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RE: Pet/Guest Bugs

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2/4/2014 15:55:37   

I don't know about lower level versions, but when the highest level of the Big Trobble uses the ranged attack it tries to do a second hit and disappears, leaving the "miss" text and freezing the monster's animation; this prevents the monster from attacking and the menu from popping up.

Fixed this. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Also to Infuturity: are you switching miscs before having Artix make at least one attack? Because I noticed that when you switch miscs immediately after summoning him, he can't actually do damage to enemies.

I can't reproduce this. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/5/2014 4:24:16 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 176
2/4/2014 17:43:49   

@above: I tried it with several different scenarios. Both with and without misc, and with several turns in between.

EDIT: Weird...just tried it again, and it's working fine now.

< Message edited by infuturity -- 2/4/2014 18:03:44 >
AQ  Post #: 177
2/6/2014 15:19:46   
The Ranger Protector

Azamay Flint Golem's battle menu description says the suggested Charisma for it is 134. I think it's just visual, though.

Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/6/2014 22:57:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 178
3/5/2014 15:14:36   

All clone pets have the fire version of the BOA in their hand when I have it equipped. I'm using the standard earth.

Should be fixed. Clear your cache to get the newest version. Thanks! ~IMR
Uh oh! Now my big clone's BOA is purple in the new quest.
Nvm. Once I re-equipped him it fixed itself.

< Message edited by DarkLore -- 3/6/2014 15:05:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 179
3/9/2014 3:49:23   

Hmm. Looks like the new RazorWing pet is broken. I get an infinite loading pet prompt.

Whoops, forgot to roll it out. It should be fixed now. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 3/9/2014 9:56:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 180
4/18/2014 18:17:30   

The L145G Guardian Bun-Bozo lists 34-93 instead of 34-103 damage in the Bun-Bits shop (from the Bun-Bits war).

The L95 and L145 Bun-Brain do not display a rounded Control rate percentage, instead going to an unnecessary number of decimal points. This should probably be rounded to about two decimal points as the Bun-Battler does for Choke. Also, regarding Bun-Brain's status, the pop-up message says "The opponent finds your bunny so cute that it hurts itself." There is only a chance of the enemy losing a turn to control, so saying that the opponent "hurts itself" can be misleading. This matter can be remedied either by changing the description, or by shifting the control chance so it's applied before the control status takes hold (so the opponent will only be inflicted once the control is guaranteed to occur).

Fixed the first.

The second is a problem with the status system. I fixed it locally, and the fix'll be live the next time we update the system. Also, the pop-up doesn't feel like it's that big a deal. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/29/2014 18:52:45 >
AQ  Post #: 181
4/19/2014 17:30:51   
Kay Oh

Summon poalala (GGB) doesn't tell you multiplier when clicked (even after the first turn). It only tells you multiplier when pet poalala is also equipped. W/o pet poalala, all I get is "Let me at 'em! My magic can boost your Magic weapon attacks and spells!" from guest poalala.
I'm not sure if guest poalala's boost works w/o pet poalala since it doesn't show multiplier.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/24/2014 0:12:37 >
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 182
4/20/2014 22:32:13   
pure tppc

Same here ^. Just noticed that unless I brought out both Poelala. I hope it still gets it as if it's calculated to be Poelala*Poelala damage.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/24/2014 0:12:45 >
AQ  Post #: 183
5/6/2014 0:38:56   

I'm not sure if this has been brought up but the Brain Spider Imago (20)'s web effect seems to transfer from battle to battle without even attacking first.

Either that or the pop up "**The brainspider's webs have slowed your opponent!" comes up falsely.

Edit: Also, the summon spell seems to take up 45 MP when unsummoning the guest. Idk if that's intentional or not though

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/25/2014 0:07:04 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 184
5/16/2014 4:06:53   

in the "Iz Mah Howse!" quest ElBhe guest is bugged.
when he attacks he drains all your mp and some sp and attacks for 0 NaN (instead of mele or ranged or magic) damage that doesn't have any bth (it misses 99% of time)

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/24/2014 0:07:30 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 185
5/20/2014 3:34:57   


in the "Iz Mah Howse!" quest ElBhe guest is bugged.
when he attacks he drains all your mp and some sp and attacks for 0 NaN (instead of mele or ranged or magic) damage that doesn't have any bth (it misses 99% of time)

It indeed is. I'm scratching my eyeballs out of frustration as we speak. Thing almost got me killed for draining my MP.

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/24/2014 0:07:38 >
AQ  Post #: 186
6/12/2014 21:15:09   
Mr G W

Baby Chimeran's poison weakness status lasts 3 rounds instead of the supposed 2 according to the info subs.

This means gets out of synch with daze since daze lasts 2 rounds.

This is a problem with the Status System. I've fixed it locally, so it'll be fixed in-game the next time we update the StaSys. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/12/2014 23:41:51 >
AQ DF  Post #: 187
6/13/2014 19:42:11   

Weapon of change quest i cant get a heal above 135 hp or lower when i play this quest is this a glitch?

