RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (Full Version)

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isaiahdjkim -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/28/2005 17:34:58)

Hi AO!

Hi I!

Do you like being called AO?

I don't mind it.

How long have you been playing AQ?

Approximatlly six moths I believe.

What RPGs do you like other than AQ?

World of Warcraft.

If you didn't suscribe to the computer, what would you be doing right now?

Right now? Probably reading a book.

Thanks for the questions Ancient One!

Not a problem.

lilJunior7 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/28/2005 17:57:01)

Hey Anc, glad to see you!

I suppose I am glad to see you [;)]

You know me right, eh? ;)

Yes I do

Your wish, or somein finally came true right?

Whatever floats your boat

Ancient means wise to me in one way, does it to you?

But of course! I am the very incarnation of wisdom!

Did you get in trouble in your early days?

Not really. In my "earlier" days I wasn't as active I believe and didn't post very much. On occasion I may have gotten in a little trouble with a moderator but nothing serious, nor anything I can recall

Is there anyone who you dislike in this forum?

Hmmm, besides you? Just joking ^_^. Not really. I don't think I have a "disliking" bone in my body.

If there so, then who?

No one...

Is this job hard, fun or what...

A bit of all three. Hard, fun, and 'or what'

... Were buds right?

I am 'buds' with anyone who wants to be

Well thats all I got, see ya later Anc!!!

Yeah, see ya

Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/28/2005 18:50:26)

Ug der, sharkuu.

Hmmm, Greetings to you too [;)]

Lat gruk orc blah? Ib lat nub gruk, tu nubhosh. Har har har!

A little bit. Not much though.

Amal lat frum, humie?

Where am I from? I live in Tampa, Florida.

Lat clomp'r, sneek'r, magi, or a kwak?

'Magi' yes.

Wut wepun lat lyk usin'? Lusk? Zult? O'lig? A stik? *toothy grin*

What weapon do I like using? Partial to swords and staffs. In specific on AQ, Spirit Katana.

Anzer za: Lat are pushdug arg globuurz. Nub or yub?

Hmmm, nope.

Skarkuu, wen du lat thynk lat'll be bragonk-ishi?

When do I think that there will be what? Dont know the last word.

Gug'ye, humie. Rulg.


*umm, just have to ask..what language is that? Reens*

Black Speech, I do believe.

You believe wrong. It is Orc Blah. I had to do a google search.
*Yayy! Kazgroth was wrong!* *goes to write this date on her calendar*

Just barely wrong! At least some of the words are either taken from Black Speech to fill in the the holes of Orc Blah, not to mention I'm pretty sure Orc Blah steals some from Black Speech. Once I found that 'sharkuu' was 'old man' in Black Speech, I matched up a few more words and assumed Tharg was working from a more complete source than I for Black Speech, or using a messed up form of Black Speech. I figured either was possible since Tolkein's Orcs used Black Speech and Thrag, being an Orcish type, picked it up along the way. In other words, I'm half right. And that means I'm not wrong. :-P Duguur skarkuu! Me lat shakn!

starsbright -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/28/2005 19:40:52)


I do believe I have more questions. You really don't have to answer them though, I just thought this would be different.

Let's have fun with some logic here. You have said repeatedly you are ancient, and the only races I can think that would be an Older Elder and far above the number any human can count would be a wizard/witch or an Elf. However, since you are above the human range of counting, then you must be older than Time itself, or you are Old Man Time himself. So are you? Or, what are you?

Older then time itself? Time is but a construct made up by the imagination of long gone men who had a desire to have some measure of control over that which they could not fully understand.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. I hand no beginning and as such shall have no end, except one of my own choosing.

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Or just something to drink because you are really incredibly thirsty?

The glass surronds an amount of water. The amount of water is independent of the glass, and there for can not full, or empty, any amount of the glass.

Is this a question?

Yes, one as wise as the ages.

You have four apples. You take away two. How many apples do you have now?

I have two fruits which, in english, go by the name of apples.

Having fun with logics? I enjoy brain puzzles. XD Guess that's all for now, thanx!.*waves and chases more bubbles* ^_^

As do I...

KazgrothX -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/28/2005 23:30:53)

Well met, Anceint Enemy!

1) I noticed I wasn't on your list of favorite people. Will you play the world's smallest violin while I weep?

I never considered you a person...

2) Do you attend Wallo's and One Wolf's 'I hate KazgrothX' Parties?

I attend their parties. I did not know they were classified at 'I hate KazgrothX' parties. I just thought it was a good place to get free food...

