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RE: Pet/Guest Bugs

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6/28/2011 15:19:30   

Has this bug been reported before? No

Type of bug: Glitch

Bug details: With Guardian Experimental Robocockatrice, when just one monster resists the Petrification attack, it no longer even attempts to petrify, but continues to use the Petrification attack from then forth, including other monster battles afterwards. Keeps going as such, until it is reswapped.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Guardian Experimental Robocockatrice(May be others as well)
Other Equipment: Changed each battle

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Latest Opera
Flash version: Latest
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 126
7/30/2011 11:40:02   

Has this bug been reported before: no.
Type of bug: glitch.

Bug details: In Epic Quest 8, Artix temporarily becomes your guest. At the end of the quest, he should be unequipped from your character. The next battle will fail to load, Artix not having been unequipped properly, I believe.
Before bug occurred: I defeated the last Ribber and went through a cutscene. After the quest, I started Epic Quest 9.

During Bug: player, monster, pet and background loaded successfully. The guest didn't.

After bug: nothing happened. The game is still stuck at the loading screen.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Artix. Swept, SP costing Artix, might I add.
Other Equipment: both times: D. Solaris P., Mjollnir, C. Ironthorn, F. Godmother. Monster encountered next: Warrior Troll. 2nd time: Kel-Al Relish, Troll King, the Big Cheese himself.
Screenshot link: none, not applicable here.

Did you log out and log back in: I refreshed the page. Good enough.
Did you clear cache: Yes.
Did the bug happen again: Ohyes.
Browser Info: Firefox 5.0.1
Flash version:
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 127
8/21/2011 17:37:20   

Has this bug been reported before? i dont think so

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: Rapacious Ebhe does nan for attack type and never hits
Before bug occurred: nothing, i bought the spell and summoned him, everything is fine but he does nan for attack type and always misses

Pet/Guest Bugged: Rapacious Ebhe guest

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: firefox

oh nevermind. it was glitching and then it started to work again
but i would look into this glitch anyway

< Message edited by megakiller555 -- 8/21/2011 17:38:24 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 128
10/1/2011 4:08:55   

Has this bug been reported before? don't think so

Type of bug: graphical

Bug details: My pet grabbi is covering my armor skills menu (only tested with wizard armor probably the same for all class armor though)

Pet/Guest Bugged: famished grabbi

Other Equipment: generalist robes, naga staff, and shield of awe

Did you log out and log back in? yes

Did the bug happen again? yes

Browser Info: google chrome (probably latest version)

flash version: don't know probably latest though

PS, if you can provide a working link for instructions to post a screen shot i will link one (the one up top isn't working)

< Message edited by magicftw -- 10/3/2011 9:02:05 >
Post #: 129
10/15/2011 4:00:58   
Sir Niaq
Banned - Requested


Has this bug been reported before? No.
Type of bug: indefinite loading
Bug detail: Jagos guest from The Burning Sands refuses to load.

Pet/Guest bugged: Jagos
Other equipment: Deft Ultraguardian + CIT + Exalted Absolix Polearm // Chronomancer Z + Staff of Awe + Shield of Awe + PSVI:Dr. Boom // Venomous Chimeran Knight + Rast Axe + Starblaze Shield + Magma Leaf

Did you log out and back in: Yes
Did the bug happen again: Yes
Browser Info: Google Chrome 14.0.835.202 m
Flash version: latest
OS: Windows XP

Character page link: Sorry - it didn't work on three of my characters.. do you want all three? :p

Clear your cache. You've got a corrupted download.

Did that and indeed he works now. Thanks!

< Message edited by Sir Niaq -- 10/15/2011 13:44:07 >
Post #: 130
12/1/2011 2:30:56   
Sir Niaq
Banned - Requested


Has this bug been reported before? No.
Type of bug: Freeze upon loading
Bug detail: Giftbox XXI pet freezes up when I load random RA battles.

Pet/Guest bugged: Giftbox XXI
Other equipment: Mighty UGP + Golden Axe + CIT

Did you log out and back in: Yes
Did the bug happen again: Yes
Browser Info: Google Chrome 15.0.874.121 m
Flash version:
OS: Windows XP

Character page link: below avvy

< Message edited by Sir Niaq -- 12/1/2011 2:39:44 >
Post #: 131
12/1/2011 18:59:32   

My friend cant get the akidz pet but it took his golden burger away and he didnt recieve the akidz pet his name is im fozil could you help him thnx :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 132
12/12/2011 10:44:03   
Sir Niaq
Banned - Requested


Twilly/DS Twilly guests appear to heal MP only, instead of HP/MP like they usually do.

forget that. thanks after

< Message edited by Sir Niaq -- 12/12/2011 11:17:11 >
Post #: 133
12/12/2011 10:51:52   


it's working:


Effect: You heal 5MP (60%) or 5MP and 5HP (40%).
Rate: 100%

< Message edited by afterlifex -- 12/12/2011 11:01:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 134
12/24/2011 11:25:40   

Type of bug: Glitch

Pet/Guest Bugged: Giftbox Pet XXIII

Bug details:

I bought the new giftbox pet. It's in one of my slots, but I cannot move it anywhere within my first 9 pet slots. I just bought a new pet and I can't move it past the giftbox either.

