RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (Full Version)

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tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 18:59:11)

Nut uh! Kittens dont last foreva!Dogs rule cats drool! :P
Gaspness! Die! RAWR!
Well I guess everybody else is doing it so "snugglewugglehuggles"! YAY!

jendinn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 19:27:56)

okay i got some more questions!
if you could describe life in 1 word what word would it be?mines interesting
do you know what my sig is refering to?do you find it offensive?
Nope. No idea.
would you want to work as a cat breeder or a vetranarian?
Neither. >.> How about counseling psychologist?

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/15/2005 20:02:42)

[Deleted by Admins]

Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 20:04:05)

Do you think I'm the secksiest?
Sure. XD
I have an Australian accent is that secksy?
I love any accent!
Why dont you like me ;'(
I do. ^^

Jimmiedean -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 20:49:49)

Do you ever sleep?
I love my sleep, but unfortunately, I don't get it often. ;_;
Do you know where i can find a gas station?
Down the corner.
Does this cut look infected?
Yep. Very. Would you like to pick from my collection of Sanrio or Barbie band-aids?
What do you like to do as a hobby?
What is your balogni's last name?
It's kind of shy. Doesn't like giving out its last name.
Is your balogna's last name Bigfoot?
Do you ever leave your house?
Do you like my name?
Did you know some frogs can change their gender at will?
They don't actually change their gender...they're asexual.

flawless650 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 21:56:08)

Why are all the mods really weird?
You have no idea...
Yup...that's all I want to know.

Dark Speed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 22:25:25)

No wayyy!

Did you miss me? I've been gone for quite a while. IRC bores me and the forums refused to open on my helpless aol browser.
I do! :P I was gone for a while too. You -have- to come on IRC again! Pwease?
Ah well.

All hafta get on to talk some more..

Well, I've not really got any questions, seeing as this is Meet the mods I suppose questions arent required. Just thought I'd drop in to letcha know I'm still alive. Anyhow, I suppose I've got one question I can ask considering I've asked it, or something similiar, in every one so far.
*drum roll*
ZOHMG<!>!! T3|-| M0|)?!?!one! C4|\| 1 |-|4|\/3 L0554 |)4 m0|\|135?!one1!!! It took me...4 minutes and around 40 seconds to decipher that. ;_; And the answer I'm so predictable. :P
Edit: Hehe, you told Pae the midget in the corner tasted as good, and you told SeaHawK that the midget in the corner tasted better. Hmph!
And you told PAE to read up, ha!
Heehee, yeah! I know! I'm ingenious, aren't I?


1wingangel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/16/2005 0:34:17)

... Will you finally stop hiding my medication from me? You know I can't reach my meds or else they may actually put me in a Strait Jacket... *Shiver*
Sorry dear, couldn't find mine so I simply had to take someone's. Yours just conveniently happened to be there! And strait jackets are actually very fashionable. They're totally in this season, especially those plaid ones.
Do you like Freakazoid?
Sure. >.>
Don't you think I am the best One Winged Angel EVAH!?!?!!1!?!?!?ZOMG!!?!
Omigodliek YEHA!!11one!
Does Pae ownd j00?!!
XD No way. I am like...super Fy, man. I owned HER!
Pae pwnd meh.
Haha, loser---err, I mean. How unfortunate. >.> *cough*
What do you think about Harvest Moon Cow Plushies?
They're plushiefully Harvest Moonie bovinelicious.
Errr... running out of questions here...
It's okay. Not everyone can rise to the challenge and meet it as bravely as you did. I'm proud of you. *sob*
*googles up questions.*

Got perfect questions!
Question 1:Why? (didn't see that coming!)
Because. Oooh, deep.
Question 2: How? (Hah! I TEH OUT SMARTEDERED j00!)
Now, this one's a hard one...may I use one of my lifelines?
Question 3: Multiple Choice!
A B C or D?
I think I'm going to have to go with false. It was hard, but I came through at the end. :P

Jimmiedean -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/16/2005 3:08:02)

I saw it on Hannable and wanted to ask you. Will you let me eat part of your brain?
It's not very appetizing...
Can you hail a taxi for me?
Who brings home the bacon in your house?
I do most of the grocery shopping.
Do you like pizza with anchovies?
Not really.
Do you want to smash watermelons with me?
Can I eat 'em instead?
Do you believe in Santa?
I believe that he's an overweight old man who robs everyone's house on December 25.
Where do polar bears come from?
The Arctic.
Is it halloween yet?
Are you disturbed by my questions?
I've developed an immunity. >.>
Where do babies come from?
When mommy and daddy love each other very much...
Who there to many details LOL i din't want to hear anything about a stork LOL.
I <3 storks.
What if the sun disappeared?
We'd all freeze and die.
Why do dogs sniff eachothers butts?
It's their way of recognizing each other and to tell whether the other dog is sick or not.
Which way did he go Fyrel which way did he goooooooo?
That way.

