Aerodu Clan Stories (Full Version)

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Spikerslayer -> Aerodu Clan Stories (10/5/2006 15:39:14)

Post your stories about Aerodu here.

This thread can be used to post any stories you want about Aerodu however it is specifically designed for short stories.

Any Stories can have their own thread in Creative Writing however if it is only short you may want to add it to the whole.

Have fun!

Kinzdor -> RE: Aerodu Clan Stories (10/6/2011 19:43:20)

The numbered beats had grown in power and there growls could be heard all over Paxia! A man in a red Aerodu robe stood on a hill. From the hill he could make out what seemed to be a group of numbered beats gathered in a nearby forest. The man saw 2 interesting figures. A winged man and what looked like a ice serpent. It was like he had seen them before or at least seen there shadows. The hooded man went off to meet with the clan leaders. The clans then dived and went to there bases to plan for war. The man and the other members of Aerodu climbed the mountains and had a clan meeting at the airship. They discussed there war stagey. The man stood up and spoke "Today we go to war to protect the land that we love,the people we love, and the memory`s we all share! Today we fight for Paxia,Aerodu and for the memory`s we share!" The man looked around the airship then pulled out his wand,walked to the edge of the air ship shouted "To battle!" and jumped! The birds that had been circling the air ship flew away. He grasped a hold of of a ledge and pulled himself up on to the body of mossy rocks that lay beside the steamy canyon. He rose his shield to his chest,held his wand in the air, and charged into battle "For the clan of wind!"

The man`s hood dropped to show that the man was Kinzvlle master of magic and loyal member of Aerodu. Kinzvlle was having a hard time handling all this! He had seen the signs that war was coming along with the rest of Aerodu which allowed them to plan ahead and from into a tight fist.He was gathering as much info about the situation as he could. That was what worried him though the information he found just raised more questions. "Where did the bests come form? Who are they working for? Why are the doing this?" He asked himself while takeing a break from battle. Kinzvlle was trying to find as many answers as possible! Through spying,magic, and looking over every thing that could even have a chance of being a clue!. Life was kinda awkward for kinzvlle at this time! He could tell in his blood that his years of travel,study, and research were almost over and that soon his goal to become a Archmage would be complete! That is if everything was to go smoothly though with his past of obstacles getting in his way,Kinzvlle had his hopes very low. The week after week of war was takeing a toll on his health as well. He found himself getting tried and out of breath faster then normal. He was also confused and uncomfortable. Normally he was the guy with the answers but now he had none.

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