Logging out and logging in should fix that. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 12/25/2011 1:55:08 >
AQ  Post #: 135
1/2/2012 13:45:10   
No Refills

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):

Bug details: New "Robodeer" is still called Giftbox XIX in my pets inventory.
Before bug occurred: ---

During Bug: ---

After bug: ---

Pet/Guest Bugged: Robodeer / Giftbox XIX
Other Equipment: ---
Screenshot link: http://tinypic.com/r/2v84leh/5alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

Did you log out and log back in?
Did you clear cache?
Did the bug happen again?
Browser Info: Google Chrome.
Flash version: Not sure. It is not old.

Not a bug -- you have to change its name yourself. Go to any shop, and click on your pet. You should be given the option to rename it. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/16/2012 23:44:58 >
AQ  Post #: 136
2/15/2012 22:32:19   

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): load screen gets stuck

Bug details: During "Love Bug!" quest, if you try to have Wabio as a guest, the load screen gets stuck
Before bug occurred:

During Bug:

After bug:

Pet/Guest Bugged: Wabio
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: tried both Google Chrome and IE8
Flash version: 10
AQ DF  Post #: 137
2/24/2012 17:41:15   

Think this is a glitch

Type of bug glitch

Bug details: Started Volus Pride quest from todays event on start (near twily) and it went well until i noticed that Eselgee was using his attack backwards. What I mean is he was using the attack that worked worse, like using the frogzard throw on a troll or the smash atack on Vollu...

Before bug occurred:

During Bug:

After bug:

Pet/Guest Bugged: Eselgee
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in?
Did you clear cache?
Did the bug happen again? Didn't try
Browser Info: Firefox 10
Flash version: 11
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 138
2/26/2012 21:17:17   

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: I bought the Wicked TwEbil and after testing it, it only dealt (what appears to be) Base and Random Damage. I
Before bug occurred:

During Bug:

After bug:

Pet/Guest Bugged: Wicked TwEbil
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Spontaneously
Browser Info: Google Chrome
Flash version: 11

Found it -- it's accidentally doing 608%% stats damage, or 6.08%. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/26/2012 22:16:31 >
AQ  Post #: 139
2/27/2012 0:22:16   

I just relogged in. It doesn't seem different yet, so I'm going to assume that it isn't fixed yet.

Err, yeah. Sorry, I meant that I found exactly what was causing the problem, not that it's fixed. >.< ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/27/2012 15:42:14 >
AQ  Post #: 140
6/11/2012 2:21:00   

Be careful when you purchase a "guardian angel elder" It's a spell but it summons the guardian angel the prices on the game are not the same price you purchase it for. I bought the level 115 version and it charged me double the amount of gold.

Sorry, that sounds like someone forgot to reset the shop cache. I've reset it now, so it should be fixed. Thanks for the report! ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/19/2012 15:51:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 141
6/19/2012 12:46:02   

Has this bug been reported before? No, not to my knowledge.

Type of bug (Game crash/black screen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Paralysis error

Bug details: Pickled Punk Z pet fails to paralyze the monster about half of the times it should. There are two attack types, the blue and the yellow attack. The yellow attack has a 10% chance to paralyses the monster when it hits. When the yellow attack hits and the paralysis effect occurs there is a text box that opens and states "Your enemy is paralyzed by the weirdness of the pickled punk!" About half of the time this effect does not occur. The text box appears but the monster is not paralyzed. Just to make sure, I played through hundreds of attacks with varied equipment and monsters. The error rate was about the same, half the time it works and the other it does not. Take note of the failed paralysis screens, the monster is not marked with the red circle with a line through it at the bottom right where as the successful paralyses are marked with the red circle.

Before bug occurred: All was well in Lore.

During Bug: No one noticed but me, I doubt many players even use this pet (old, z-token) or know it paralyzes since its not listed under pets the paralyze in the status change" section. Will discuss with section mod.

