RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (Full Version)

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KrustyKrab -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:02:49)

Im back west with more insane moglified questions and here we go.



Seven days

Seven days

Black SS

I know you can fill in the blanks[:D]

Mikerosius -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:04:42)

Hmm.. First time posting in one of these threads, so I may not come up with good questions.
You'll do fine. :)
But first of all, hiyas!
How are you today?
Just fine, thanks for asking.
I knew you would get to be an AK someday.
So say they all.
And now for the questions:
What is the meaning of life?
Green or Purple?
Lime green with purple polka dots
Christmas or Easter?
Easter for message, Christmas for presents, lolz
If you were to choose any imaginary beast to be for real, what would it look like?
An otak (10 points to the person who can tell me what book that's from)
Home-made or pre-made lasagna?
Homemade all the way!
Have you ever seen Pirates of the Caribbean?
Yep, both of 'em
Are moglins cute?
Is Twig really just some guy in a costume?[:(]
Quantum physics tell us it's probable
How does the über-lockiness power feel?
Favourite holiday?
Did you set off many pieces of fireworks last New Year?
Nope - I slept through New Year.
Do you love your dogs more than penguins?
Only slightly.
*wipes brow*
I did better than I had expected!
I told you you would!
..Oh! I feel some more questions coming up.
If you had all the power of this universe, what would you do?
Take over the world... and save the penguins
Do you like my sig?
Have you checked of the Edited DF Pics threads?
Yep, occasionally
Do you like my work?
What I've looked at... :)
Are you having fun answering these questions?
A bit
I sure had fun asking them!
Well, then, that's all that matters, isn't it? :)
*yawn*Sleepy Knight, signing off.
I like sleep :p

Pastahouse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:05:57)

Are you allowed to post 2 posts in this thread?
Most certainly... in fact, you can make as many as you like
Do you remeber spidweb00?
Who do you think knows most about DF? Him or furfur?
It was a close battle. They were probably about even.
Am I boring/irritating?
Not yet
Do you plan on banning me?
Not yet
Do you take ban requests?
I don't think that's quite allowed
What games do you play other than DF?
Civilization III, which I stink at
Strong food or mild food?
Somewhere between 10 and 10000... but closer to 10.
I can't see what's on your avvy except a polarbear... Can you explain?
There's a penguin with a set of cymbals standing over a sleeping polar bear... "1. Slam it 2. Waddle like hell.
What do you think of my comics of 10? I can take criticism
Give me a minute to study them Cute... but they could use a bit more story? :)

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:11:56)

How you doing Westward?
Quite well, thanks for asking.
Please to meet you!
And yourself
Will you please answer each of these questions with good grammer and in sentence format?
Good grammar, probably, sentences... not likely
Will you answer the remaining questions in atleast one sentence?
What is your favorite type of pie?
Will you sell me some pie?
I was selling pies last month,but that's over now.
How much for 60 pies?
1,000,000 DCs
Do you like pie?
Do you make pie?
Do you eat prossed food?
Yep - mostly, that's what food is.
Do you play Madden 07?
My brother does
Do you play videogames?
On PC, occsionally
What kind of hotdogs do you like?
I like bratwurst
Will you give me 100k PVP trophies as a i present for posting here? (i know you're not part of ingame staff)
*wishes for power to kick someone through internet* ;)
Can i have a sticker?
How many more questions will i ask?
Too many, I'm sure
How many questions are there in total?(in thsi post)
Don't know + pi squared=5!
How many questions are above this one in my post alone?
Tiptoe, through the tulips
Are you getting annoyed?
Not yet, but I'm sure I will be soon
Again, Pie.
Pie. Pie. Pie.
Do you have a Doom Pie?
See above.
Does it inflict trans fat damage?
With a satuated fat special attack/
What flavor is the Doom Pie?
Will you support this suggestion? mine i mean
Submit all questions in writing with 12.38 carbon copies please
Do you like being AK?
I think so
1$/\/+ 1337 $+u|?1|) ?
(isn't leet stupid?)
See sig
Are you a guy?
Are you a girl?
Do you know the answer to my last two questions?
I should hope so
Are you absolutely sure?
How old are you?
Somewhere between 10 and 10000... but closer to 10.
What will your catchprase be?
*pioneer-style yell*Westward, ho-o!
What is your favorite music genre
Anything except modern country
Do you read?
What is your favorite book?
Anything by Mercedes Lackey or Anne McCaffrey
Can you count your armpit hairs?
I shave, thanks
How many do you have?
0... o.0
Who will be the 434570 and a 1/45th president of the united states of america?
Myself... or Mr. Flibble
Do you love me?
Quite definitely... not
Will you pay me to stop?
I'm taking it into consideration
Is this my last question?
I don't think so
Or is this?
Or this?
Through the tulips...
Can I stop now?

