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Issue 39 - Date with Disaster (Sentharn and Eukara)

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2/8/2009 12:25:00   

Date with Disaster
By Sentharn and Eukara

*Authors' notes. This adventure is told from a third person point-of-view with a first person, Talvan-point-of-view. Talvan's point of view is in blue.*

The minutes ticked, drawing time closer and closer to its designated finish line. Chrysa paced from one room to the other, clearly preoccupied by her thoughts. Upon entering her bedroom, she paused in front of the mirror, something she was prone never to do. Chrysa's mirror was there more because it was inherited from her great-grandmother, not because she actually used it. But at this moment, she stopped and looked at herself. She ran her fingers through short red hair, noting how the ends seemed slightly frayed. Nothing I can do, now.

Turning her back on the mirror, Chrysa exited her bedroom and walked outside. Pulling a large towel from the line, she headed back in, walking straight for the bath. She left the back door open to allow the summer breeze to cool the house. Chrysa called to her dragon, "Talvan! I am going to take a bath. Please do not get into anything while I am in here."

Upon hearing my name, I stirred from my lofty sleeping pallet in the adjacent cavern. Curious, I lifted my head far enough to watch Chrysa.

A bath? This early in the day? What's she up to?

I lay back down, restless, keeping one eye open and fixed on the bathroom door.

As hot water poured into the tub, Chrysa lowered herself in and laid her head back against the tub's rim. One of the few luxuries I asked for when sworn into the king's service. "What am I doing? I haven't the first clue as to what I am supposed to do tonight. Why did I say yes?!"

Chrysa looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Knowing there would be no answer, she picked up the soap and began to take advantage of the hot water. Resigned to the fact that she had to get out eventually, Chrysa reached for the towel and got out of the tub. Once dry and robed, she walked back to her room and looked through her closet. "Hmm, armor, leathers, riding gear ... more armor ... Oh, a T-shirt. Hmmm, this is quite a problem. Do I not have anything to wear aside from my duty clothes?"

Chrysa, in frustration, began to pull everything from her closet, in an effort to find something to wear.

Didn't she just get that closet re-packed yesterday?

"What are you doing?" I asked, still watching through the doorway with one eye open.

This is quite strange ...

"I need clothes! I can't go out in my armor. I can't ... gah, why under the cloudless sky did I say yes to Diren!" Chrysa reached deep into the recesses of her closet and pulled out one outfit ... the only one that wasn't official.

I perked up immediately, sleep forgotten.

"'Said yes?' You mean we're going on a date?"

Chrysa blinked and turned towards the door. For the first time that afternoon, she saw Talvan, staring up at her, eyes glistening. "Um ... not we, dear heart. I am going on a date with Diren. It's Hero Heart day and he asked me out. You can't come, Love."

Chrysa watched her dragon for any sign of reaction. She knew she hadn't told Talvan about the date, even though she had been asked a few weeks prior. Diren had approached her when Talvan was with Master Trystan.

"Why ... why not? I won't make any trouble this time!" Chrysa rarely forbade me from joining her on an adventure, and so I was more than a little taken aback.

"Oh Talvan ..." Chrysa sighed and made her way to her dragon. As she knelt beside her, Chrysa rubbed Talvan's back. "A date really isn't something that you need to be on. It is something people do together ... without their dragons. Namaran will not be there, and neither will you. Just Diren and me. Um ... you wouldn't find it amusing anyway. All we will do is go eat and then walk down to the gardens by the shore."

Looking at Talvan, Chrysa was afraid that this was going to go badly. She stood back up and went back into her room to change. The old outfit will have to do. Thankfully, few have ever seen it. She fretted with her hair, frustrated at its lack of oomph! and resigned to clipping it as usual with her dragonfly clip. Once dressed, she ran from her room to the living area and paced the floor, as if she was trying to wear a hole in the floor. "He should be here any minute."

"Why are you moving so fast if the date isn't amusing?" I sat on my haunches in the main area of my lair. Chrysa was pacing to and fro with such speed that my head began to feel dizzy.