After bug: The monster attacked me with great delight.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Pickled Punk Z
Other Equipment: varied and many
Screenshot link: What it looks like when the yellow attack hits properly.( 1 2 ) What it looks like when the yellow attack misses properly.( 1 2 ) What it looks like when the paralysis works properly.( 1 2 3 ) What it looks like when the paralysis does not work properly, pay special attention to the water dragon who is actually attacking me in the picture even as the text box is still active stating its paralyzed! ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )

Did you log out and log back in? no
Did you clear cache? of course.
Did the bug happen again? of course.
Browser Info: Firefox 12.0
Flash version: 11.3.300.257

Oh, I see what's happening. Normally, the monster has an [END*2/5]% chance of resisting the paralysis. (Those dragons you're fighting have 150 END, so they should be resisting 60% of the time.) Normally, if the monster resists, then you get the message "Your foe resists the paralyzing attack!". Unfortunately, the Punk displays its own message immediately after trying to paralyse the monster, so its own message overwrites the paralysis's "Your foe resists..." message.

It should be working as intended (I got 5/5 paralysises against a monster with 0 END, and 0/5 paralysises against a monster with 700 END). The only problem is that the message is very player-unfriendly. I'll report it as a bug and see if anything happens. Thanks for the report! ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/19/2012 16:12:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 142
7/30/2012 11:38:34   

Has this bug been reported before?: Not to my knowledge

Type of bug: Glitch, I would say.

Bug details: The Angel Guard guest heals 'NaN' upon player death. The message: "The Angel Guard sacrifices its own life force to heal you! NaN damage healed... but it isn't enough. " pops up. Despite it having saved up enough in the healing pool to make a resurrect possible.

Before bug occurred: Random battle went normally when this occured, tried it in a battle with Ultra Akriloth, the same bug occured, as it did in various other battles. NaN amount was healed and player death occurs.

During Bug: The Angel Guard pet special ability kicks in when I reach 0 hp, but the message says NaN was healed.

After bug: Player death, I get transported to the dialogue with DEATH, which proceeds as it should, resulting in revival.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Angel Guard (level 115)
Other Equipment: Spirit Stone(misc), Cor-Dem(pet), King's Reign(armor), Mystic Rx for Destruction(weapon), None(Shield) Though this varied in different battles.
Screenshot link: http://twitpic.com/adh0ku

Did you log out and log back in? : Yes, upon doing this the ability functioned correctly once, however the second time the bug occured again.
Did you clear cache? : Yes
Did the bug happen again? : Yes
Browser Info: Google Chrome (20.0.1132.57 m)
Flash version: 11.3.300.265

I'm sorry, but I couldn't reproduce the bug. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/31/2012 3:47:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 143
8/17/2012 11:13:17   

Type of bug: damge bug? not sure how to say this one

Bug details: when fighting neberon the mage for charisma my big clone/ little clone (i have and use both depending on the need for power/accuracy respectively) my clones are pets and should do full damage and yet they are also reduced in damge to the 40% marker.
Before bug occurred: N/A

During Bug: pet does only 40% damage

After bug: N/A

Pet/Guest Bugged: big clone / little clone
Other Equipment: awe armor set and blade of awe
Screenshot link: N/A

Did you log out and log back in? twice
Did you clear cache? daily when i start my pc
Did the bug happen again? yesterday and today
Browser Info: chrome
Flash version: lastest available version as of august 16th

Not a bug. Clone attacks are treated as player attacks, not pet attacks. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/15/2012 1:29:44 >


I wouldn't be here if i didn't love this game with a passion.
19 years old and still on my very first account and only account.
AQ  Post #: 144
10/14/2012 7:35:26   
Asgaurdian lord

Type of Bug: Typo
Bug location : EvilCorp Takeover
bug details: i had artix as a guest and i din't have enough sp and it said : Artix waits for your ready, 84 sp required or SHE will leave.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? No
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Internet
Flash version: most current

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the newest version. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/15/2012 1:34:09 >
AQ  Post #: 145
10/24/2012 13:27:13   
Ripper man5

Tiny Shadowunicorn does not want to be on the top of my pet list, it says "Item Order Swapped" then nothing changed. It can move down , and up, but will not go to the top.


Did you try logging in and out? That usually fixes it. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/24/2012 16:32:55 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 146
10/25/2012 8:33:23   
Ripper man5

In Media Res, I am on a different computer AND different location and it still wont go up.
AQ MQ  Post #: 147
10/25/2012 8:38:47   

You may have to wait awhile for the system to update, it could take a bit of time.

It's common enough issue, had it take a few hours personally.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 148
10/25/2012 18:13:50   
Ripper man5

I am on college campus, totally different computer and internet, still does not work.

I just switched them around for you. Odd; it worked fine for me. I'm not sure what's causing it. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/25/2012 23:39:41 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 149
10/31/2012 19:22:01   

Type of bug: Not sure

Pet/Guest Bugged: Something G (150)

Bug details:
I dont know what its attack or effect is supposed to be. But it doesnt deal damage. The attack animations work, just no damage is done, nor any other effect.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 16.0.2
Flash version: 11,4,402,287

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/31/2012 23:14:11 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 150
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