RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (Full Version)

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DJ Unowned -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/7/2007 21:24:28)

Teacher app.

Teaches: CS2, GIMP
Specialty: CS2, GIMP, tut helping/finding
Note: Not a pro, but I will promise to teach you something good, must have MSN. Free stock packs for students when feeling good.
Student number: 2
Tutorial: None, but I'm very good at helping a student with tuts.



Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/10/2007 17:16:34)

welcome to the STO :D

xildgolee -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/10/2007 18:26:25)

A Student:
Name: Xildgolee
Teacher: DJ Unowned
Subject: CS2
Hoping to Learn: ummm... how to improve at photoshop....
working on stuff like:
C4d stuff
choosing good stocks

DeathKnight2 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/11/2007 9:52:49)

A Student: Thats Me!
Name: <- To the left
Teacher: TOTR please [:D]
Subject: Photoshop CS2
Hoping to Learn: Sig,Banners,Tag all that gud stuffOh nevermind I 'll list it

Umm Depth maybe...

I have MSN

Ace Frost -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/11/2007 14:13:42)

New Teacher kicking the door

Name: Ace Frost
Teaches: Photoshop CS2 Basics and some more advanced stuff
Specialty: Beginner Techniques
Rating: Low mod on a tag High novice overall
Note: I'm not the 1337 teacher yu might expect but I'll do my best to help. Need to gimme your MSN and you'll get alot of tutorials as assignments.
Student number: 1 (I'm a starting teacher, gimme a break =P)
Basig Tag Tutorial and working on a more advanced one.
Reasons for not being accepted Examples:

The Illusive Man -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/11/2007 17:00:42)

A Student:
Name: Althorne ;)
Teacher: The One To Rule
Subject: Photoshop CS2
Hoping to Learn: Whatever I Can

PM me for MSN ;) That's all i can do. I don't do PM learning ;)

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/11/2007 20:57:29)

added both Xildgolee and DeathKnight2 as students
PM your respective teachers and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

Ace Frost: same thing i told sylvir, we want people a bit more experienced, feel free to apply as a student, or as a teacher when you get a higher rank.

althorne: im sorry, but DeathKnight2 asked first, and the one to rule specified only one student max, feel free to choose another teacher.
also, if DeathKnight2 does not join the forums within 24 hours, he will be removed and you will be added.

DJ Unowned -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 1:19:14)

I guess I'll get to xildgoldee right now.

grim_reaper 111 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 1:48:13)

Name: grim_reaper 111
Teacher:dj unowned (OMG he is a god)
Hoping to Learn:making tags,better backgrounds.

Lightnin10 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 2:44:05)

werkill does not contact me anymore so i do not teach him anymore i think he never once has asked me for anything or advice
so i don't think he is my student anymore i am open again

The Illusive Man -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 6:08:31)


I'm down with that.

DJ Unowned?

DJ Unowned -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 7:39:57)

Mmmm...Grim_Reaper applied first althorne.

But if I get some spare time I can help you a little.

The Illusive Man -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 7:43:13)


Oh well, I'll look for tutorials. Luck isn't on my side this week. And i've got Exams so i'll be busy anyway.

Bye gents

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/12/2007 13:08:36)

removed werekill and added grim_reaper 111.
PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

grim_reaper 111 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/15/2007 2:23:52)

ive pmed dj with my addy but he is on but away

VIECEer05 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 8:55:27)

I would like to be a student. [:)]

Name: VIECEer05
Teacher: DJ
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: Better depth, nice flow, stop my works for being repetitive, better text and other effects. Oh, better blending.

DJ, do you have msn? Mine:

I'll register at the forums. [:)]

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 12:26:13)

removed xilgoldee for not joining the forums within the time limit
added VIECEer05
PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

ponycoltraine -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 13:12:26)


Name: Jared
Teacher: Lightnin
Subject: PS CS2
Hoping to learn: Effects mainly.

lightnin already on my MSN. oops forgot which one u were either message me or PM me your email

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 14:06:36)

PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

ponycoltraine -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 14:11:58)

what? join the forums?

batch1000 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 14:46:17)

What inactive alredy

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 15:02:14)


what? join the forums?


ponycoltraine -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/16/2007 18:08:51)

im asking how

VIECEer05 -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/17/2007 1:03:21)



removed xilgoldee for not joining the forums within the time limit
added VIECEer05
PM teacher and join the forums within the next 24 hours, or be removed.

I already joined the forums [:)] .

Ferfo -> RE: The STO _ Student Teacher Organization (6/17/2007 1:17:41)


im asking how

no you arent
you never asked anything ¬¬

here is the link (jeez, read the first post dammit XD)

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