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RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III

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5/25/2009 9:17:43   

I cant belive Warp Force is going to be released July 3.(=
I cant whait ^_^


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 176
5/25/2009 9:29:33   

Nice!!! Cant w8 to try it!


"My Soul has been splitted into two parts: Good and Evil"
Post #: 177
5/25/2009 9:40:46   
Shadow Master37

wait if we are going to other planets and galrick is still alive on Terra that means... we might see him again :D
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 178
5/25/2009 9:46:56   





< Message edited by teravor -- 5/25/2009 10:10:35 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 179
5/25/2009 9:54:35   
Shadow Master37

galrick was my favorite ncp when he died i stared at that screen for like 5 minutes now we have a chance t see him agian :D
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 180
5/25/2009 10:10:10   

hey, i wonder what the upgrade is gonna be called...
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 181
5/25/2009 10:11:22   

@teravor: its warpguardian
Post #: 182
5/25/2009 10:13:50   

i am going to become a warp guardian asap!!!!!!!!

im just geussing here, ut can anyone say... shadowscythe?

< Message edited by teravor -- 5/25/2009 10:16:04 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 183
5/25/2009 10:15:03   

I think robot would be a cool race to play as(Ive alwas wanted to play as one)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
5/25/2009 10:16:21   

awesome looking game

i hate missing out on stuff tho so could you make it reeeaally obvious when it is coming out like tell people about it on all of your games

will there be advantages/disadvantages to picking a race? or is the race just for looks? because personally i prefer picking a race to be just for looks

please when you make rares make it obvious that the item is going to be rare like under the description do a (this item will be rare from blah/blah/bleh) and after the item has become rare change it to (this item is now rare) or (this item will be unavailable until next frostval)

i know you want to do it like aq but would it be possible to enhance weapons like on aqw so when you need a better weapon then you dont have to get rid of the one you like the look of in favor of a worse looking but more powerfull one

please no OMG ONE DAY ONLY ITEM BUY NOW!!!! sales

but yes it looks like a very good game
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 185
5/25/2009 10:16:55   

in my opinion warpforce should be not a one time fee game but it should be if your gaurdian dragonlord starcaptain or have/are member in aqw you should be a warpgaurdian in warpforce. it cant count as a full game and really i would never buy a practicly star-trek copy of aq.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 186
5/25/2009 10:19:28   

Its not a Star Trek copy...
He said like AQ+Star Trek to give you an idea of how its going to be played i.e A ship across the universe, visiting different planets.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 187
5/25/2009 10:19:43   

whel then they could not make as much money
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 188
5/25/2009 10:22:29   
Quantum Mod

Considering that Galrick's wife is one of the key NPC's I'm sure we'll see him again.
Teravor: The upgrade name is WarpGuardian and a picture of it has been released.
I believe this game will be much less of a star trek parody(though I believe Falerin said the first AQ WF crossover would be a partial star trek parody) Think more of the theme of intergalactic travelling while we try to destroy the false "followers" of The'Galin.

< Message edited by OmniGuardian -- 5/25/2009 10:32:32 >
Post #: 189
5/25/2009 10:33:30   

i cant decide wether to be drakel or human...

edit: how do you think there gonna give us housing? like, dorm rooms, or ships? i want to know

< Message edited by teravor -- 5/25/2009 10:37:57 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 190
5/25/2009 10:46:37   

Noo! I will be in France! Why does this happen to me?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 191
5/25/2009 10:47:25   

I wonder if race will make a difference beyond aesthetics.
AQ DF  Post #: 192
5/25/2009 10:55:00   

I will soooo be upgrading in this. The Warp Guardian looks so PWNAGE!!!
Post #: 193
5/25/2009 11:14:45   

Oh! Another concern just popped into my mind...extra currency. I'm really hoping whatever extra currency we have is not going to be like Z-Tokens. The other games' system works SO much better, I really hope they'll use that instead. Because I do occasionally buy extra currency, but if they're using the Z-Token system, I won't.


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 194
5/25/2009 11:24:45   

So let me get this straight: You want to pay extra money for the secondary currency?
AQ DF  Post #: 195
5/25/2009 11:38:06   
Nex del Vida

What? No, he's just saying he wants it to work better than Z-Tokens have.
AQ  Post #: 196
5/25/2009 11:44:30   


in my opinion warpforce should be not a one time fee game but it should be if your gaurdian dragonlord starcaptain or have/are member in aqw you should be a warpgaurdian in warpforce. it cant count as a full game and really i would never buy a practicly star-trek copy of aq.

Well, it's IS a full game. It's not a parody, since the story itself is quite different from Star Trek, and the elements are far more complex. Oh, and this game was in development probably months before the Star Trek movie (because, apparently, everyone is saying it's a Star Trek parody because the movie was released recently) was even announced, since the Devourer Saga is older than it and the plans about a new game with the Devourer in mind would be in the developers' mind. Oh, and what about MQ? It's a mecha-anime parody and a copy of DF? Yeah, I thought so.


Oh! Another concern just popped into my mind...extra currency. I'm really hoping whatever extra currency we have is not going to be like Z-Tokens. The other games' system works SO much better, I really hope they'll use that instead. Because I do occasionally buy extra currency, but if they're using the Z-Token system, I won't.

..you must be kidding. AQ has the best secondary currency so far. The prices are high? Yes, but the items are 100% more useful than a NG or DC item, since they are actually useful even in high levels (AC doesn't count, since it's only to show), and you can get Z-tokens in the game. This allows things like houses with sellback increase over the time, so Z-tokens become easier to get.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 197
5/25/2009 11:48:29   

Wait NG arent useful? from Unless somethings changed from when I last played MQ, they were far, far better then the other items, they just got one upped by other NG items pretty fast. AQs ztokens actually aren't that useful at high levels for most items. But, the reason AQs z token prices are so high is at least in part due to houses causing a lot of inflation with them. Also note that the ztoken items that are useful into far higher levels then they sell at arent supposed to be that good, and will likely have elvel and price changed

< Message edited by Aaronrules380 -- 5/25/2009 11:51:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 198
5/25/2009 11:55:25   

Hm...If this turns out to be like mechaquest but better then I'll play. Though I dont like the art style. The concept are style was much better but yeah, That won't be the art style.
Post #: 199
5/25/2009 11:58:12   
The Legendary Daragonslayer

Another concept sketch from WarpForce!

Beauty is only shell-deep...
Post #: 200
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