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RE: History of Geoto

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9/27/2008 10:44:21   

where am I am wolfworshipper in the GEOTO history wasn't I the one who came up with the idea to fight for a clan with honour and stuff and wasn't wolfworshippers creative art that sparks these awesome thread industries make people dedicated to carry on the first revenge strikes against aerodu. by giving me this AWESOMERIFIC sig below, HOWEVER! YOUR THREAD LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!! KUDOS TO YOUR EFFORTS


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 51
9/27/2008 14:31:12   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Well if you have anything to add neo_manni feel free to post it as we are lacking in some information.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 52
9/27/2008 19:31:02   

this is almost pointless threan becuase now me earth men. no one fight earth men or they die
AQ MQ  Post #: 53
9/29/2008 15:59:45   


this is almost pointless threan becuase now me earth men. no one fight earth men or they die

How is this thread almost pointless?
AQ MQ  Post #: 54
9/29/2008 16:03:58   

how is it not . it has no use. we all remmeber the war and if you don't you can ask. you don't need a thread for it
AQ MQ  Post #: 55
9/29/2008 16:07:47   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

It does have a use as not all the people who remember these wars remembe them in detail and people forget over time. Also most of the people who were around in the time of these wars have gone inactive so you can't ask them.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
9/29/2008 16:10:32   

wat about me. can ask me.me earth man
AQ MQ  Post #: 57
9/29/2008 16:13:40   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Maybe so but you are not active all the time and when activity picks up i am certain you don't want an inbox full of people asking about it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 58
9/29/2008 16:15:25   

i wouldn't care to much lol

but someone i know would be a differnt story
AQ MQ  Post #: 59
9/30/2008 9:53:52   

YEA! me neither I wish people would PM me more as I might be IA here but I am on AQ forums more or less everyday anywayz.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
10/7/2008 16:38:34   

It's always best not to complain.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
4/25/2009 11:32:28   

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG Man i remember the Chatzy era lol
Been way to long,all us guys need to catch up lol
AQ  Post #: 62
4/25/2009 17:55:42   

yea gotta love the chatzy, does anyone still have the link with the username and password, if they could PM the details I would like to chatzy function as it ruled.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
4/27/2009 10:42:03   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Welcome back UltimatePaladin. I am afraid neo_manni that I have no idea about chatzy or links to it but I would guess that Lifeman9 would be the person to ask.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
5/5/2009 2:17:05   

the only person who would have it is probably Wize neo...And who knows when we can get a hold of that guy lol
AQ  Post #: 65
5/5/2009 11:29:04   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

I remember a link to chatzy was on the council thread's first post, which is currantly in coding form, though without starting a new thread it would be hard to find it. Also I don't know if it is the one you want.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 66
8/4/2009 2:55:28   

My goodness these forums are dead!!!


Post #: 67
8/4/2009 5:57:02   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

They are a bit, though there are still some active Geotians.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
8/4/2009 7:12:23   

yeah like 5 of them or something
AQ  Post #: 69
8/4/2009 7:56:43   

Go try the Pf, it's much more active!
AQ DF  Post #: 70
4/26/2010 18:19:55   

Well, here's one more Geotian to be active!

It really is a shame how inactive these forums are -.- Anyways, read through this, and it looks interesting. But it's still such a shame that there's nothing in-game to do in Geoto (Defending it is quite boring after a while)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
8/10/2012 3:51:09   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

I have updated the first post for now, it is not particularly well written and is rather old, from May 2011, so I will probably edit it again soon to bring it right up to date. I also edited in the date for the incident with dollarboy2000 and Necromancer Verina.

EDIT: I have added my own account of the incident between Necromancer Verina and dollarboy2000 based on what I remember of the events and the pms I have from the time.

EDIT2: I will try and keep the thread up to date using my AK power to edit the first post, not that there is much to write about.

< Message edited by Oliver Bell -- 12/10/2012 5:45:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 72
3/12/2013 23:04:56   

don't forget to add that my original is a geoto clan member and is L150 also.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
7/3/2013 2:40:44   
Oliver Bell
AK in Limbo!

Made a small update to the first post, if activity returns to Paxia we may finally have more to write about.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 74
2/18/2014 15:39:18   

I can confirm that the newspaper in question is indeed "Geoto's Wrath" by Dollerboy2000, I also remember how Lifeman9 a.k.a Ranmyaku was very eager to prove his meddle as an upcoming aspirant for Geoto. Good to see you´re still around!

It is a real shame to read that doller didn't get along with Verina, I was quite fond of the both of them actually. But, frankly, I'm not surprised things ended the way they did.
I remeber Verina as a very virtuous person and always prepared to work out things diplomatically, however, if she felt like her integrity was comprised she would be really offended (and rightfully so). She had a warm heart and made the recruits feel at home.
Dollerboy2000, I remember him as being very keen and loyal to the cause from the first moments he stepped in these halls.
I was very moved by his passion for Geoto and created a personal signature for him concerning his work of the Newspaper.

(Something I have rarily done: Neo_manni, Dollerboy and blazewild received one each, Verina received a personalized award for her comradery)

Also some insight into the Aerodu VS Geoto mentality: The ACC (Aerodu Council) was the first established form of self-government in the First Paxian Saga.
We as Geoto's rather steal a good idea then think of a bad one ourselves, Nautica followed shortly.

We quickly, under leadership of PoV (who is by my knowledge the absolute first leader of Geoto, and a damn fine one at that), took over their hierarchical structures and became an effective organisation in a short ammount of time. However, we rapidly grew more popular then Aerodu, perhaps because of our creativity and newbie friendly atmosphere, and that's when the tensions between the Skypeople and us rose to breaking point. I think it was Wizeman and Verina that managed to keep the eager recruits in check on our forums.
In retrospect some credit was due to the Aerodians, perhaps it is time to make up for these past mistakes?

Nautica was generally less abrasive and less hotly tempered as the proud Aerodians, I remember how we attempted to sway the Nauticans to our side against Aerodu by allowing them to use our signature/award system, albeit using their own symbolism, the effects were noticable but unfortunatly Aerodu prevailed. I shortly left following the First War.

It keeps coming back to me in waves, i'll probably remember some more stuff later!

EDIT: Findecano Nenharma was also a prominent figure in the first era of the War, though I can't remember any individual contributions except concepts for my own work, perhaps someone else does?

< Message edited by WolfWorshipper -- 2/18/2014 15:53:00 >
AQ  Post #: 75
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