"Huh?" Chrysa looked at Talvan and blinked. Her current state made it hard to concentrate and she had not realized Talvan followed her into the living area. "I am nerv...Things like this don't happen to me often, heart sister. So, I am a bit unsu--"

A knock on the door startled Chrysa and she froze, staring at the oak panels. She swallowed hard and rubbed her eyes. HE is here. Oh why did I ever agree to this? I have no idea what I am doing!

"I'm sure you'll do fine." I chuffled, amused. "You can't possibly be afraid of such a meek creature..."

"Meek creature...I am terrified of tonight! The thought that I have to be, well, me, scares me to death. Do you have any idea--" Chrysa jumped again as the knock on the door was a bit louder this time. She spun and looked at Talvan. "Either you are blatantly ignoring the emotions you feel from me or you are clueless. And, you will be staying here, tonight, with Celeste."

Chrysa walked to the door and timidly opened it. Standing there on the stoop was Diren, a single rose in his hand. "Evening, Chrysa."

I sauntered to Chrysa's side. Diren looked nearly as nervous as Chrysa, and they both stared at each other, wide-eyed, just like herdbeasts staring into a lantern. Although I got the strangest feeling that Diren wasn't staring at her, but at me... "Look, Chrysa, I'm not really staying with Celeste, am I? You remember how well she took my little forays last time..."

Chrysa jerked her head around to look at Talvan. "Oh no you don't. You are not going to use that on me, dragonet. You should have known better than to wander into the King's stables!"

She looked back at Diren, feeling her skin grow hot with embarrassment. "I am so sorry, Diren. Celeste should have been here already. And...I can't leave Talvan here alone. Would you like to come in?"

Diren nodded and stepped through the door. "It's alright, Chrysa, really. I am sure we can wait a few more minutes." Diren eyed Talvan warily and walked around Chrysa, opposite the side the dragon stood. "I brought you something."

Diren handed her the red rose in his hand and then fished around inside his jacket for a few minutes. He pulled out a red, heart shaped box and presented it to her. "I was able to pull a few strings and get the first batch of dark chocolate. You once said a long time ago that you liked this kind of chocolate."

As he handed the box to Chrysa, a woman walked through the door. In her hand she carried a large bag, filled with books and scrolls. She smiled down at Talvan. "So, there you are, my little precious dragonet. Now you two, shoo! Get on with this date thing and enjoy yourselves."

Some Humans have said that dragons aren't capable of Human facial expressions, but I imagine I had something very close to a frown on my face by this time. Oh-hoh, I thought to myself, so she got chocolate? When I'm not allowed to have any?

Chrysa looked at Diren awkwardly before being shoved out of the door by Celeste. She bit her lower lip and giggled nervously.

"So, I guess we should head over to dinner. I thought we could eat on the Tavern's second floor. It's a bit calmer up there." Diren spoke quietly, "Unless you want go somewhere else. I just ... can't cook, so..."

"No, no, the tavern is fine." Smiling at Diren, she followed his lead and walked beside him on the way to the tavern. "I guess you picked a great night for this. Not a cloud in the sky. The stars are beautiful." Oooh, weather talk! Couldn't I have thought of something more stimulating?

They walked in quiet conversation as they headed for the tavern. Neither paid attention to anything except the other.

Celeste closed the door gently behind the duo as they left for the tavern. She turned, smiling sardonically, and said, "So, we have the whole night ahead of us, just you and I. I'm sure you remember how well things worked out last time. I hope you've learned your lesson since then, and are going to behave yourself tonight. I have work to study tonight ... and I want quiet. Got it?"

I snuffed slightly, bowed my head in acknowledgement. This was going to be a looong night ...

"Good!" She clapped her hands together, and I jumped slightly. I hated it when she did that. "Now I am going to go get started on my Archivist studies, and you are going to behave yourself." And without further ado, she walked into the living area of my lair and began reverently setting her material on the worn surface. Soon she was deep into her studies. I watched her for a few moments, but she never looked up from her work.

