RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (Full Version)

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Afina -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/24/2005 23:32:58)

~waves Hewwo~
*waves back*
Okay, since I am such an Rp freak, I have to ask Rp questions >.> Forgive me.
Oh, I guess I could... ^_^
I see you are part of a few Rps, do you enjoy Rping a lot or is it something to pass the time?
Ah, used to be one of my biggest hobbies, but it seems my creative mind is decreasing. No longer can I just type away without thought... Those were the good ol' days...
Are there any Rp's that are currently underway ( full or not) that you wish you could be part of?
I like the ones I'm in, thank you very much!p
What would be the perfect Rp do you think if you were to be in one but not run it?
Hmmm... When Hawke and Sarai visit Vudro, or whatever Sarai's homeland is XD
What is your favorite RP character to play?
Oh, Hawke, of course!
Who is your favorite person on the forum to RP with?
Hmmm... Either Beleqwaya or smbdoll. There are too many other good RPers to list, though...

Thankies for answering ^_^
You're welcome!

Ack, non RP thing. >.> So, um Fyrel is my AQ sis and you said you married her. So that makes you my brother in law! WOW! >.> How to you feel about it? lol
I suppose that may not be a bad thing...

thewastedsmile -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 0:01:52)

*huggles teh Blackie*

Startin this off.. *drums fingers*
Eeeps, fingers!
Is people constantly referring Holy Grail in their questions starting to grate the nerves?
Not really...
Are Awps not eevil?
Awp as in the sniper rifle in CS? I love them... Using, that is...
How adorable are you? Phrase your response in the form of an Elvish proverb. (Not really, although if you can convince Captain to install an Elvish character set on the forums.. I'd love you to death. :)
Hmmm... Not very, I may think, but others think very much otherwise.
Moderator cage match- Dadric, Fyrel, Pae and a liger. Who'd win?
Oh, Pae's Rawring skills would pwn all others! But, um... Yeah, Fy, don't hit me! *cowers*

Sublex -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 4:56:47)

i don't have much time so i can't yak on :(.
ah well.
Shame... I think...
just camer to say bye before this thread i gone.
Camer, mmmm.
bye! [:(]

Hero of Winds -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 7:12:13)

Helloooo Blackhawke.

What the first thing you did when you learned that you were the Fighter Class NPC?
I did my quest, of course!
Who is more snuggleable: Zorbak, Twilly, Twig, Stinky or Chico?
Not Stinky, thats for sure...
Same question for Pae, Vephy, Fyrel, Noah_B or smbdoll? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Pae, Fyrel (Fyrel is NOT a guy), and smbdoll. I often don't snuggle males such as Veph and Noah, but I do occasionally. If they snuggle me, I'll snuggle back...
Ask AntiTwilly ;) ~Pae
Pizza, nachos or burgers?
Pizza or burger, not much of a nacho guy myself.
Who is more RP-able, Link or Cloud? If you don't know who either of them are, you need to get out more.
Ah, Zelda and Final Fantasy characters. I'm not dead, ya know. Lets see, having not played any FF games... EVER... I'd have to say Cloud, since I wouldn't know what is in character for him, so it would be REAL easy :P
Is 42 REALLY the answer to "what is the meaning of life?" I personally think its graph paper.
42: the answer to life, the universe, and everything. If you don't get that, YOU should get out more.
Which is more annoying: Being poked, being slapped, being licked or being tickled?
Who is more ebil: Zorbak, Morgul or Twig?
Twig, for sure! Those demonic little beady eyes...
If Blackhawke (the NPC) hates any enemy the most, what is it?
The being who killed his first wife, Adriana, and split him. Keep up with my RPing if you want to get into some story behind all this. Bye then...
Guten... bye-en... Man, I need to relearn German again... Chus!

swalters4 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 8:45:45)

Hello Blackhawke ^_^
I just had a few questions
Shoot. Not me!
What are your favorite items in the game?
Hmmm... Whirl tide is quite useful to me as a spell.
What do you like most about AQ?
Being part of it. It really give me a slight sense of fufillment. My personnal life isn't exactly the best out there ;p
Thank you in advance ^_^
Belated your welcome.

Kodi -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 9:39:17)


Could I have a snuggle?..
Meh... *snuggle* I'm bored at the moment.