Silv paladin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:12:14)

How did you get your job?
I was asked
Like did you meet artix one day or something?
Not yet... :(

nickman25 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:16:41)

what will ur catch phrase be will it be the same old "lockity" or something new?
*pioneer-style yell* Westward, ho-o!
OR just plain old

ranew -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:24:51)

on a scale of 1-10 how good do you think my character is?
It's like a 20 compared to my character... lolz
what is your favorite food?
if you could have three items in-game what would they be?
Rare pets - no questions
do you play df?
Too much
if so, what is you characters ID#?
Mage - 445940
Warrior - 871810
Rogue - 873962

and lastly, do you like/have doom weapons?
Like is questionable... have is yes.

Pastahouse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:28:31)

What's your ID?
Look at the main post, I do believe I'll add it
Wich rares do you have?
Black Ice Pwnies for all my characters, and one or two still have their Frostvale Dragon Capes...
Have you noticed the typo: Sepulcher instead of Sepulchure? It really annoys me.
Yep... bugs me almost as much as Rouges
What kind of lasagna do you like? Special flavor (in that case wich) or traditional?
Traditional, with mushrooms... or any kind of lasagna. Really, I'm not partial.

Gelato10 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:29:04)


ORIGINAL: Mikerosius
If you were to choose any imaginary beast to be for real, what would it look like?
An otak (10 points to the person who can tell me what book that's from)

isnt it from the book earthsea or somethin like that

Quite. Which one?

Burn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:37:26)


ORIGINAL: Mikerosius

If you were to choose any imaginary beast to be for real, what would it look like?
An otak (10 points to the person who can tell me what book that's from)

It is The Wizard of Earthsea's (from the book of the same name) trusty rodent type thing which always sits on his shoulder.

Its his avatar-thing familiar, forgot what the actual word is, its like a black cat to a witch.

And... 10 points to Burn it Down! :)

Mr m0nkey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:45:40)

Did i get 10 points to ? ^^

Nope, sorry, points are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:46:01)

Will i start another big list?
It seems so
Can i have some pie?
No - too many questions cause a loss of pie privilages.
Were those questions you deleted inappropriate even though they happen in real life?
When will the maddness stop?
Will you delete this post?
Not likely
How much were you willing to pay me?
Wouldn't you like to know? :)
Are you tired/bored?
TIred, a little
Was that list + this list the longest lists you've had to respond to?
Am i your most hated forum member?
Not yet
Do you have a Doom weapon?
When will the next DW upgrade come?
No idea
Can you say hi to cy and artix for me?
I've never met them
Pro artix or pro cy?
Can you catch a bullet in your teath?
I wish
Have you ever read "The Stinky Cheese Man"?
Does your bro play online in madden?
If he does, does he play XBLive or Playstation?
Doesn't own one
What is his gamer name/tag?
Does that have to do with playing online?
What other games does he play?
Civilization III and James Bond Nightfire
Should i start asking more questions about you?
Do you wear contacts?
Do you hate this post?
Getting there
Will i ever stop?
Can i have a chicken?
With a RPG and an uzi?
Will you ever get an AQ uberset?
Highly doubtful
Will i stop?
Extremely doubtful
Have you ever seen the Youtube video shoes, or the video muffins?
If so: I'm an athlete
Are you getting bored?
Do you think i am?
Will you answer all of these questions without nonsense?
Can i have the address to the supersecret headquarters?
123 Anywhere Lance
Have you ever been to disney?
can i post questions in lower case?
Go for it
Please stop shouting
Or like the normal way?
Normal is fine with me
Does your bro like pie?
Will this be my last list here?