Cannot duplicate. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/24/2014 0:11:31 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 188
7/8/2014 15:19:30   

The Mittens guest doesn't seem to paralyze monsters. I have cleared my cache. Afterlifex also confirmed this issue

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/9/2014 0:10:55 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 189
8/1/2014 15:33:16   

Thanks for fixing Mittens guest IMR, but in battle, I dismissed Mittens but after a couple of turns, the monster got paralyzed by the "OMG SO KAWAII" message the Neko uses. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen :O

Fixed. Clear your cache to get the fixed version. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/5/2014 7:40:24 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 190
11/13/2014 23:56:02   

Type of bug: Glitch

Bug details: Poelala is not increasing magic damage as stated in description or forum entry. Poelala is in fact reducing damage significantly, when I click on her she says that she is giving a 0.77 magic weapon boost and a 0.97 spell boost. I have tried altering charisma, higher charisma makes it worse. I initially thought this was a typo but testing on the combat trainer shows that she is reducing my damage substantially. P.S. I realise I am using a melee weapon in the screenshot but it is the least obstructive weapon I have in order to get a good picture, the rest of my inventory is magic and is affected.
Before bug occurred:

During Bug: Reduced magic damage

After bug:

Pet/Guest Bugged: Poelala
Other Equipment: Happens regardless of equipment
Screenshot link: http://tinypic.com/m/ileiyc/2
Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Latest Internet Explorer
Flash version: Latest Version

Should be fixed. She now gives a minimum of +0% damage. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 4/29/2015 15:35:56 >
Post #: 191
11/23/2014 23:48:58   
Contest Winner


Type of bug: graphical error

Bug details: When Bach, Mozart, Chopin, or Beethoven are summoned they disappear for a single frame. This happens just as they finish standing up from being summoned.
Before bug occurred: Happens under all conditions.

During Bug: The pet drops down from the top, hits the ground, begins to stand up, as soon as the knees lock the pet disappears.

After bug: They act as normal.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven
Other Equipment: No other equipment is affected.
Screenshot link: Will upload a video soon

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Opera 26.0.1656.24, will test on other browsers soon.
Flash version: 16,0,0,228

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 4/30/2015 0:40:32 >
AQ  Post #: 192
1/5/2015 0:02:30   
The Green Guy

It appears that the current encyclopedia entry for Robina's Monster Hunt is in DIRE need of being updated.

Like the fact that Poelala is no longer available by clicking on the chest, that info would be nice.

Poelala's (guest) encyclopedia entry also needs updating, with that specific information in mind.

P.S. What on Lore is "~Settling." supposed to mean, in whackybeanz's info sub posts?

That's a problem with the 'Pedia. This forum is for in-game bugs.

"~Settling." supposedly means that he's working on it. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 4/30/2015 0:44:16 >
Post #: 193
1/8/2015 9:44:42   

^^ I come here today to second the above most recent post about Poelala. It has been a little while since I've played AQ last, maybe a year, and I find I can no longer find Poelala in the chest, but instead, find an aesthetic helmet instead. The helmet is cool and all, but...I loved my little Poelala, one of my favorite guests being that I have been a mage-type character for so long now. It was available to Guardians only, so could it maybe be brought back somewhere in the game? Or at least update the Monster Hunt and Poelala pages to reflect the current state of things? Thanks AE!


Guardian since '03

View my character! http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=133434
AQ  Post #: 194
2/9/2015 11:16:44   

Flareos's control status potency remains the same regardless of whether the monster is frozen or not. Even though his control stun rate is said to be multiplied by monster fire resistance in the info subs. Shouldn't the control rate be higher when the enemy is frozen then, since freeze status increases monster's fire resistance by 1.5x of ice resist?
unfrozen & frozen

P.S. This could have implications for all other resistance based effects as well as similar statuses such as elemental vulnerability, Thermal Shock and Petrified.

< Message edited by Captain Bob -- 2/9/2015 11:17:32 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 195
2/16/2015 8:08:53   
Rafiq von den Vielen

I think FGM is buggy.

I'm sorry that I can only rely on anecdotal evidence here but I think she is weakened in damage output when the player is under a status condition (speaking Algern the Shadowknight's Daze or OrcaZard's Choked.)

Equipment I was using for the record is the level 110 FGM, lvl 120 Nulgath + Nightfall's Banner, lvl 110 Tera'Suul's Drive (Ranged), and LSC v1 (Mino Day, I think it's level 119.) for Algern
FGM, level 110 Champion of Sinmaw + Sinmaw's Guile (Water mode) + Sinmaw's Mastermind (Ranged), and LSC v1 for OrcaZard (The level 135 one).

What exactly happened is that FGM deals just about half damage than when my character is not statused. (Anecdotal evidence vs Algern: Not dazed FGM deals between 75-113 damage, dazed I get hits from 30-52. Similar numbers for OrcaZard but since that was last night my memory is sketchy at best.) My character, for the record, has 200 CHA.

Intended. From the 'Pedia Entry:

If you (the Player) are dazed and you do not act for a turn, then all Pet and Guest attacks deal 0% Stats damage during that turn.
You're not in control of yourself, so you can't control your pets. ~IMR

Thanks, IMR. Note to self: Read encyclopedia entries. >.> <.<

< Message edited by Rafiq von den Vielen -- 2/18/2015 3:18:51 >
Post #: 196
3/26/2015 20:46:05   

I noticed that Thernda pet gives me 24% damage boost, as opposed to Dunamis' 34%. Is this just a typo or is it intended to get 60% damage penalty even with MC?

Intended. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 4/30/2015 0:45:04 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 197
4/10/2015 19:12:46   

Love Machine's description ("After its attack, it has a (16.81*FireResist)% chance of making the monster Afraid (100% chance of not acting; 1 round)" seems to indicate that its fear infliction doesn't depend on successfully landing its attack. However, I've not seen it attempt its fear when it misses. Is that intended?

Yep, that's intended. ~IMR

Edit: Removed my other bug report - the items in question were updated last year (thanks Carandor).

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 4/30/2015 0:50:29 >
AQ  Post #: 198
4/16/2015 20:37:32   

Thernda Guest turns left when its animation starts.
Post #: 199
7/19/2015 11:23:57   
Jumping Jackal

Call Thernda guest boost ranged damage by 18% while Thernda pet boost ranged damage by 24%. Is this intentional?
AQ  Post #: 200
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