From Fy?
*sniffle...what about me?*
*jumps to Reens and snuggles her repeatedly*
Having fun without me, ladies?

dlent -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - semi-online (4/25/2005 10:02:15)


why do you not like ninjas?
Did I say I didn't, ever?
is this smiley me?[sm=action-smiley-057.gif]
Maybe.... Doubt it unless something strane happens and you get turned into a smiley...
why is this one sad?[:(]
It is sad because of all of the bandwidth all these smilies take up...:P
whats you favorite junk snack thing?
Hmmm... So many, um... Knock-off oreos!
if i was to frame you tomorrow at 11.00 A.M at the store would i be famus?
probably not...
well thats all for now

The Patriot -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 10:11:42)


ORIGINAL: sjw8800

okayz my turn.

why did you add me to your msn? (that ive been ondering for a while)
I did?

ibelive so because i have your msn on my contacts list i wold never have the nerve to add a VIP to my msn contacts list.
Awww, I don't bite. Hard, at least...

have you ever run from the cops?
did you enjoy it?
See above.
have you ever joy ridded?
Ummm... Maybe?
have you ever done anythign else illegal?
Hmmm, I try to stay legal...

Artanis -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 11:23:04)

Meh, I'm bored. I'll ask you some questions as well. Questions that could define life if phrased correctly. Questions that have more meaning than life itself. Questions that break laws and defy gravity. Questions that... Meh, I'll just continue now.
Please do...
Do you play starcraft? (Are you alive?)
If not, have you ever heard of it?
Indeed I have, might buy it eventually...
If so, what is your favorate race and favorate hero? If you play it, you should be able to guess mine [8D].

Moving on to some more general questions...
Is there any common misconception about you that you would like to correct?
That I'm a mean person. I'm really not, its just people never get to know me well enough.
Do you have any pets (as in, non-pixel ones)?
Yeaup. I think I answered this before, but... Jesse (cat), Maddie (Shortened version of a name. Dog). 7 mice.
Thanks for answering these questions. I probably won't flood you with any more then you already get ^_^.
Floodage is all wet and stuff...
Floods? Wet? You haven't seen my floods yet. They're usually red with a limb every now and then ^^.

baas bayram -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 12:22:30)

Hi i would like to ask you some questions.

1How does it feel to have your own character in AQ?
Good, I guess.
2do you like hamsters? =)
Furry = cuddly = good
3would you like to have a hamster?
4would you like a badger?
I think I know where this is going...
5have you ever been to ?
Yeup, but I don't want to go there EVER again.
6If not plz go there(you can ban and kick and punch me if its a virus)
see aboce...
7Pie or cookie?
8What kind of pie/cookie?
Most, but I hate mint. Ick.
9do you know artix/galanoth/safiria or another mod well?
I chat with a bunch of them on a regular basis, not sure I've warmed up to all, but I have to most of the staff.
10Does anyone of them have a badger/hamster?
I think one or two may have a hamster...
11have you ever heard of me?
Maybe, probably not if you haven't done anything wrong.
12was it good/bad
I either get complaints about people or compliments, but I only remember the bad ones in most cases, so you must be doing well not getting in trouble!
13Do you think badgers will take over the world while eating an apple?( i asked this question to Kodi, Dadric and seahawk too) I think tehy will because i dreamed of it once.

I doubt it, but thats just me being FAR too logical.
14Do I annoy you with these questions?If yes skip the next question and move to question 16

15Are you sure?

16If you could design a weapon what would it be?
I dunno, I like most kinds of real world weapons, so...
Thank you for anwsering my questions.
No problem!

Vephoma -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 12:26:05)

*Greeting and/or wave*
*Reply greeting or wave*
*Question to get started*
*Answer to make some form of logical sense*
*Question that is meant to be funny, but fails doing so*
*Reply to the question that tries to improve the joke, but fails horribly*
*Question that has been asked about four or five times already*
*Reply of having already stated that*
*Question involving Fyrel, and most likely has something to do with me hugging her*
*Defensive reply that includes "My Fy!"*
*Question that is original, and something that might actually be fun to know*
*Interresting remark that most people may remember when he may not want them to*
*Question involving pie*
*Reply involving liking pie*
*Another question about Fyrel*
*Another defensive remark*
*Vephoma's sarcastic remarks that probably aren't welcome*
*Reply that is slightly humorous and joking about such remarks*
*Question about Fyrel that is borderline offensive*
*Some form physical attack and a scolding*
*Remark about being out of questions, but will return with more later*
*Some form of saying goodbye, most likely in another language*

Mal Ganis -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 12:39:52)