The scratching of her quill pen soon filled the entirety of my lair. Irritated, I climbed to my perch in the cavern and lay down to sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't seem likely that I would be able to doze my way through a boring night.

My stomach growled. Why did Celeste have to be the one to watch me? She was never inclined to allow me to do anything fun. She never gave me snacks. And why did she have to sit in the chair that offered a perfect view of the larder? Although she sat with her back facing me, she would undoubtedly notice if anyone attempted to raid the larder cabinet. No chocolate for me tonight. But wait! Diren had handed Chrysa a box of chocolate. And that undoubtedly meant that he had more stashed away somewhere (For no sane creature would ever give up her full hoard of chocolate at once). And that meant I had to find him and liberate them.

And then I saw it: the back door. The open back door. Celeste still hadn't turned around ... and the back door was right behind her. Guessing the distance to the door through narrowed eyes, I figured I could make it -- if Celeste didn't turn. That was fine; I could be stealthy.

I crawled down from my perch with the utmost care...


Diren opened the door for Chrysa and directed her up to the second floor. He waved to the cook and smiled, letting the guy know that they were ready. A small table set near the fireplace was set for the two of them. Chrysa peeked around and saw that there were no other patrons on that floor. Alone... up here ... How do people do this so much? You would think if everyone felt this way on their first date, no one would ever go for the next one. What if I say something stupid!?

As they approached the table, Diren hurried ahead of her and pulled out a chair, indicating that she sit. Eukara obliged him and smiled at his attention. Once he sat down and looked at her, she felt her cheeks grow hot. What are we supposed to do now? Talk? And about what? I guess we could talk about our dragons. I like Namaran. Our dragons ... I haven't felt a peep from Talvan. I seriously do not believe it is because she is behaving.

"So, I finally got you to say yes!" Diren beamed as he looked at Chrysa. "I figured a nice, quiet dinner would be a good way to start this out. The cook here has guaranteed something special, and I took care of all the arrangements. I hope that is okay?"

A freshly dressed young girl brought drinks and set them gently on the table. Chrysa took a sip of the tart drink and relaxed a bit. I think I can do this. A plate was set between them, full of cheeses and bread. Diren served her a plate before serving himself. Chrysa watched, fascinated by the attention, and for the first time, understood what Talvan felt when she was caught preening under the eye of an admirer.


C'mon ... just keep working ... nothing's wrong ... there's not a bored and irritated dragon sneaking behind you towards the door ...

I moved as quietly as I could across the rough stone floor. Celeste was still sitting at the table, scratching away at her work with that excessively irritating quill pen. She hadn't turned.

Just a few more feet ...

The back door, my key to temporary freedom, was less than ten feet away. But I had to sneak past Celeste to get there.

Eight feet. Then five.

Celeste stopped scratching, and I froze. For a long, long instant, I could only imagine her turning about, seeing me, opening her mouth --

She finished stretching, and went back to her writing. Time started again. And then I was through the door on the back patio, and she was still scratching away at her scrolls, and most importantly, she did not know I was outside! And what she didn't know couldn't hurt her, right?

The sun was near the horizon, outlining the nearby town in golden highlights. Diren had mentioned the tavern, and I knew exactly where it was. All that remained was getting there ...

I listened one last time, satisfied that Celeste was still unaware that I had crept outside. Hunkering down low, I darted towards the forest and the town beyond.


Chrysa laughed as she retold the story about the Haystack Incident to Diren. It had been funny, though she knew that Talvan did not share her enthusiasm and humor. Diren laughed loudly and Chrysa allowed herself to laugh a little more freely. Talvan would be appalled that she laughed so readily about that. It had been quite an embarrassing affair.

"Hehehe, it was bad. And the mess ... I felt really bad for the farmer, but there was nothing that could really have been done. Poor Talvan, she was devastated."

Diren laughed. "Namaran told me that something happened, but wouldn't divulge any information. Apparently, dragons don't laugh at each other with us."

