=AK= New AK! (Full Version)

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Pix -> =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:49:42)

Everyone please welcome a new UCaG AK, Darkflame of Ebil!
I'm sure Darky will do an excellent job. Good luck.

lord_asparagus -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:51:47)

Congrats Darkflame! Good luck, and may the force be with you!
*Waits for his MTAK thread, so he can be tortured by annoying and/or life-threatening questions*

-Lord A.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:52:15)

*I wanders in*

Oooo, look at all the shiny new buttons!

*pushes one*

...nothing happened?

*explosion in the UCaG*

Oh boy...

*runs away screaming like a little girl*


Blastwave -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:53:31)

Yay! My suggestion went through and something happened! ZOMG! I hope this AK will be as biased to me as Pix

Johnty Rhodes -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:55:53)

what?...any way conguation Darkflame

Corruption_Vash -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:56:02)

LMAO! Congrats! Also an AK shouldn't insult a member of the forums either. :)

Kysito -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 15:59:24)


lord_asparagus -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:06:45)

*Watches as the UCaG forum explodes*
*Sigh* Not again....
Cleanup on aisle 3.14!

-Lord A.

Antihero -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:14:26)

I'm not sure what to say...

Hozukimaru -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:28:43)

Congrats Darkflame!
You're one of the 2 AK's who actually know me now!
Anyway, congrats from the local nutcase..... myself.

SomaCruz609 -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:31:31)

*claps* Congrats! *hopes his Ask thread comes soon so he too can ask him endless and pointless questions*

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:32:37)

Its coming soon, I hopes.


tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:33:06)


darkness2 -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:38:26)

hopez you do a good job, or I may have to kill you!

wiffy -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 16:39:03)

Wow! Lucky! I hope you don't forget me 'K

It seems like only yesterday when you showed up as Bastila in AFE *sniff* I remember our first trade. They grow up so fast!!

weee -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 17:29:55)

yes ued and you have my best wishes and good luck in your new important area ak p.s.your now a v.i.p. in the forums

Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 17:43:12)

Does this mean you are also going to start accepting UCaG?

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 17:45:40)

Sat waaa Nabsol? Accept what in the UCaG? More games? Bah...I dunno...

*pushes another button in the confusion blowing up another part of the UCaG*


Kysito -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 17:54:23)

Spill, Aisle 42!

tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 17:59:24)

"stop blowing up the UCaG"
*gets bomb ready*
"because i wanna go" [:D]

Nabsol -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:01:39)

-jams a button-

Nennski -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:03:22)

congrats darkflame now use your powers to remove the blocks on swear words i wanna let loose lol

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:04:32)

*hides the buttons of mass destruction from the eyes of everyone but Pix and Sarah_Renee in the AK vault*

Now I can blow up the UCaG as much as I want!

Anyway, as me and Pix live in diffrent time zones, you will see I am on more. So really, my imbox is ready for any random PM that might come my way.

And my Meet the Ak thingy is soon to [:D]

Nennski: Now now, no cussing [8D]


tiptopjoe -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:06:04)

so what times will you been on Darky?

weee -> RE: =AK= New AK! (12/2/2006 18:06:24)

darky i shall forever vote on your side i shall smile when i see your name because i can trust you as a trustworthy member of the ucag ak squad im not an impotn person yay your an impkort person yay

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