So... you play CounterStrike, eh?
Indeed, although I may be better or like other games.
I challenge you! During the match, I'll be all, like, "Come at me, foo'!", and stuff.
I'll either do horribly or kick behind. Ask Wallo!
I'd ask a question about Pie, but Vephy beat me to it >>.
Hm.... Where do you think you would be without AQ/the AQ Forums?
Not sure, although I was a bit messed up mentally before from extreme boredom... Don't think thats left entirely, yet :p
Do you play any other FPS? If so, which ones? (I recently started playing Halo on my friends computer)
Hmmm, mostly PC games, such as Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2004, Star Wars: Battlefront (not often at all), and, um a few others I think...
Do you think hawk(e)s hate cats? If so, that'll be a problem for you and Fy.
Hawke's love kitties!
That's all for now! I probably won't be back, due to the fact that I cannot think up anymore questions. *Flies away*
Bye for now.

The Arch Devil -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Offline (4/25/2005 13:04:24)

a bird! *poke*
How did you come up with your name?
I dunno, had it for years now, with or without the E.
For how long have you been playing?
AQ? Year and a half, I think. Maybe more.
Whats your favorite thing ingame?
Me! I'm so narcissistic about my NPC!
Whats your favorite forum thingy?
Um, RPing, I guess.
thats all, thanks for replying
Not a problem.
~The Arch Devil

weatherseed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Offline (4/25/2005 13:27:07)

Can we see what you really like? If you're too shy, you could just PM me, I'll keep it to myself.
I honestly don't have a picture...
Do you follow radio talk shows? If so, do you know who Glenn Beck is?
Not really...
You do realize that Rocky was a loser, Philly boy. NJ still rocks.
um... Say what now? I'm probably just not reading that right, heheh.

Nevah -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Offline (4/25/2005 14:46:06)


Hello Again
How are you today?
Not dead.
you know what you should really come see me we would have fun : D
Not sure I'd be much fun. I'm a reclusive little devil :P
No i told you i'm the bird silly not the snowflake.
I didn't see a bird...
yay really?
i dunno...
you are my slave now you must fetch me some very nice ice cream
Uh, no.
i like ice cream
Good for you.
do you?
Most kinds, yes.
Bye now*huggles*

theaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 17:21:12)


ORIGINAL: theaya

if you were a squirrel what would you name be and why? (besides foamy)
Blast, I would so want to be Foamy...
who do you think would win a monkey or a llama?
Depends on their sizes. The bigger one would win.
do you like rubber duckies?
If by burning them give me happiness... Um...
would you join my rubber duckie army and rule the world one bath tub at a time? (don't ask its a stupid thing between me and my friends)
Depends. Will we visit hawt girlz' tubs? Heheheh...
do you get that feeling that there is someone always watchingyou filming your every mistake so that they could use it for blackmail later?
Not often, but sometimes.
will you marry meh?.......
Um... Depends on your, um... yes!

yay!!! -glomps blackhawke- ok i'm done now baiza!
*wink* Now where you running off to...
one last question before i go.. Do you like Kentucky Fried Chocobos? (KFC) ^.^
Um... Maybe?

alexia_firestorm -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 17:58:35)

Hiiiiii Blackhawke!!
Who did you vote for in the 2004 election?
Nobody, couldn't find my ID or, well, anything...
Do you read or watch animae?
Not often, no.
What are snuggles? Bwahaha!
A kind of huggish... thing...

moomaster01 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 17:59:36)

what is your name
what is yur quest
To seek the Holy Grail.
what is the velosiity of an unlaiden spearow
Now would that be an African or European Swallow?
how much pie could fit in the ocean if it were drained?
A bunch... it would really start smelling after a day or so...

The Patriot -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 18:01:57)




So... you play CounterStrike, eh?

I challenge you! During the match, I'll be all, like, "Come at me, foo'!", and stuff.


will you one on one with me if i challenged you?
Possibly. I enjoy 1v1 anyways.

AncientShadowBladeZ -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 18:20:37)


Would you prefer a pet Pie or Hawke?
Will you make a RPG that made AQ look bad?
If I could code, maybe, but most likely not...
Brains or Brawn?
Rocks or Hawke?
Will you show your real name soon?
That's all!

Note:My brother doesn't speak well and when he saw your name,he called you "BlackHockey".Lol.
I be not a sport!

DragonMagi555 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 20:25:44)

Do you think Vephoma got the basic format of the 'Meet the X' threads?
More than he knows...
My first pointless question: :P
What happened to da_dragon_slaya's title (it used to be 'I LOVE all dragons!*huggles all dragons*'?
I dunno...
Well... Umm... Sorry to waste your time
You wasted no more than I would have if I ate a cookie. You're helping my diet!