As the main course was brought, a single candle was lit in the middle of the table and the lights dimmed a little. Chrysa tried to concentrate on the food, but the change in atmosphere took her by surprise. Well, now what? Dimmer lights, candlelight, dinner; if music starts playing, I think I am going to freak out.


Creeping through the undergrowth of the woods, I soon came to the edge of town. I dared not let myself be seen, lest some well-meaning denizen wonder why a young dragon was out at such an hour. Eventually, however, I reached the tavern unquestioned and unnoticed.

It was here that I encountered a little snag: namely, how to get to the second floor of the tavern unobserved. I paced around the building, looking for another way in, but the back door and cellar were locked. My stomach growled; I could smell the delicate scent of dark cocoa all the way out --

Wait! How was I able to smell it?

Looking up, I saw several open windows. I stretched my wings ...


Celeste stretched, set down her quill. Finally! Done with her work for tonight.

"Well, Talvan," she called, "You've been a good and quiet dragonet this afternoon!" She got up from her seat and moved towards the larder. "I think you deserve a special treat for that."

She paused. It was quiet, unnervingly so; Talvan must be sound asleep in the adjacent cavern.

"Talvan? Wake up, sleepy dragon!" She strode into the cavern -- and froze.

The dragon was not there.

"...Talvan?" Nervous, she searched the entire household. Nothing. No Talvan.

"...that sneaky, underhanded, low-down cocoa-headed daughter of a wendigo! Where is she?!"

Ten minutes of searching proved that the troublesome dragon was also not anywhere in the grounds surrounding the house. And that meant she was probably ...

Setting her jaw, Celeste began walking towards the town -- and the tavern.


"This has been nice, Diren. Quiet, good food ... good company." Chrysa felt herself blush and looked at her empty plate. She has battled monsters, served a king, represented a kingdom before an enemy and now, before this guy she felt as if she had no strength. It was as if all her years of training to be a solid, sound fighter flew out the window. "Thank you."

Diren smiled and looked at the box of chocolates on the table. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, no. I was trying to fight the temptation to open it myself!" Chrysa said as she smiled.

"Well then, I think we should check if my friend did indeed give me the best stuff. Let's see." Diren opened the box and searched the many pieces for the right one. "You like mint, right? Good." Diren picked up one of the dark chocolate pieces and moved closer to Chrysa. He met her apprehensive gaze with a smile. As he held the piece aloft, near her lips, he whispered, "I have always found you to be one of the most beau--"

CRASH!! In the blink of an eye, a fat, blue blur flew through the window and collided with two of the tables, upending them and spilling their fine silverware and china onto the floor as the blur continued right towards Chrysa and Diren, appeared to stop, jerked forwards --

"Owch! My hand!" Diren was yelling and shaking his hand in a most tender fashion, and the entire dinner table crashed to the ground, and --

"Oh! Sorry, I thought that was the box. I wouldn't have missed if the carpet hadn't tripped me!"

Chrysa stood up and glared at her dragon. "Talvan! What do you think you are doing? You're supposed to be at home, with Celeste." Chrysa looked at Diren, who was in quite a bit of pain. "Oh Diren, I ... I am so sorry."

Diren looked away from Chrysa and cradled his hand. Chrysa wasn't sure if she should go to him or scold her dragon. As she looked around the room, she realized the mess that Talvan had made. And coming up the stairs were multiple sets of rapidly moving feet. Sighing, she slumped back into her chair and looked at Diren once more.

"I was bored, and I got hungry."

Diren stared, wide-eyed, at Talvan, and clutched his hand a little closer to his body. "I should have known, Chrysa. I tried, didn't I? I thought that maybe, for one night, I could have you, just you. But that cyclone of a dragon ... she ..." Talvan pranced in his direction, causing Diren to back up, nearly tripping over the newly arrived cook. Diren found himself trapped between an irate cook and Talvan, unsure as to where the safest place was at the moment.

