MarcMagus -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/17/2005 11:30:26)
Addendum to Flying Eyeball: Type: Pet Location: Warlic's Advanced Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 2-8 Ranged, 4-16 Magic, 2-8 Mana (10MP), or None (see below) Notes: The eyeball takes one of four actions with equal probability: Ranged Attack: 1 hit for 2-8 Ranged Darkness Magic Attack: 2 hits for 2-8 Magic Darkness each Mana Drain: 1 hit for 2-8 (Unknown) Darkness damage to opponent's mana (this is affected by opponent's elemental resistances). You gain 10 MP regardless of the amount of damage done, in two increments of 5 MP. Nothing: The eyeball takes no action. I've never seen the eyeball make a melee attack, unless its drain attack is melee. Although I'm not completely certain of the damage ranges given, the numbers I've seen are consistent with them. I've never seen anything to support the idea of a 3 hit attack of 2-8, or any other way of arriving at 6-24 in a single attack (the amount listed in the official description). I have fairly good confidence in the assertion that actions are equally distributed 1/4 among the possibilities, although it is a bit of an assumption. More data points if somebody else has collected data on this would be welcome, especially if the seem to suggest otherwise. (EtA: And, of course, the Avatar is a nice image of it, if you can use that.) Added to what we already had. Thanks ~Suikoman444