RE: Clues VI (Full Version)

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themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:05:21)

im leaving nova is the evil one they must have been the ones deleting the thread they want to distract us by having us talk about them i think no i feel that we can trust truth but not lies.

Firestorm01 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:07:25)

I think NOVA is indeed an evil cult but I do not beleive that Maxwell is truly a member of them. I think he just wants them to think that.

f180 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:07:40)

NOVA is in the IRC channle

Ndog1 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:08:50)

lord O bob forgot who u were after aunt jemimah

ORIGINAL: Lord Ouranos



NOVA is contacting people all over the net now, it seems every single person that bad mouthes their name is being hunted down?

Why is that a question?

Anyway, what power does NOVA have? I am sure they can send one mean letter. That will teach them a lesson.

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:09:21)


ORIGINAL: Firestorm01

I think NOVA is indeed an evil cult but I do not beleive that Maxwell is truly a member of them. I think he just wants them to think that.

maxwell is a traitor and a pupep of nova they are trying to distract us from truth by talking about them lets stick on topic no more nova stuff.

killerdude22 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:12:40)

i clicked on MiRc and then wat i do?
plz help

f180 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:19:27)

we dident tell them anything. they tried to tell us to stop "bad mouthing " them on the IRC channle. nova that is.

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:20:13)

NOVA is an organisation of terrorists by definition. They use scare tactics to opress all who have different opinions. They opress freedom. They cannot be good.

Circa Survivor -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:20:27)

join NOVA ... he knows who we all are.... he sent me an e-mai lmessage which is secret
give up.....

we can't stop him.....

Seraph7676 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:21:04)

I need help on the IRC chat

killerdude22 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:22:36)

ya i dont know how to get to it plz help

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:29:26)


ORIGINAL: Genoclysm

NOVA is an organisation of terrorists by definition. They use scare tactics to opress all who have different opinions. They opress freedom. They cannot be good.

busch aint gunna do nothin about them then dang i hate terrorist why with the killing.

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:30:19)

Someone, tell me who or what NOVA is in detail. I know their terrorist, but real terriorst? Like the terriorist our soldiers are dieing over?

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:31:07)


ORIGINAL: apaper

Someone, tell me who or what NOVA is in detail. I know their terrorist, but real terriorst? Like the terriorist our soldiers are dieing over?

i think so grrrrrrrrr im patriotic now im angry!!!!!!!!!

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:31:19)

A terrorist is someone who terrorisis, not necessarily someone who kills. They seem to torture though.

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:32:17)

Crap, lol. It can't be. Terrorist, for one, wouldn't be stuipid enough to go to a place where your IP adress could be logged. Second, since when can terrorist speak good english?

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:32:24)


ORIGINAL: Genoclysm

A terrorist is someone who terrorisis, not necessarily someone who kills. They seem to torture though.

still its bad and what does this have to do with the game again?

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:34:21)

Wait, so it went to clues, to terriorist organizations? Wow, we are the off topic masters!

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:36:04)


ORIGINAL: apaper

Wait, so it went to clues, to terriorist organizations? Wow, we are the off topic masters!

like i said thats there plan and its working.

Seraph7676 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:36:11)

Terriorist? What the heck is going on here?

themailman6 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:37:23)

truth give us a clue plz i wish to help you.

Genoclysm -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:41:38)

Not all terrorists are foreigners, and not all are Muslim. There have been fully American terrorists. LOOK UP THE DEFINITION!

apaper -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:44:28)

Here is what terriorist mean in the dictonary

Also this: the use of force or threats to intimidate, ect.

Firestorm01 -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:53:28)

I wonder this: If each of the 8 faceless associate themselves with a different element them the question comes to mind wheither or not they are affliated with or against each of the lords of the element.

KHLOVER -> RE: Clues VI (10/2/2006 22:54:28)

for some reason, NOVA is sounding like the devil
it lies
then ummm.....
then the hatch people are TRUTH?
anna= new avatar of truth?
Those in NOVA faceless?
Cordemi a spy from NOVA?
Truth a spy for us?
Maxwell a spy?
Whose the avatar of LIES?

Hope can save us obviously
maybe the devourer is not a physical ting
it is despair and all those things in Pandoras box

remember, a weapon can destroy a body but fear/confusion can destroy the soul (anarchy)
so if the devourer comes knocking, we get hope to help and hope gives us more hope to survive while we somehow figure out a way to kick the devurer out
and then we go smak the facelesses with our uber sets

EDIT: firestorm, the elemental lords are said to have no physical being
maybe they are, maybe they are not

EDIT 2: terrorists by definition do not kill
they put terror/fear into people

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