Scully -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 7:58:35)

if you could only keep one of your kitties and the rest had to be slaughtered which one woud you keep?
:O You can't make me choose! I'd take ALL of them.
have you heard of me?
I see you post in the boards.
do i annoy you?
Not really.
do you like hamsters?
They're okay, I guess. I don't like rodents much.
geese or chickens?
orangutans or self tan?
Eww, I hate tans. Orangutans, then.
what is your favourite dried fruit (including freeze dryed)?
can i have a hugglewugglesnugglemugglebuggle?

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 8:22:10)

That is cool that your favorite veggie is celery because besides asparagus that is my favorite!
I really have gotten to know you Fy and I think that you have gotten to know most of us too.
^^ That's good.
Oh and just cause I won't be on tomorrow... MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, happy birthday then!
One last question.
Are you staff or just Mod?
I'm staff and mod.

=Max= -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 10:26:17)


Remeber the names yet?
;_; Not yet.
If you can't remember, once you remember it, could you PM me?
Maybe. If I remember to remember it. :P
I think the only good moglin is the black one on the Undead Terror Quest. Do you a gree?
All moglins make me shudder.
Do you think Artix will start the moglin war?
Sure, why not?
Am I the best Max with bmw at the beggining of my name?
XD Sure.
(Not begging) I am a pretty helpful nice person that does not have the title lol. x.x
My cats are attacking each other!
Violent cats...
One just jumped on the other and they rolled down the stairs!
Sounds painful.
Last night, my cat was too tired to do his special, high pitched meow. It was funny.

kennethlee95 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/16/2005 10:40:38)

My sister is a freshman in college too!
^^ Sounds fun!
What do you want to be in the future? My sis wants to be a doctor.
Clinicial psychiatrist.
Is it fun being a mod?
:P Sure.
Do you like fried chicken?
XD I like all food.
Are you totally obsessed with your cats?
Yep. Very.
Do you like the Zelda Series?
Never played it. Or seen it. Whatever it is.
If yes, which is your favorite? Mine is Ocarina of Time. I just love the ending...

Rinsaku -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 10:50:45)

Arrh. I'm back :/

What do you see as the best thing about you?
That's a strange question. >.> There's no way I can answer this without sounding egotistical, so might as well make it sound extremely egotistical. The best thing about me, is the fact that I'm so superduper-ly terrific and awesome. :P
Note: Please, do not answer like "Because I can go RAWR while jumping onto a shelf" :/

SporkGoddess -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 11:30:59)

Hi, it's me again~

Do you think anyone reads previous posts before asking questions?
A few people, maybe. Probably a small, sad percentage.
What's your dream graduate school (for clinical psych)?
>.> If I could make it in, Stanford. But probably not. That's where my dad went for his Ph. D...but I like University of Michigan at Ann Arbor too.
What is your favorite Disney movie?
Pocahontas! ^^ I like Hercules too. :P
What is your favorite opera? Note: By opera, I mean classical foreign language one, like Carmen or Faust :D
XD Fine fine...well, I really like Verdi, so I guess you could count Rigoletto. The Magic Flute too, which was one we lip-synched to in elementary school XD. Carmen is nice, I suppose. I'm usually quite uncritical of operas, and I like most of the ones I've seen.

1wingangel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 12:34:28)

What would happen if I edited your answers Fyrel? Can I?
XD Go ahead. Lets see what you can come up with.
Whoo.. that'll be fun... :D

Shagronicus -> Leader of the Fyrel fan club! (4/16/2005 14:04:16)

Would it be possible for me to get a few snuggles?
Sure! *throws Shagronicus a few snuggles*
Is it true that you, like Reens, are made up of a stack of kittens wearing a human costume?
Yep. We're all kittie-ish and super-duperly cute. :P
If not, does that mental image make you laugh?
It makes me want to squee.
What think you of sporks? Good? Evil? Abominations? Leading our children astray?
:O I <3 sporks! Because Katie is teh hawt. After all, she IS the Spork Goddess.
If forced to pick a breed of dog to own, which would it be: A daschund or a pug?
Forced? Never!
=P Favourite comedy?
Movie? Err...I'm not sure. They all seem really close to me. >.>
I...think I'm out. Bye, Fy!

