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RE: The Rocks of the Spire Welcome you.

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11/25/2009 11:32:38   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Nice to see you p4htr41ck.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 126
11/26/2009 2:13:59   
mike jones343

hello im new to geoto.
AQ  Post #: 127
11/28/2009 13:02:02   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Nice to meet you mike jones343. I am Oliver Bell the Geoto clan head on the forums.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 128
11/28/2009 13:12:49   

and Im Bilu, the fastest lvling up member of Geoto
AQ  Post #: 129
11/28/2009 19:21:41   

And I'm Erason, admin and general coder on the Pf. As well as Head of the General Council.
AQ DF  Post #: 130
12/1/2009 10:52:06   

Hello all, I am Dassaikhan in the game, lvl 111 and trying to work out my build,sort of a warrior ..... I think anyway. It is most pleasing to be in the Geoto clan. Good Hunting!!!!!!!!

Thanks Oliver, I am sure I will!!

< Message edited by Tarandhal -- 12/1/2009 11:20:37 >
AQ  Post #: 131
12/1/2009 11:18:42   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Nice to meet you Tarandhal, I hope you enjoy being a member of Geoto.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 132
1/3/2010 19:32:04   
He Who Lurks

Hi its InfamousNightshade but you can call me IN so I'm new to this forum so what do we do here?
AQ Epic  Post #: 133
1/4/2010 4:48:39   

^ I guess: write and discuss?
AQ  Post #: 134
1/14/2010 10:47:36   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Welcome InfamousNightshade, sorry I haven't posted earlier, private forum has been busy.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 135
1/19/2010 13:07:26   
Legendary AK!!!

Hey there everyone I am a new Geoto clan member. My char is named Archie Coinsalott, the one under avvy. Now...a few more things about myself and why I have joined THIS clan. The story starts a few years ago back when there were only 3 clans. A friend showed me this game so I started playing and soon I was lvl 80(I no longer have that char or that account cause I stopped playing and forgotten everything includind the account name and pass, also the email account used to register.
When my buddy told me about the 3 clans and asked me what I preffered I imediately said Earth/Geoto. When I think about those times when I was the supreme noob regardin Aq, one thing first comes to mind...my geoto mace wep. I love(d) it so much cause it was bulky, powerfull and looked great wielded and when the special triggered I was all smiles!
One day I woke up and saw that I had a new item in my inventory:the Paxia Award Trophy. I was so happy!

In general I love the earth element maybe `cause I to am bulky and powerfull like a rock and I love all my earth related equipment.
I waited til this lvl to join `cause I didn`t want to bring a weakling char to the ranks of the great Geoto clan.

That being said...where can I post some questions regarding the Geoto Clan, Isle of Paxia and some things I see there?

< Message edited by balubamboto -- 1/19/2010 13:15:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 136
1/20/2010 4:42:08   

Welcome balubamboto
I would like to invite You to our clan's private forum: http://z3.invisionfree.com/GeotoClan/index.php?act=idx
Have fun in Geoto
AQ  Post #: 137
1/28/2010 7:39:54   
Legendary AK!!!

It`s been a week now on the private forum and it is awsome!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 138
4/12/2010 19:14:56   

Hey, I'm certainly not new to the game (4 years old) But I've just started getting into the whole clan business today.

If it were possible in this game, I would be an Earth character (as a base element, etc....Still long awaiting an earth uber set)

I'll help in any way possible. I remember back in the old days those few clan wars...And I would love to see another one.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 139
4/13/2010 2:46:52   
Legendary AK!!!

Hello JoeSkippy, great to see you in the Geoto clan! Not much happening in Paxia nowadays, we can only hope that soon we will get some new ingame content regardin Paxia and the clans. I hope I`ll see you on the private forum, to talk about...whatever. :-)

< Message edited by balubamboto -- 4/13/2010 2:47:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 140
7/14/2010 3:45:31   

hey, I'm gameon1, just pointing out the obvious and my character's name is wxqsaz2 (Don't know where I got that, just easy to write I guess). As I said on another topic I've joined geoto 3 days ago, and I'm willing to help you guys wherever I can, to get geoto back to the top and help paxia come back alive.

(I realize my gram/voc isn't always as good as it should be, but I'm trying to improve it a little so if you notice some strange words, you can always correct me.)
AQ  Post #: 141
7/14/2010 12:09:28   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Nice to meet you gameon1 and JoeSkippy. I am Oliver Bell, the Geoto clan head.