Chrysa began to pick up the silverware and the plates that were still in one peice. "What am I going to do with you, Talvan?"

"Weeeellll ... I am still hungry. Is there any chocolate left in that box, or did it get scattered all over the room?"

Chrysa glared at Talvan. She walked over to the spilled box of chocolates and bit her lip. Taking the box to Talvan, she dropped it on the floor in front of her dragon's muzzle. "There, have what is left. It's what you came for anyway." Her voice cracked, causing her to turn away.

"Er ... thank you?"

Humans! They could be so sensitive at times ... shaking my head in confusion, I bent down and began tearing at my prize, and I had just gotten a luscious piece of cocoa in my muzzle when --

"So there you are!" Celeste came storming into the room, shoving Diren and the cook aside. Her eyes sparkled with dangerous rage. "Just what do you think you are doing? What did you do to this place! It looks like the entire building burned down, fell over, sank into a swamp, got blown around by a cyclone, and dropped back onto its foundations! How in the Seven Suns did you --?"

She stopped speaking, wordless with rage, and I backed away a little.

Chrysa looked as though she wanted nothing more than to sink through the floor and vanish from the uncomfortable scene. She looked at Celeste, a tinge of anger around her glistening eyes. Her voice was quiet, yet showed an immense amount of control. "Is it really that hard to make sure she stayed in the house, Celeste? I hardly ever call upon your services. The least you could do was make sure she stayed home."

Turning quickly, Chrysa left the second floor of the tavern. Though she wanted to slow down and talk to Diren, she was too humiliated to even look at him. She didn't see him attempt to reach out to her as she passed by. Briskly, she exited the tavern and headed home, head down to avoid any looks from the people on the street.

After watching her exit, Diren looked at Talvan briefly, his look hard to interpret. He shoved something into the hands of the cook and left.

Celeste took a deep breath, and then, much calmer, said, "I think I'll be having a little chat with Master Trystan regarding the training of a certain dragon ..."

Oh dear ...

I began moving towards the door, my head low, but Celeste intercepted me. "Nu-uh. You're coming with me. You and I are going to have a little talk. Alone."

With a lightning-quick movement, her hand darted out and clamped tightly around my wing, near its base. Half-dragging me past the admonishing glares of the cook and waiters, she led me down the stairway.


Chrysa walked back slowly. The night had gone so well and she had felt special. If only the date would have been allowed to end on its own accord. And now I will forever wonder if there would have been a second one. But I highly doubt that now. She laughed aloud bitterly, causing the people on the street to stare at her. All I asked was a couple of hours. Is it really that hard? She stopped herself, knowing that yes, it was that hard.

Talvan had never been like the others, starting back on her hatching day. Other dragons easily exited their shells and found their companion. But no, Talvan had waited until everyone was done before she exited. And it wasn't an easy shell split. It rocked violently and then shattered. No one, to this day, understands how on earth she managed to make that eggshell shatter into a million peices. Confettied eggshell everywhere. And she sat there as if everyone was supposed to clap for her.

She looked ahead and saw that her house was but a hundred yards away. Chrysa bent her head down and kept walking, not answering anyone who addressed her along the way.


I wished Celeste would slow down enough for me to trot comfortably, but she walked with a long, determined stride that made it difficult for me to keep up, what with my wing held as it was. Even after that long, angry lecture, she was still upset with me. Dragging me behind her, she strode towards Chrysa, who walked slowly down the road, her head held low.

"Here is your dragon," she said, tight-lipped. "Hopefully she will behave herself a little better now." Without another word, she strode off, leaving Chrysa and me alone with an uncomfortable silence brewing between us. That silence continued and grew until we reached the door of our cabin.

"So ... uhmm ... are you mad at me?"

Chrysa looked down at Talvan and leaned into the doorframe. She sighed deeply and shook her head. "Just for once, Talvan, once, I wanted something ... I don't know ... special, just for me. And when Diren asked me out, I thought that I had finally gotten that chance." She rested her head back against the wood and looked up at the night sky. "All I asked of you was two hours. That's all. Two hours so that I could go out and enjoy myself with a great guy. You lasted half that. I guess I should be thankful."