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 20:44:35)

Doom 3?
Beat it in less than a week.
Fruitcake or Bricks?
Bricks taste so much better :P
CS or Rainbow Six(any of them)?
CS, don't have R6.
Oh God, I'm obsessed with video games...
You've got to try the new Splinter Cell. It's probably the most beautiful game out there right now. Half-Life 2 rivals it, but certain things about SC just can't be beat graphic-wise. Gameplay's great, too.
I may buy it soon...Been considering it. PC version, if I can find it,

starsbright -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/25/2005 21:26:45)


Hey, if you are brother in law to Afina, and I am a friend of Afina's (not IRL, though..) would that make me a brother-in-law's friend?
I suppose so...

You like LotR, as far as I have, read. Why do you say Legolas is your favorite? I mean, I like him and all, but Eomer and/or Faramir really take the cake. They both show loyalty and love to their friends...not like Lego doesn't, but he's an Elf. Elves are *supposed* to do that...
Meh, I just picked one at random for that, heheh.

What book is your favorite, out of the trilogy? Movie?
The second, Two Towers, for both.
Umm...I really hate to point this out, but if you're a tuna can, and you have tuna inside you, my cat Pearl is going to eat it. Then give you a snuggle. *cat snuggles Blackhawke*
Its a metaphor and only part of the phrase. Maybe I'll state the full of it later!
If all Blues are Greens, and some Greens are Yellows, and half of the Yellows are Purples, does that mean that all Blues are Purples?
Not at all. Some of the blue to green conversions are yellow, and only half of the green to yellows are pruple. Less then half of the blue would be purple, in this case. Much less, depending on what percentage that some is. Logic is fun!
I have a really really tough question to ask of you.
Oh dear....
Really tough.
...Get on with it!
Are you ready for it?
Sure you're ready?
Ahem, get to the point.
Aboslutely sure.
Here goes.
Do you want cookies?
...So much anticipation oer cookies. How great is that! YES!
I have some. Here! *hands Blackhawke cookies* They're all nice and waaaaarrm, fresh from the oven, chocolate chip cookies! And if you don't like them, pass them onto Afina or Fyrel, I know they like them ^_^
I shall savor these cookies forever!
O.o Did you RP when you first came to AQ? Or was it the game itself that intrigued you...
I was told of the game, a few months later I made a forums account and started RPing.
Have you seen me around before? I 've seen YOU. Does that make me a stalker? I'd hate to be a stalker..*shudder* I'd lose interest, for one, because all the cookies would make me go crazy.....oh....the light is so pretty...
I've seen you, you helpful litle thing. I get told alot about you, in the good sense!
Okay, I really should stop pestering you with questions. I have homework (lots of pretty numbers...swimming round and round and round and round and round..) to sta--er, finish..Yeah, finish. XD
You go have fun with that!
Seeya around, and here's an extra bag of cookies JUST for you! No sharing them either! >_< Compensation for asking my questions, is it okay?
Gobble teh cookies I shall!

voice -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/26/2005 10:54:21)

Hi again.
Your picture is comming along Great.
Wait, you seriously started redrawing me? I thought you were kidding! hope you get school credit for you, since you said you'd being doing it in some sort of class or wahtnot...
I whanted to tell ya if you take my name Levi and put the L at the end it spells Evil
...Thats a bit of, um, interresting information...
ok Lol see ya
or WILL you...

Dor -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This Week, Blackhawke! - Online (4/26/2005 15:15:10)

My questions:

What was the reason Rhuharab made you an NPC + a staff?
I really don't know, I showed I had interest in the RP section, so I started off there. The NPC was Artix and Gal I had to talk to. They needed a new fighter NPC, and I based somebody off of my RPing char, told one of the artists to draw it, and BAM!
What did you make in AQ?
Nothing physical, ut I manage the forums along with our great moderating staff!
What's your favorite weapon, armor, shield, and pet? (1st: weapon, 2nd: armor, 3rd: shield, 4th: pet)
1:that cupcake thing. 2: Gaurdian Armor (the new version) 3: Meh, I rarely use one. Guess I'll go with Golden. 4: Ah, Demon Dog, or whateer that horned dog was. Haven't used anything but sparky recently...
If you weren't a staff, what class would you want next?
I'd want a battlemage class!
May I be a Lonely tuna can Jr.? I would wish it for my B-day on AQ... :D
Birthdays are fun! I'm surprised nobdy's asked mine yet...
Can I have a hug too? :D

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