3) Now, considering that an evildoing/cream soding drinking Ancient person who thingk himslef as good as Archimies (a sad man with no zero), a British hunk of American cheese from MY back door who tells me the Constitution is a lie, and an anamorphic timber wolf are all having a party in hate of me, is this a sign of the end times? And if so who is the embodiment of evil in that case? Or simply my fevered, paranoid imaginations

The end of your times perhaps. The embodiement of evil you seek is inside yourself.

4) Oh how I wish I could believe your lies!

I do not lie. I speak the truth. I am old and remember the time before man even lied.

5)....So um, are they are type of posts that you hate?

Any made by you [;)]

6) You do realize anything I do to you in this thread, I play off retribution for what you did to One Wolf, right?


7) Muwhahahahahah!.....?


8) I formally apologize for everything I do before and here on after. Think of it kind of like an ArchKnight-Help and Support hazing. Kind of.

Sure, why not?

legend_again -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 6:52:07)

Greetings thy Sir Ancient One? Hath got the time to answer me questions, I presume!

1) Did you attend some fabled, extravagant, once per a lifetime course to be so psychic and dramatic as to be able to answer questions so tactfully that you were selected as an ArchKnight?

I was not selected as an ArchKnight because of my talent at answering questions. Answering questions is not part of my job. Moderating my boards to the best of my ability is. Since I happen to patrol the Help and Support boards though I often do answer questions. Technically though that has nothing to do with my position.

2) Who do you hate most in this forums? Be grateful -- this is your chance to sabotage someone you loathe! Hey... I'm innocent!

No one at all! Hate is a terrible thing. Love is much better ^_^

3) What genre of books is your prefence? Is/are there any specific author(s) that you would like to name? Always bear in mind that I'm the survey extraordinaire!

Mystery and Fantasy. John Grisham and Terry Goodkind.

4) Do you feel as if you are a prodigy, or somewhere near one?

I am above the mundane classification of a 'prodigy'

5) In the upcoming Werewolf versus Vampire War, (the current ongoing one is just simply an invasion of Battleon, probably feigned) do you favour the Vampires, or maybe the Werewolves? Be candid, and yes, there is always an "I don't know" answer to every question.

Neither. Wars come and go. There are no winners. Someone loses. Someone else loses more.

6) If you were given a choice: only one choice... would you select a chocolate chip, cheese, wholemeal grain, plain, Oreo or dung cookie?

Chocolate chip

7) Do you feel more mature, or immature than how the average member of your age group behaves now? The aged are quite childish, for your information, so if you are ancient, you must feel: younger?

Maturity is based on what is the current social climate. I do what I feel is right. If you consider it mature or immature that is up to you ^_^

8) Shall we organise a 'I hate KazgrothX' party? [;)] Or maybe otherwise, lessay, for example: 'I hate starsbright'? Don't say 'I hate legend_again' parties, please!

No, no. As I said I don't hate. 'I love ____' parties would me much better ^_^

9) Would you be kind enough, O dear Ancient One, as to bid farewell to me, a poor soul found in the Fifty Seas, Twenty Oceans, Thirty-Seven Mountains, Thousand and Five Hills, Five Hundred Praires, Two Hundred and Twenty-Two Tundras, One Million Steppes, and one AdventureQuest? O, thy beloved Ancient One, may my wish come true! Please agree! Shall you?

I bid thee farewell.

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 8:34:14)

Don't start again Legend_Again. Alright Ancient One, not many questions for you, just to make life a little easier...

Have you ever seen the 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies?


If so, did number three stink or what?

You tell me [;)]

Yeah, number three stunk. 1 and 2 were better, and a must see for anyone who likes a good car chase, with comedy mixed in...

tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 9:09:17)

Who is your favorite author?

Hmmm... Terry Goodkind

What is your favorite book?

The Sword of Truth series... not sure which one in it.

What is your favorite snck?

Something edible.

Whats your favorite class quest and why?

Mage quest simply because ^_^


azurah -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 9:40:47)

HOw many licks does it take to lick through a tootsie pop-roll?

The tootsie pop-roll has no center silly!

And is Vephoma still possesed of Drakel Wodoo?

If he wants to be

Why does Kaley have that "ugly" cough cough i mean un-nice ;) avatar?

She is Kaley. And her avatar is very nice ^_^

Do you like avatars?


(if yes) Wich one then?

None specific...

Are you possesed by drakel wodoo?

I am not sure. If Vephoma says so.

