can a higher or lower level check?

I have cha 30 and am lvl 71.

No guests at all have a CHA scaled rate formula. This only affects pets. Has a 50% rate and does 3 hits of 6-18 (+CHA/15) damage.

From the formula he should only be doing 6-20 damage for me. I guess he isn't level scaled though, since i redid the numbers and got:
base = lvl^.42 and random = lvl^.66
I'm pretty sure the damage has changed from that in the encyclopedia, I'm not the only one reporting higher damage.



I think the info on the King BURP is wrong. It says 6-18 damage, but I was just fighting an Orc with 100% to everything and he was doing around 10-24 per hit. Is he level scaled by any chance like the Behemoth?

I don't know what his level was at the time though.
-Tha Stunna

Scakk -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/9/2006 20:06:27)

Tough Sea Squirt

Location: Guardian Tower SHop
Price: 3200
Sellback: 640
Training Difficulty: 30
Level: 60

Hits: 2
Damage: ?
Element: Water
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: ?
Attack Rate: ?

Hits: 1
Damage: ?
Element: Water
Attack Type: Melee
BtH: ?
Attack Rate: ?

mystic aurora -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/9/2006 22:57:19)

Actually SCAKK, it only does two hits for the water blast attack, not three.

Knight of the Order -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/10/2006 14:02:16)

Tought Sea Squirt

Location:Guardian Tower Shop
Training Difficulty:30
Description:A sea squirt is a young version of the sea fiend, a massively powerful monster of the ocean depths.

Attack 1:
Damage:12-36 (total)

Attack 2:

Review: Quite a good pet, great for fighting energy monsters, nice damage aswell. Doesn't move much while not attacking, but it's not the looks that matter.


BtH's and rates are much appreciated.

sleams -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/10/2006 14:47:54)

The lizard wizard has lvl 15 Training Difficulty.

NotKnowName -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/11/2006 4:13:57)

New old style Twilly
Type : Guest
Location : Epic Quest Part 15
Element : Earth
Attack type : Melee
Damage : 7-22 ???(not sure..)
BTH : ??
Attack rate : ???
Sometimes will increase MP and HP by 20 ,this can heal over your max HP and MP ...

Tainted_Flesh -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/11/2006 6:15:35)

Zorbak is no longer rare in terms of a guest. Before you could only find Zorbak by Frostvale 05, Great fire war and Strike team he is now avaliable by Epic quest part 15. But as a pet hes still rare.

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