RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Omni -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/24/2007 15:02:19)

Exodoggie is rare again since they took the quest away.

Done, thanks

Legasee -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/25/2007 9:19:13)


Zorbak (Donation Pet/Guest) is a level 40 pet.
Got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Minion of Poelala -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/25/2007 12:33:42)


To the nerfkitten:
When a monster has 200% resistance to an element, it nerf the double (level 90 nerf 12 instead of 6), and if the monster has 50% resistance to an element, it nerf the half (level 90 nerf 3 instead of 6), and so on.
Cleared that up. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Sugar -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/26/2007 8:18:52)


I really hate to be a pain about this, but can we PLEASE get the stats for Draklin filled in? Thanks in advance.
I'm awaiting staff confirmation. It's coming. ~In Media Res

hamworld05 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/27/2007 19:27:13)


According to the 'pedia, the Crikeydile is now a level 40 pet. But the Pet & Guests index still has it as a level 10 pet.

The index has been changed now, thanks.

Sorry for double posting, but I'm just a little confused. Shouldn't the Dragonkitten be a guardian-only pet since the Bennuju Wetlands Shop is a guardian-only place? Unless I can buy it somewhere else...
First, no double-posting. Just do something like this: put your edit under the AK's. Second, it should be Guardian, and it is now. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Zenofax -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 13:36:28)


Ice Crystal Flutterby's picture seems to be broken, so here's a new one:
Got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 14:02:48)

Can you please get a JPG pic instead of a PNG one Zenofax? It loads faster.

Izon -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 18:31:58)



Type: Guest
Level: 85
Location: Summon Draklin Spell

Hits: 2
Damage: 6-20
Element: Earth
Attack Type: Melee
BtH: 15
Attack Rate: 40

Hits: 2
Damage: 6-20
Element: Energy
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: 15
Attack Rate: 40

Summon the half-Moglin, half-Drakel helper named Draklin!

Attack Rates, Damages and BTH from Chii.
dna updated the post. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Wereragon3 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 18:32:22)

New guest:Diviria

1)1 hit of light:depends on stats
2)1 hit of dark:depends on stats

which ever resistance is weaker,it does that element but if it's the same,its 50% for each

attack rate:100% for me

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 21:50:25)


1. On the Pets / Guests Index, can you split something?

Right Now
Gong of the Wind(!)

Should Be
Gong Of The Wind
Gong Of The Wind!

Please and thanks.
Sure. Changed, thanks! ~In Media Res

Phantasmia -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/28/2007 22:12:40)

Where:Sinster 7 War

Attacks(One or the Other Depending on Light and Darkness Weaknesses
FrogZard 100% to Light and Darkness He'll Attack with one
Ray Weakness Darkness so he'll use use Darkness Attack and Vice Versa Thanks to Raid Lord of Flames)

Damage: 5-30(My Guess)

Damge:5-30(My Guess)

Attack Rate:100%

Khelios -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/29/2007 10:22:27)


Dark Were-Hare (45) has a sellback of 200 gold. Don't know if you need this, but...
Got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ion24 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/29/2007 12:10:38)


Zorbak (in general) does not absorb 2/3 of the damage done, he just gives you 10 HP and MP.
The guest still heals +10 HP/MP. Or are you talking about the pet? ~In Media Res
the guest, i Definetly Don't have the pet.

Raid Lord of Flames -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/29/2007 22:46:33)



Where:Sinster 7 War


Damage: 5-30(My Guess)

Damge:5-30(My Guess)

Attack Rate:100%

Diviria seems to attack the enemy with their weakest element.... meaning he uses light if they are weakest to light, dark if they are weakest to dark and does the 50% one or the other if they are equal. Basically it seems to chose which is weaker on the enemy, ignoring all elements except light and dark, and attack with that. That is my experience with him at least since when the enemies are weak vs light but strong vs dark he seems to use only light attacks... maybe I am just lucky.

Edit: Nope It's not luck... going up against monster with their greater weakness being light between light and dark he uses light on every attack (light 130 and dark -100)

So he is Elemental weakness seeking between Light and Dark Only.

jimbo32 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/30/2007 10:44:10)


Here's a picture of the Cupid Series:

----> Clicky!!
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Trooper -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/30/2007 12:10:50)


I have something to note on the Nerfkitten:

It says that its nerf ability is based on the percentage of BASE resistances, however, my secondary's level 10 Nerfkitten (3% per nerf) was fighting a Sea Titan Gargel (200% to energy).

First Nerf: 206%
Second Nerf: 212%
Third Nerf: 218%
Fourth Nerf: 225% (which is +7%, not +6%)

This obviously means that every nerf is based on the CURRENT (calculated before each attack) resistances, not the BASE value, since 3% x 200% = 6%, but 3% x 218% is 7%, and the game itself proved this formula.

Could this also mean that it can actually buff itself beyond 220% Base & Random?

EDIT: It was a Gargel, not a Sea Titan. Anyway, whatever it was, it had 200% to Energy. I just noticed Titans have 160%, oh well :P
EDIT 2: Likewise, I've also noticed that even the level 90 Nerfkitten doesn't raise resistances of 10% even after 4 nerfs, which proves my theory that nerfs are based on current resistances, not cumulative or base.
I don't see the word "base" in the entry. Also, it mentions (a) that the nerfing is different based on the resistance and (b) the final numbers (the "Caps out at..." line) take this into account.