Mr m0nkey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:47:11)

Meh but i pmed u the answer before he said it here =D
I didn't get it... sorry. :(

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:48:42)

the **** was you tube btw


Burn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:49:55)

10 POINTS!!! WOOT!!!
Yeah! do the happy dance! *does happy dance*

umm.... what do they do?
Absolutely nothing... but they give the old self-esteem a little boost, no?

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:52:04)

Congrats on becoming an AK! Thank you.
Ok, now a few questions: Oy vay... just kidding. Fire away. :p
Do you like:Yes
Pickles? Quite
Ice cream? YES!
Cheese? Sort of...
Rocky Balboa? Maybe
If James Bond walked up to you with a frying pan, what would you do? Beg for mercy.
Favorite music? Anything except modern country.
Favorite band? See above
Corn? Silly
Toast? Yummy
More cheese? Ok... can I have swiss?
Favorite sport? Horseback riding
Favorite (School) subject? French
Irish or Swedish? Irish
Vampires or Lycans? Neither... gnomes
Galanoth or Artix? Galartix
Favorite (DF) weapon? Worldstaff
Mr. Flibble? Is amazing.
Favorite (DF) monster? Nightshade
Ok sleepy time. I know how you feel.
Congrats again! Thanks again! :)

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:54:55)

Will this be a short list?

Do you regret saying you can make as many posts as you want in this thread?
I'm beginning to, lolz
Am I your favorite member?
I don't have one
Are you a mage?
Among other things
Are my posts eyesores?
Not yet
Will you re-respond to this?
Or chicken?
What color is chicken?
What is your daily saturated and trans fat intake?
Probably too much
Would it be rude to ask your weight?
How much do you way?
It's a secret of DOOM
What is your favorite sport?
Horseback riding
What is your favorite Baseball, Football, and Basketball team?
Don't follow baseball... football would probably be OHIO STATE :p... and I only enjoy HS basketball

Gardex -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 15:59:52)

Hiya again!
And once again... :)
I'm back!(Muahaha)
I see that
I'll try to be funny this time.
Super duper!
Well lets start then.
Okey dokey
My first question was the same as Pastahouse's. About the Sepulcher and Sepulchure thingy. He beat me in it.
Aww... :(
Why did the sneevil go over the way?
What monster wouldn't want to go over the way?
Tricky question isn't it?
Give up?
I suppose
Here's the answer: Becuase its no chickens in DF!
Only chicken hats
Bad i know.
Only a little
Why did you make this thread?
Because it's the thing to do
Ugh.. I wasn't that funny after all..
No, but a legit question
But i'll keep trying!
Ever tried my 'Find the (insert amount here) pigs' edits?
So your checking the Editing thread right?
Not yet... I'm about to leave for the day
If yes then: Do you also think that i'm a bit of the leader there?
I might say so
If no: Go and sleep. You like sleep right?
Lets eat cookies!
Sounds super
Well i'm empty for ideas.
Hope you didn't die of boredom while you answered my questions.
Not yet...
Bye bye.

