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RE: =PROSE= What Are You Reading?

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10/13/2009 1:25:58   

I'm reading The Food of the Gods by H.G. Wells, as well as The Fellowship of the Ring, and also The Elder Gods by David and Leigh Eddings.
DF MQ  Post #: 176
10/13/2009 1:42:13   
DA Holder67

Tunnels by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 177
10/13/2009 2:20:06   
Gianna Glow

In the past couple of weeks (about 3) I have read Gilgamesh (very good and amazing poetry as well), Theogany and Works and Days by Hesiod (very good as well, but Theogany was a little hard to follow due to the geneology mess), and just finished The Odyssey today. Loved the Odyssey, very well written story. :D Not sure what I'm reading next, but I do know it will be another classic! (Honors classes are so much fun, the books are amazing!)
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 178
10/13/2009 22:47:20   

^ I read all my classics over the summer; I just don't have time during the school year. Or the patience.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 179
10/16/2009 0:01:20   
Gianna Glow

^^lol, well, my classics are for one of my classes. Currently I'm writing a paper on the greek gods, based of Theogany and The Odyssey. It should turn out really cool
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 180
10/16/2009 1:37:59   

That should be very interesting. :D If you ever feel like typing it up, you should PM it to me. /off topic

I'm going to restart reading LotR soon. I could never get past chapter 5 of the one that comes after There and Back Again.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 181
10/16/2009 2:01:34   

I'm slowly working my way through my English Lit. books for school. In my free time, I'm reading all the graphic novels I can, especially the Wolverine series :D
AQ DF  Post #: 182
10/17/2009 15:20:45   

I just finished Red-Headed Stepchild, which is Twilight-ish, but the other side of the romantic-spectrum, with tons of vampire killings. ^_^ Half Vamp/Half Mage ftw!

And for school, my "new" book is The Merlin Conspiracy, which I've read probably 10 times by now...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 183
10/17/2009 15:29:25   
the random warrior

I'm reading the Cirque Du Freak series. I'm already on book 6. :D I'm also read the Sorceress, which is the 3 book of The Alchemist.

AQ DF  Post #: 184
10/24/2009 17:56:26   

I'm reading City of the Beast, a novel by Isabel Allende. So far, it's good, but it's hard for me to get into it. RL stuff aren't that entertaining. :P
Post #: 185
10/24/2009 19:17:20   

I'm going to read the second book in the bartimaeus trilogy
I just finshed the twilight seris (i liked the books{ducks})
And the first book it the trilogy


Remember that time that everyone hated me?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 186
11/28/2009 16:30:03   

Halted my Harry Potter rereading in the middle of book five due to lack of time. Instead reading Gardens of the Moon, first book of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. So far so good, though overly complex in terms of style. No wonder the person who recommended it to me has such a high English mark... if this is her preferred reading material, then I don't blame her for having a better vocabulary than me.

Also reading The Red Queen for some schoolwork. Halfway through, pretty good so far.
AQ  Post #: 187
11/28/2009 16:33:05   

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut is my current read. Almost done with it, and it's brilliant thus far.

After this it's going to be Slaughter House-Five by the same author. And I have several others lined up that I have forgotten about, and will probably find and read once I find and/or remember them. :P
Post #: 188
11/28/2009 21:26:49   

I'm reading The Lord of the Rings. Finally gotten around to it, and it's even better than I expected! ^_^ I don't usually read hardcore fantasy, more softcore for me, so this is even better because of that.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 189
11/29/2009 18:52:01   
  Master Samak
Steward Leprechaun

I am currently forcing myself through A World Lit Only by Fire by William Manchester.

It is a history (a non-fiction) of the European Middle Ages, of all the Dark times it endured through.
Most informative, devilishly hard to focus upon, yet sophisticatedly well-written.
AQ DF  Post #: 190
11/29/2009 20:48:14   

finished the twilight series [DON'T SAY IT INTERNET TROLLS]

now im reading monster blood tatoo series [HA!]
@below try doing a image serch for it you might be able to find each page
@alex last book was good but the 2nd was my favorite

< Message edited by Shadowlord9k -- 11/29/2009 21:37:12 >


Remember that time that everyone hated me?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 191
11/29/2009 20:56:06   
Poetic Melody

Reading The Maximum Ride Series, but can't find the fourth book. *grumblegrumble*
DF  Post #: 192
11/29/2009 20:59:35   

sl9k: How did you like it? I know I thought it was a decent book until the hype ruined it completely. *flameshield - though it's not as if I need one in the LD*
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 193
12/3/2009 14:37:29   

It this time I am reading the first book in "The Great Tree of Avolon" siries. Its quite good in my opinion, though its not the best siries I've read.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 194
12/3/2009 21:25:52   

@Poetic Melody: Be grateful. The first three books were amazing, loved them to pieces. They had some sketchy language, but I took white-out to my copy and made it readable and it was still amazing. The fourth book, however... was simply awful. There is probably an elegant way to portray exactly how much I loathed the fourth book, but I'm not sure it's possible. To put the main issue in the simplest terms possible: While I wouldn't read the first three books to my little sister, they are worthy of being read. The fourth book is something she could read, but she wouldn't want to. They killed Max. Turned her from a tough, powerful character into a wimp who isn't even worthy enough to glare at. Angel gained so many powers she made me sick, and Iggy... oh, Iggy. It was the most pathetic book I had ever read, so much so that I wished he hadn't read it. Just stop at three. No, they never save the world. Think of it as an authorial plothole.

Anyways. I'm trying to read the Nightworld series, but all the copies are checked out!! Sadness. I've had it reccomended to me, like, five times. I really want to read it. Anyone here read it? Is it good?
AQ DF  Post #: 195
12/3/2009 22:00:22   

Has anybody read .hack//The Legend of Twilight? I'm trying to get my hands on the first book, but I have to wait until January. :O Can anybody vouch for it being worth the wait?

And I just got a few research books today for a project. I'm putting TLotR on hold until I'm done with them.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 196
12/3/2009 22:11:39   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

The Star Wars Expanded Universe :o
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 197
12/6/2009 15:18:31   

CORMAC MCCARTHY. (Does anyone know him?)

And rereading Atlas Shrugged.
AQ DF  Post #: 198
12/6/2009 16:43:08   

Pie: Begin at the beginning and end at the end of the huge EU, following this site as well as you can. It's not perfect, but it'll help.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 199
1/1/2010 23:08:48   
Alixander Fey

Dune, Frank Herbet. Fantastic.
DF  Post #: 200
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