Do you play runescape?

I used to a couple years ago. It has changed a lot... for the worse.

(if yes) whats ur name?

It was Lunamage1010

If i gave you a rs chocolate cake would you say? a. wow! b. lol c. Thx


Reens -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 10:01:25)

Hi Ancient!

I'm no good at these kind of things, so....
Do you like my avvy?

But of course!

Can I have a kitty too? I like to snuggle kitties as much as Fyrel does.

As much as Fyrel? I find that pretty hard to belive ^_^. Anyway, here is your kitty, fresh from snuggle school.

Which do you prefer - huggles, snuggles, cuddles or uberglomps?

Hmmm. Cuddles.

Darkbattler -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 10:09:50)

1) Do you enjoy working with KazgrothZ as your partner?

Naturally so.

2) If you were to replace KzagrothZ, who would you pick to replace him?

I would rather not answer that question.

3) Do you want more ArchKnights to take care of the QUestions & Answers?

Between me and Kazgroth (And Morgensturn our head moderator) I think we do a fine job of covering what is needed. On numerous occasions I have gone to lock a thread and see that it has already been done.

4) Who would you pick to do that job?

Once again, I would rather not answer that question.

5) Have you ever thought of even being considered as an Archknight?

Prior to my appointment as one? No, not at all.

6) What did you think about as you read the subject of morgensturn's PM?

I was shocked. At first I thought she had accidently sent it to the wrong person by mistake!

/me snuggleshuggleswugglesshruggles whateve-uggles Ancient

Who are these 'KazgrothZ' and 'KzagrothZ' people? They seem to have stolen my place! Its part of the conspiracy man, its all a conspiracy!
*umm, morgensturn's a guy...Reens*

Ceras -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 10:20:10)

Hey Anceint, hope things are great!

And now onto the main event:

1: What is your major?

Who ever said I was in college? I am not saying I am not but I had though that I have been very careful at concealing my actual, real life, age....

2.What is your main religion/philosophical school of thought/politcal standing? (ie liberal, conservative)

I follow my own school of thought.

3.Do you know/Have you met any of the Mods, KoO, GC, or Artix himself in real life?

In real life? Not that I am aware of.

4. I also love cookies, and since you are out here is a uberMacodamia Monster Cookie (the kind where all the dough goes into one massive ginormous cookie. Oh yeah, your one lucky duck[;)]

Thank you ^_^

5.Is there a god? Are you him?

Some would say so.

6.I want to read DragonLance and would like a super-quick overview of the series. Or just a link with info about it.

Super quick review? Way too big of a series to do that. I suggest doing a google searh on DragonLance books.

That's all I have for now...thanks for your time

Not a problem.


LovveL -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 11:02:32)

heii Ancient One

Are you happy to be a mod?

I am not. I am an ArchKnight. And yes, I do enjoy it.

How many chars do you have?

Only one. Once I have done all I wish to accomplish with him/her I might start another one.

What do you think about aq?

The community.

Do you like the staff?


Who is your favourite from the staff?

Too many to list ^_^

I voted for Ancient One in the Grand Council vote.. Lol

If that is what you thought was best then good for you. If you did it for some other reason then shame on you. [;)]

Mister U Man -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 14:06:41)

Howdies, Mr. Ancient, sir.
When did you start playing and using these forums?

I started playing around half a year ago. September 25, 2004 to be exact. I started on the forums (the old forums) a little less then a month later.

What is your favourite type of orange?

The orange colored one.

Is being an ArchKnight all it's cracked up to be?

I am not sure. What, exactly, is it cracked up to be?

Is there anyone on these forums who you would like a "nasty accident" to happen to?[:D]

No, none at all.

Rushing Waters -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 14:40:51)

High-ho, Silver and hello!

How is the weather treating you?

Nice and sunny here ^_^

Is that so?

Yes, it is so.

What do you prefer consuming? An overfull bottle of gasoline or a half-filled glass of Shiraz from the later part of the 19th century's second half?

The latter obviously!

What is the most embarrasing moment you've ever experienced?

The moment had I accuratly answered this question ^_^

Give me three reasons why I shouldn't delete my character.

*Hands Ollondokter three 'reasons'*

Not even one? [X(]

Nope, three!

Plz AO joo have 2 gimme gaurdianship plzx very much thanks if you do if you not do what i say but always don't i won't say nuthin'.


What will your future in the AQ community be?

I wish I knew.

Have you banned anyone yet?

