Reyn Roadstorm -> Suld Armor (3/28/2007 3:37:06)
Suld Armor Also: Guardian Suld Armor Level: 35 Price: 3500 323 Sellback price: 2000 161 Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shop DEFENSE MODIFIERS Melee: 30 Ranged: 30 Magic: 20 ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES Fire: 95% Water: 110% Wind: 90% Ice: 110% Earth: 90% Energy: 100% Light: 95% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION Wear the armor and ride the vechak lizard mount of the Skraeling warlord Suld into battle! A double-attack armor. ATTACK Hits: 2 Attack Type: Ranged, Melee Damage: 100% Base and 50% Random, 75% Base and 100% Random BtH: +10%, +0 [image][/image] Image courtesy of Teuvi. Thanks to Teuvi and akhan.