I remember back in the old days those few clan wars...And I would love to see another one.
Those were good times, but I doubt they will have another of those wars unfortunately.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 7/14/2010 12:11:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 142
7/1/2011 13:05:40   

Hi, I'm Necro_Fire, Char name Inugami, and i've been in Geoto since the first three clans begun. i was around lvl 50 at the time.
Haven't been playing for more than a year, started playing again since februari.
(Actually been off and on with the same char, it dates back from 2003, so that's 8 years old)

< Message edited by Necro_Fire -- 7/1/2011 13:43:58 >


AQ  Post #: 143
7/3/2011 6:40:26   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Welcome Necro_Fire. I am Oliver Bell, the current Clan Head. Good to have another veteran of the first clan wars.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 144
7/22/2013 20:01:42   

Hello, I am Bokterier and I would like to say that, I am most pleased if I were able too join Geoto! I am not playing AQ that much, but I try playing as often as I can. I am often on the forums, and I just joined a DF clan, so I am kinda new to the hole community stuff...
I would love if you accepted me into Geoto. :D
Besides, the war that treatens Paxia is mine to fight too. I would not let anybody do the fighting for me!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 145
7/23/2013 14:28:58   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Its always nice to see a new member, welcome bokterier. I am Oliver Bell the current clan head of Geoto on the forums and a CFG&H AK, so feel free to contact me if you need help or have any problems. For starters you may want to post in the roll call thread, here, and the level tracking, here

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 7/23/2013 14:31:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 146
2/18/2014 11:33:47   

Greetings and salutations my fellow Geotal Warriors and esteemed Councilors!
It has been a long time since I have set foot in the lands of Geoto for I have travelled far and wide. Perhaps, a reintroduction is approriate?
On my travels I have seen the most beautiful lands, met extraordinary people and slew aplenty foul creature making the lands unsafe for men and beast....
With me, I bring, tales and songs of wonder! But those will come later...

I greet, those that joined us in recent years, with much joy and gratitude for your contribution to our common goals!
And the vets are welcome sight to old eyes, it is good to see Mr. Bell taking care of things!

There is lots of catching up to do and hundreds of tales to exchange! Please inform me of recent events and developments in the Paxian Saga and how I can contribute to the cause!

Good to be back!

< Message edited by WolfWorshipper -- 2/18/2014 12:27:43 >


AQ  Post #: 147
2/18/2014 16:21:57   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Great to have you back WolfWorshipper, there is a lot for you to catch up with including Xov's invasion of Paxia, though most of it I documented in the history thread. As for councillors technically there are none. A few months back it new rules were introduced which required an immediate disbanding of all councils follwed by a redrafting of the constitution for each clan which must then be approved before elections can take place. New rules are here and the main thread which contains information on the matter is here. At the time Geoto debated a new constitution but could not reach consensus, it seems the discussion has now completely fallen off the bottom. I will try making a new thread and if you want you can help with the restructuring.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 2/18/2014 16:24:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 148
3/8/2014 1:47:44   
Warmonger DragonJax

Mhh,I am new here and I joined seconds ago so ,Hi.I am Warmonger DragonJax and I call myself Warmonger because I war a lot in Dragonfable and so furiously that I reached the war wave cap 1001 in one day.I came back to this game after 7 years but I am in love with this game like I was so many years ago.I am also an pencil sketch artist not too great but I draw DF,AQ&MQ Weapons.I would also try my best to rise up the ranks of the Geoto clan by grabbing opportunities and I hope you will wish me luck for that .I would be having my exams this month but after the exams I would love to help out the Geoto clan in anyway which is within my reach.I would love to war when the opportunity is present to me and thanks for reading this through.I am presently at level 112 after vigorous and furious fighting and my character page is under my avvy. Here the link to My galleries in the respective games-

> DragonFable

> Adventure Quest

> Mechquest

< Message edited by Warmonger DragonJax -- 3/8/2014 1:48:10 >


Post #: 149
3/8/2014 2:55:45   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Nice to meet you Warmonger DragonJax, if you are an artist you might want to try your hand at clan related art, here is the thread. Also you might want to sign up to the level tracking and Rock Call. You might also like to put forward your ideas on the current reform of the clan constitution if you have time.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 3/8/2014 2:56:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 150
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