I cannot ban people. I could suggest people to be banned and give evidence to a moderator but not actually go through the process myself.

Could you send Mister U Man to plastic surgery? He's loosing his charisma, you gotta make him uglier!

Heh, sure.

Pffft. So you play World of Warcraft, eh? Why not EverQuest 1 or 2? [8D]

Not sure.

Who is your favorite 110 cleric? [;)]

Olly ^_^

Enjoy your time as an AK and good luck with the next GC election, dear friend and beloved clanmate comrade!

Thank you ^_^


PS. Hurry hurry, there are many more people who want their questions answered. No sleeping allowed! [;)]

I am going, I am going!

The Drifter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 16:36:05)

What's your opnion on root beer?

Needs a more appropriate name. I am also not a fan of it.

Werewolves, vampires or humans?


Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/29/2005 19:48:08)

Will you be my hero?

That is up to you.

If so what superpowers do you have?

A whole arsenal of them. Ranging from Power Word Lock to a magical bell which summons Fyrel.

Can you give me a superpower?

Nope ^_^ Why not?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll?

Asked already, last page. You bum Azurah thats mine and Vephomas Question....

Do you like eggs ( I do)?

As in eating them? No. I do like creme-filled eggs though [;)]

Noah_B -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 5:50:17)

(I havent felt too well today. Sorry for not getting these sooner)

Will this strange lump ever go away?


Should I get a haircut and if so, can you cut hair?

Yes, and yes.

Are you more of a "ping" guy or a "pong" guy?

Totally ping.

tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 7:05:32)

Hey I got some more questions

If your SO ancient wouldn't you be dust?

No. My body doesn't age unless I tell it too

Do you like pretzels?


(if yes)Which do you prefer:with cheese or without?

With cheese

Oh and I like creme eggs too!I got some from the easter bunny!

those are all of them :P

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 7:39:56)

Alright Ancient One, got a couple more questions for you.

Have a good Easter? (Sorry, had to ask)

A decent one I suppose. I am jewish so I dont celebrate Easter.

Have you ever heard of Suzi Quatro and/or seen her latest concert 'Born to Rock'?


After you answer, I might edit this, so watch this space...

Just make a new post

azurah -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 10:08:00)

If a "person" asks a thing with a. b. c. do you ask with d then?

Answer with D? Yup ^_^

(if yes) oh why oh why?!

It's what I do

(if?) the horror! also how did warren get adventurer title when he made his forum acc?

I am not sure off the top of my head. I could find out though without too much trouble.

Ow many licks does it take to lick through a tootsie pop-roll? (it has a center)

Been asked twice already...

Do you still play runescape?

Not at all!

(if yes) can i kill you then? ;) jk i mean give you cake...hehe cake yummie

Do you think i should call my avatar boxwood?

If you so desire

Mister U Man -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 12:03:06)

Are you really gonna pay for me to have plastic surgery?[:D]

Heh, I am sure the government would pay for it. After all, it is a matter of national security ^_^

Johan Soulstar -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 12:14:21)

What do you think of the political turmoil surrounding Battleon? (Vamp/Werewolf problem)

We definatly dont need polotics introduced to the game...

Is there a chance that one of the April Fool's day items from Suggestions Forum got approved for the day?

Perhaps. Can't tell you either way.

Does Artix really like DBZ?

I think so...

Why are there Moglins and not Roblins?

Beats me.

When do you think the world will end? (Hopefully not today)

When I end

Am I asking to many questions?

Nope. No such thing as too many questions!

Shagronicus -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 13:28:08)

=\ I'm not very good at these. Oh well, here goes:

How much do you have in change right now in your pockets?

I am pocketless at the moment

How many keys on your keyrings?


A proper wallet: Leather or cloth?

Either one really. Cloth Im thinking though...

Have a favourite kind of frozen burrito?


Do you like puns?


If yes, have a favourite?


rdfrdfrdf -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 13:50:39)

What should I ask you to get as much useful information as possible?

Fyrel's last question

What kind of behavior is most appreciated on the forums?

Rule-following, kindness, and patience

Approximatively how many AKs are there whose main language isn't English?

All have the main language of English I believe. Or atleast type it fluently

Is it fun to delete spam threads?

I suppose. more just necessary.

When did the AKs come out? (it was quite recently, but I don't know exactly when)

Not quite sure. If I were to guess around a month or so... but that is just a guess. I can find out but dont know off the top of my head

The First wave of ArchKnights came out on March 3, 2005 with the second wave coming out the next day.

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