@Poetic Melody: Be grateful. The first three books were amazing, loved them to pieces. They had some sketchy language, but I took white-out to my copy and made it readable and it was still amazing. The fourth book, however... was simply awful. There is probably an elegant way to portray exactly how much I loathed the fourth book, but I'm not sure it's possible. To put the main issue in the simplest terms possible: While I wouldn't read the first three books to my little sister, they are worthy of being read. The fourth book is something she could read, but she wouldn't want to. They killed Max. Turned her from a tough, powerful character into a wimp who isn't even worthy enough to glare at. Angel gained so many powers she made me sick, and Iggy... oh, Iggy. It was the most pathetic book I had ever read, so much so that I wished he hadn't read it. Just stop at three. No, they never save the world. Think of it as an authorial plothole. Anyways. I'm trying to read the Nightworld series, but all the copies are checked out!! Sadness. I've had it reccomended to me, like, five times. I really want to read it. Anyone here read it? Is it good?