Unlocking the door, Chrysa shuffled in and dropped ungracefully into her overstuffed chair by the fireplace. "So now what?"

"Well ... I did save some for you ..." and I laid the piece of chocolate I had managed to tear free of the box in her lap.

Chrysa bit her bottom lip and tried not to laugh. Picking it up, she examined it and found that despite her dragon's incredible capacity to crush just about anything with her jaws, the chocolate was in near perfect shape. Perhaps a bit soft due to it being carried between Talvan's lips, but perfect all the same. She took a bite and savored the rich and minty taste.

Smiling, she gently rubbed Talvan's snout. "Well, at least we still have us, right?"

"Of course ... you're stuck with me for life. Don't worry, I'm sure to grow up someday."

This time, Chrysa gave in and giggled. "Yes, my love, one day. Until then though, at least for the next month and a half, Master Trystan will be your best friend."

"All for a little chocolate ..."

Chrysa and Talvan would like to wish everyone a very wonderful Hero's Heart Day. And a reminder to hide the chocolate ...
Post #: 1
2/10/2009 21:21:25   

Is it a good thing if I want to kick Talvan, really hard? =P

I liked it. It was an enjoyable read. Cute, though the ending was a little unsatisfying. (Too many loose ends and not enough of a sense of finality, y'know?) Great last line, and I'm actually running out of things to say.

So great job, and keep up the good work, both of you. n_n
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
2/10/2009 21:23:31   

I thought it was long at first, but then as soon as I started reading, I was riveted. Good job.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
2/10/2009 22:54:24   

I'm in this one in ask Zorbak! I asked "If Twilly were to die would you summon him to be your minion?" And Zorbak answered!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
2/11/2009 10:15:41   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

There is a reason to the whole loose ends thing. This is a series. Talvan and Chrysa are going to be around for along time. At least, that is the command I have received from smbdoll.

Anyway, you will see in later issues certain things will be tied back together, some things open up, some things resolved. Trust me, we have at least 4 more articles either done or planned, with much more to come.

@Nonaka - Sentharn and I are long winded writers, at least when we are in combination...but I like to think that we make up for it with content!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/11/2009 11:56:20   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Yay, more will be coming! Very creative minds you two have. What I find particularly interesting is the level on which one can sympathize with poor Talvan; I am on a personal quest for chocolate, myself. Ah, and she rather reminds me of an overgrown three-year-old, much like myself. (And both of us are aware of our stupefying charisma.)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
2/11/2009 12:18:33   

Oh, of course, you two and your charisma--or should I say, your ability to get into trouble?
Talvan is very young and is still an immature dragon (It's so hard to tell, I know), and she--Oww! Talvan, not now, I'm typing! Owch! That was my foot! No, I'm not going to feed you right now, you just had breakfast a minute ago. Wha--no! No pounce! Nononono--! *CRASH*

*Ahem* Since Sentharn apperas to be incapacitated for the moment, I will gladly finish his sentence, since he was obviously going to say that "she is a lovely, beautiful dragon that deserves to have more chocolate."


< Message edited by Sentharn -- 2/11/2009 12:21:03 >
Post #: 7
2/12/2009 7:37:29   

...*Looks at Talvan*
...I think i'm in love...
...ARGH NOT THE FACE NOT THE FACE! *Get's stabbed in the face by other self*

Never mention the word 'love' with me around buddy *Sharpens knife*

...Mommy? *Runs for the hills*

< Message edited by xehanort -- 2/12/2009 7:42:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
2/25/2009 12:24:26   
How We Roll Winner

I think the entire article with talvan creating chaos was an absolute delight to read.
1. I like dragons. and 2. It was also nice to see talvan sitting on top of Big daddy in the main-page of the ezine article.
This wonderful dragon had me chuckling throughout the entire article. Bravo to the writer for that one. A really great read!
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
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