 Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest
Alright people, for those in the dark, the Unity Movement and the Disgruntles have finally comprimised to propose a new system in Paxia that will allow one clan to engange another clan in a skirmish, similar to when Aerodu and Geoto bashed heads in the First Clan War, though it'll be much shorter in terms of lengh, kupo. Let's keep in mind that this thread is not for 8 way clan wars. You want that, you'll need to make your own suggestions thread. :/ This is the overall itenerary/table of contents I will include in the new suggestions thread: 1) A brief history of Univision Inc. and the Paxia Project 2) A brief summary of The Paxia Project 3) Part 1: How a clan chooses another clan to engange in skirmish 4) Part 2: The vote to engage 5) Part 3: The Build up period 6) Part 4: The actual fighting 7) Part 5: The Aftermath 8) The fomula list 9) The Time table 10) Proposed Clan Armors/Mercs 11) FAQ 12) Credits We need ideas, because we're not allowed to have a brainstorming thread in Suggestions. 1, 2, 11 and 12 will be taken care of by me, but we need ideas. Most particularly, we need Clan Armor ideas, people willing to make art for it, etc. We also need opinions on how y'all want to choose to engage each other, do y'all want to reset health, etc. Just start some suggestions, I'll keep the thread aloft with my moogle magic, kupo, but we need some ideas if y'all want to have a clan vs. clan skirmish system. For more info, visit this board, then click the Univision thread, kupo. Current suggestions on the floor How a clan chooses another clan to engange in a skirmish. Plan 1) It goes in alphabetical order on who the choosing clan is. In order to determine which clan to engange in a skirmish, a forum vote will be held for 2-3 days. A direct link in-game to the forums will help to boost the in-put of the poll. Pros: Much more player in-put Cons: Slows down the process Plan 2) Clans will be paired up by random, and presented at the start of the month. Pros: Speeds up the process, allowing more time to fight Cons: No player in-put whatsoever New: Shodu's new voting list!: I've updated this so its now the up to date version ^^ ~SG Top Two Voted: Proposal C2b:: An in-game counter shows "aggressiveness" levels between all the clans. Clans would have the option of damaging or aiding another clan which would raise or lower the bar for that clan. If the bar reaches full a skirmish starts. If the bar is low enough this leaves the possibility for alliances. -Note: Details for the number of "hits" the bars would need for a skirmish or how low the bar would need to be for an alliance are currently unkown, assume the bar should need a very high number for a skirmish and a very low number for the possibility of an alliance. Winning Expansion 2BA.5: Multiple skirmishes may occur at once but clans have a "cooldown" period before they can partake in another skirmish Proposal E3b: Contestants are chosen randomly tournament-style to skirmish Winning Expansion 3BC: Only the top three clans get the desired prize which slightly vary in power The other proposals either had conflicting expansions with less votes or just weren't voted on. These ideas will be further expanded on below. We will continue narrowing it down until it is impossible to do so. Due to the nature of some of these expansions voting for multiple expansions will be permitted, however only if they fall under the same proposal and the expansions do not conflict. Proposal C2BA.5 An in-game counter shows "aggressiveness" levels between all the clans. Clans would have the option of damaging or aiding another clan which would raise or lower the bar for that clan. If the bar reaches full a skirmish starts. If the bar is low enough this leaves the possibility for alliances. -Note: Details for the number of "hits" the bars would need for a skirmish or how low the bar would need to be for an alliance are currently unkown, assume the bar should need a very high number for a skirmish and a very low number for the possibility of an alliance. Multiple skirmishes may occur at once but clans have a "cooldown" period before they can partake in another skirmish Expansion T: The given cooldown period only applies to clans attacking, clans being attacked have no cooldown. A clan may partake in multiple skirmishes with a maximum limit of some kind. -Pros: Prevents clan hammering and puts limits on chaos -Cons: One clan may be attacked incessantly by all the other clans Complexity Varies Approvals: Expansion T1: The given cooldown period only applies to clans atacking, clans being attacked have no cooldown. A clan may only partake in one skirmish at a time. -Pros: Limits all clan hammering and dampens chaos -Cons: Limits choices to a much larger extent and doesn't allow for as many complex battles Simple Approvals: Expansion V: Alliances are not permitted -Pros: Less complex and increases chance of making it in-game -Cons: Loses a lot of Paxian Strategy involved and really puts a hamper on the political feel to Paxia Simple Approvals: Expansion V1: Alliances are permitted -Pros: Creates much more Paxian Strategy to the game and gives a political feel to Paxia -Cons: Potentially very complex Complexity Varies, normally high Approvals: Expansion V1.5: Alliances are decided by the in-game bar -Pros: Covers all opinions on the matter -Cons: Harder to do Fairly Simple Approvals: Expansion V1.75: Alliances are decided by the forums by polls held every week or two -Pros: Encourages forumite participation -Cons: Doesn't get everyone's opinions Extremely Simple Notes: Forumite opinions has affected Paxia in the past meaning this idea is possible [b[Approvals: The System I suggested would come under Expansions T, and V1/V1.5. To make things easier, if you think my system is the way to go, we'll call is expansion 'G' ~Sir Gnome Proposal E3B Contestants are chosen randomly to skirmish tournament style. The top three competitors get the prize at varied power. Expansion Y: Only the winning clan gets the desired Prize -Pros: A reason to skirmish -Cons: Makes the other clans sad Simple Approvals: Expansion X: Clans are paired up based on Clan Size -Pros: More fair -Cons: Much more limited Slightly more complex Approvals: Expansion F: Larger clans are handicapped against smaller clans -Pros: Keeps it fairer -Cons: Skirmishes are usually based on active users Approvals: Other Ideas Clan Wipes: Clans should be wiped so inactive members are no longer a part. -Proposal A: Clans are wiped every two weeks, members have to rejoin Approvals: -Proposal B: Inactive Battleon Players are wiped every two weeks Approvals: Proposal C: Anyone who doesn't visit Paxia within two weeks is wiped Approvals: [/code]
< Message edited by Ultrapowerpie -- 7/3/2013 11:10:54 >