Edit: Like the new subject? ^_~
XD Love it!

gael -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 14:30:07)

hi flyyer hey wazup
Fyrel...flyer? >.>
um how tall are you?
are you a fangirl
dor you liek the back street boy
Eww, no. I hate American boy bands.
would you like them if they where called and where the backstreet kittens
No, 'cause no matter what their name was, they'd still have the same terrible music.
did i just kill a kitten i hope i did *laugh evily*hehehe
>.> You better not have...
kodi found me anoying and confusing do you find me anoyining and confising
Not really.
are you relly an evil monkey
do you wich you where an evil monkey
Nope. >.>
do you like tom green
>.> Who is he?
do you like watching mindless cartoon's all saturaday morning long
Sure. Anime, if that's what you mean.
wats the meaning of the unevers
Universe? -.- Meow.
can i have a snugle
and that's all for now

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 15:12:54)

Ok I think I'm done with questions. I will keep in touch with PM and whenever I see you in the boards.
Sounds good. :P

Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 18:39:17)

Ug der, kittee.
Hello there!
Lat gud or nub?
I'm very good. ^.~
Du lat lyke tu clomp stuff?
o.O Nope. I'm a pacifist.
Du lat lyke tu be burzum-ishi?
Burzum-ishi? >.> Sure, why not? But don't take my word for that, since I have no idea what it means.
Lat lyke shinee thingies? Lyke dat zult wif da glassez?
XD Oh yes. I <3 swords with glasses. They're are teh secksi.
Wut iz lat bubhoshiest thingie ov lat?
o.O Bubhoshiest? about...Vephomas?
Thynk all albai shud flat? Me blah yub, wut about lat?
;_; No comment?
Lat a pushdug kittee? Ash dat iz frum a bagronk?
Nope. Not smelly, kittie, or from a dung pit.
Wud lat krimp lat tu me az durub? *toothy grin*
Sure. >.>
Rulg arg gug'ye, nubhosh kittee! Har har har...
;_; I answered to the best of my ability. Many thanks to Reens for her translations. >.> I guess I'm just not...orc-ish enough.

hole -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 20:48:56)

is that a chinese name?
have u ever been to china?
Yes. I was there in December.
if u have, have ever seen somebody eat a cat there? (yep....its legal in china)
>.> No. I have seen dog meat being sold though.
if ur house was on fire and ur cats were in there and u can only save one cat which one would it be?
I'd save all of them. No room for argument.
do ur cats eat mices?
No...we don't really have mice around for them to eat.
can i eat ur cats?
do u eat cat food?
Truthfully, Friskies isn't very good...I'd know. >.>
how many lives do ur cats got left?
All 9. Or 7, whatever.
if u r stranded on an island wiht ur cats and got no food and ur only way to survie is to eat ur cats.....would u eat them?
that all........

jendinn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 20:52:52)

okay im back yet again!

do you feel bad for pzycho because you get a lot more questions?
XD Pzycho doesn't need my pity.

gael -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 22:22:22)

wow your relly nice and lol i'm 6,7 i'm way taller then you and i'm like 3years younger then you
XD Don't rub it in.
who are you a fan of besides blackhawk
You mean Blackhawke? :P With the "e", dear, WITH the "e". But yes. Blackhawke is awesome. I'm a fangirl.
and i ment if the backstreet boy where morphed into kittens and called the backsterte kitten would you like them then
Still no. If they sang those terrible...things that I refuse to call songs.
wat is your favorite anima show mine dragon ball as wel as z and gt i can't pick between the three.
Eww, I hate anything DB. >.> I like manga either Mars or HYD.
areyou a girly girl (not that there's anything wrong with that0
Sure. I'm a girly girl.
do you know if zhilo relly does have an axe obsetion
if not do you think he has a room full of axes in his house.
Yes. It's called the Axe Room. ~.~
thanks again.

Rusty_Shackleferd -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 22:27:30)

Ok, I have asked this question a few times now, and no one has ever been wise enough to answer it,. Maybe you will get lucky?

Question: How does Strongbad type with boxing gloves on his hands?
Magic, dear, magic. Besides, he's Strongbad.
here's a few more that I either heard or made up:
Is it true that if only animals living on the equator were capable of flatery, then Christmas and Halloween would have to go on the same day?
What is the avarge wingspan and velocity of a swallow in midflight?
Is the Flinstones based on real events?
Yes. I was an exchange student there. >.>

skyboy59 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/16/2005 22:45:40)

do you have a computer security like this one? lol
You betcha. Right here in my lap.

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