Also, I believe its buffing doesn't compound. ~In Media Res

hamworld05 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/30/2007 16:49:26)


The encyclopedia has " Legal Trobble" as a light pet but it's not under "light" in the pets/guests index.
It is now. Thanks! ~In Media Res

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/1/2007 13:41:27)


Nerfkitten's attack rate: 67 + EP + (CHA - TD)/2 = Attack Rate

Given by Chii, so it is correct.
We prefer to list Attack Rates as they are now, with AR at 0 CHA and CHA=TD, plus the CHA for 100% AR. If you really wanted, you could figure out the formula and your pet's AR from those numbers.

Wait, what's EP? ~In Media Res
EP I believe stands for extra percentage, whether it be negative or positive to change up the formula. ~dna cupcake

The Big Guy -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/1/2007 19:42:28)


Keeshish-Kin is Guardian Only, as it is in an guardian only quest.
Added, thanks! ~In Media Res

Ciaran -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/1/2007 22:26:30)


My Huntragon deals magic damage for its heal attack, and I believe the pedia says ranged. It's my favorite guest, so I see the magic a lot.
Changed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

doomknight200 -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/2/2007 10:15:17)


Nerfkitten's second attack must hit in order for the effect to work, this means that if the attack miss the effect will not occur. Nerfkitten's first attack dont have to hit at all for the effect to work, it means that out of the three hits, all three can miss and the effect will still take place.

The Big Guy - It is not guardian only, adventurers can still use it if they brought it before the quest is turned into guardian. However, adventurers who didn't buy it before cannot get it anymore. If it is guardian only, the new policy will be in effect and adventurers cannot use it in the game, and on the character page it would be in red text.
I fixed the Nerfkitten. Thanks! As for K-Kin, it's currently only accessible to Guardians, so we tag it that way. ~In Media Res

Ciaran -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/2/2007 17:57:12)



something else on the huntragon... unless the code was changed, which it may have been (I don't have access to it), the attack rate is 67% for the heal attack, 33% for the non-heal. this is what the old entry said, and what I find to be true. just fyi.
...Which is what it says. ~In Media Res
...that is not what it says... I just checked again, do I need to copy it here?
*slaps forehead* D'oh, I really need to read these things closer. Okay, it's been fixed. Sorry, and thanks. ~In Media Res

SLC -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/2/2007 18:22:15)


1. For every pet that doesn't have a confirmed BTH, you should assume it is + 0.

Pets Without BTH
Tough Gizzard
Triple Trobble (25)
Triple Trobble (5)
Triple Trobble (55)
Triple Trobble (75)

Please and thanks.
We can't really do that, since there could be. Although, I'll add it in as an estimate. Thanks! ~In Media Res

2. For Dragonkitten, can you switch Attack 1 and Attack 2? Becuse it is confusing like this. This is what I'm proposing (for the level 70):

Attack Rate: 100 %

Element: Light
Type: Melee
Hits: 2
Damage: 7 - 21
BTH: 15
Rate: 0 CHA = 45 %, 45 CHA = 67 %, 115 CHA = 100 %

Element: Light
Type: Melee
Hits: 1
Damage: 7 - 21
BTH: 20
Rate: 100 % - Attack 1's Rate = Attack 2's Rate

3. Here's a list of pets that should say estimated + 0 BTH:

Garlic Vampire
Legal Trobble (75)

4. For the Nerfkitten, in the Pets Index, Nerfkitten should be marked somehow.

Right Now

Should Be
Nerfkitten (Level 50/90 = Guardian-Only)

5. Here are some estimated attack rates (unconfirmed):

Garlic Vampire
0 CHA ~~~~~ 29.5 %
75 CHA ~~~~~ 67 %
145 CHA ~~~~~ 100 %

Please and thanks.

teeheehee -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/3/2007 19:06:14)

Garlic Vampire doesn't have a 100% attack rate. I summoned it a few times using characters with 200 CHA and sometimes it doesn't attack for the first turn. Maybe it's a bug.

Rayf Drayson -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/3/2007 19:06:15)

Dragons of Calladus (Summoned Guest)

Availability: Summoned by spell Dragons of Calladus (<- Crosslink here)
Level: 40/60.
Attack Rate: 80%, fixed.

Attack 1:
Rate: 50% (when attacks)/40% overall.
Hits: 2.
Element: Darkness, Fire (in that order).
Type: Magic, Ranged (in that order).
Damage: Level 40 -- 3-10 per hit; Level 60 -- 4-13 per hit.
BTH: Level 40 -- +8% per hit; Level 60 -- +10% per hit.

Attack 2:
Rate: 50% (when attacks)/40% overall.
Hits: 4.
Element: Darkness, Fire, Darkness, Fire (in that order).
Type: Magic, Ranged, Magic, Ranged (in that order).
Damage: Level 40 -- 3-10 per hit; Level 60 -- 4-13 per hit.
BTH: Level 40 -- +2% per hit; Level 60 -- +5% per hit.

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