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:00:29)

Do you regret saying you can make as many posts as you want in this thread?
I'm starting to
Am I your favorite member?
I don't have a favorite
Are you a mage?
Among other things
Are my posts eyesores?
Will you re-respond to this?
Or chicken?
Why not?
What color is chicken?
What is your daily saturated and trans fat intake?
Too much
Would it be rude to ask your weight?
How much do you way?
What is your favorite sport?
Horseback riding
What is your favorite Baseball, Football, and Basketball team?
Don't watch baseball, Patriots and Ohio State in football, and HS Basketball
Is Twig your home boi?
Not currently
Isn't it annoying when people say boi?
Do you have a wife and three kids and work in a button factory?
No wife
Did your boss one day come to you and say: Joe are you busy?
No boss
And you responded "no"!
I'm more of a "yes" person anyway
just in case you don't re-respond to things
I'm going to stop if you keep doing this, lolz

zig_zag91 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:01:27)

I only have one or two comments now, though be sure that I will think of many, many more! Here goes...
Okey dokey
I like the reference to Les Miserables in your AQ character's name [:D]. Did you read it, see the musical/movie, or both (all three)? When?
I've seen the movie with Liam Neeson and I've read a simplified version in French, as well as an unabridged version in English. Unfortunately I have never seen it on-stage :(
Ha, ha. I just realized that my AQ character is actually higher level than yours!
Yep, and it will probably stay that way
(Realizes that he's arguing with an AK. <No, don't set Mr. Flibbles on me! Please!>)
Mr. Flibble answers only to himself
Your DF characters could probably kick all three of mine's butts put together, lol.
Doubtful ;)
Oh, wait! I have another comment!
Fire away
Congrats on becoming an AK! You REALLY, REALLY deserve it! Good luck!
I'm flattered. Really.
P.S. What are your favorite sports? (I know I said I was done [;)])
Horseback riding
Who are your favorite teams?
Patriots and Ohio State
And some more, while I'm at it.
Go for it
Alternative Rock?
Yes, please
Closer to 10 or 20 years old?
Closer to 20 or (God forbid) 30 years old?
NFL Playoff Picks? (Colts beat Ravens! Eagles and Saints are playing now!)
I haven't watched the game, so I pick the Saints, but I have no idea if they won
Post Number 70! Woot!
Yayz! Get excited!
I'm probably not going to be on the forums any more tonight unless you also answer tonight, so can you PM me when you answer me (no matter when you get around to it?)
I answer all questions here :)
You're welcome!

som3dud33 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:24:23)

What does it feel like to have your Buckeyes lose in the National Championship?
It sucked. Royally.
And that boise st. had a better record?
See above
Does it make you want to eat pie?
Yes. Until I die. (j/k)
What is your favorite NFL team?
Bengals or Browns?
Do you like that i leave gaps in between?Don't
Or do you prefer it like this?
Are you a Lebron James Fan?
You know he's not really a king don't you?
I know :p
Do you hate my sports related questions?
Last post (until a few minutes) for me here.

noobxpoons -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:38:31)

Congratz, how is it being a archknight?
Cool... but odd. :)

You must be exhausted with ppl asking u so much questions right?
A little

do u know me?
Know of, yeah

Are you a fast typer?
Sort of


Andrew5a -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:40:30)

Whats with your name
i think im going to sit hear all day and ask stupid things
Oh no...
red or blue
green or yellow
Bored or tired
Do you like pink
I dont
I'm sorry
What else to ask...
Do you hate it when people like me post a lot of questions
Im going to kepp adding to this list untill you answer it
I have to sleep sometime...
What level are you in Df
29(M), 26(W), 27(R)
57, I think
Im not really asking you anything because im not using question marks
Do you know your abc's
I dont
That's too bad - you're doing a pretty good job of guessing
are you really an AK or did you just hack into the forums and make your self one
What kind of question is that?
Not really
Whats 5+5
Ok yourr good what about 5*5
Man your good
I know
AQ or DF
I like DF better
As do I
Are you old
Compared to what?
How many smiley faces can you make :^)
Too many for my own good.
I dont know who many i can make because i dont count
What would you do if i broke the rules
Depends on how you did it
Cysero or artix
You must pick one
I did
New york or Boston
Apple pie or cherry pie
Whould you like a cookie
Yes, please! (I've had so many all ready...)
Well so would !
Good we can eat them together.
Can you guess how many more questions im going to ask
Too many, I'm sure
Do you like smiley faces[:)]
As long as there's 3 or less per post, yeah sure
Whats your faviort thing to do
Horseback riding
Whats your faviort kind of pie
Did i spell faviort wrong i think i did
Yep, you did
Well how do you spell it
Awww... :(
Do you like hockey
What is you faviort team
Don't have one
Did i spell faviort wrong agian
do you like chicken wings
I do yum
Wheres the secret hedquaters
Beats me... it's a secret, you know...
Your lieing!
If only
Guess how many words i spelled wrong
Too many
Do you spell words wrong
I try not to
I do
I'm sorry
I lied!
I know
Whats you faviort type of chezze
i spelled it wrong again
I see that
What is your relationship with green foods
I don't get attached to things I eat
how mad do you get when people post SPAM
Somewhere slightly below "raging bull"
Do you know what spam stands for
It's a secret of DOOM
I do
What Rhymes with orange
im getting tired of typing
Me too
Not really i just like lieing
Dang it
This is getting really long isnt it
I'd say so
I really mean it
Do i win an award for longest list ever!
No - there is no award for such as this

Camail -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:46:36)

Well, I guess its my turn....
Yep, that's correct
Grats on the new job.
Is there a lounge in the corner of pluto where the Forum rulers go and hang out?
It's on one of the moons of Saturn, but that's all I'm allowed to say.
I'v seen you before, but have I ever argued with you? I've argued with so many peopl it can't remember anmes....
I don't think so. I usually remember arguments.
If you had a choice to sustain life on radiation or lard which one would you choose?
If you had to pick anumber between 3-239 would you pick 0?
No... I'd pick 406.
Have you gained the copyrighted skill of levitation and brain-sizzling yet that all AKs have?
Not quite... it's only my second day, after all.
How many nukes do you have stockpiled?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Do you fund sea otter genicide?
Not currently
Do you fund sea otters?
I honestly don't know
How many times have to attempted murder on the oceans.
I don't understand!
Have you saild the 7.5 seas?
Not quite
How many times have you gone back in time?
6... but this will make 8
Do you think the world will end in 5 months or 5 years?
When will goverments realize that egos only hinder there recognition from historians therefore destoying what they wanted in the first place?
Never - their egos prevent them from doing so
How tall is god?
5' 3"
5' even
Evolution or Creationism?
Both - I'll explain if you PM me
Evolution, creationism, or westwardism?
westwardism. Duh.
Insane or crazy?
Chinese food or Taco bell?
Multiyplayer or singleplayer?
How many people have tried selling you their soul so far?
Not enough
Last number of Pi?
Last letter of Pi?
Last Pi of Pi?
The sqare root of -1
Pi Pi Pi Pi?
w00t w00t w00t w00t
Did someone from weight-watchers come up with calling an infinit number pie? or was it the buffet industry?
Sounds like a weight-watchers plot
Chicken oir raioactive waste?
I guess chicken >.<
Colde fusion or a lightsaber?
World peace or Dragon Fable?
World peace
Your AK powers or you soul?
My soul
Who did you sell your soul to?
Mr. Flibble
Rolith or Reens?
How will you take control of the Forums and ultimatley destroy us all?
It's a secret of DOOM
Do you know latin?
Non, mais je sais un peu de français... <--- Where's Maal when you need him to correct my grammar?
Num Es lupa? [:-]

Pastahouse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho! (1/13/2007 16:49:20)

What do you think about my suggestion?: When there are too many posts say that the slots are full and delete all new posts that come after that?
I'll probably just lock the thread :)

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