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RE: =WF= A Mystery Unfolds!

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6/2/2009 16:52:06   
Nex del Vida

:P Heh. Well done, Cod Cod. I'll update with both of these new puzzles.
AQ  Post #: 501
6/2/2009 16:52:47   
tomy 2222

wow good work Cod, i couldnt event think about it, i feee so stupid now
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 502
6/2/2009 16:52:46   

The Mantle is the symbol of the Mysterious Necromancer. I remember reading this in AQ. (I think it was Falerin or Diviara who mentioned it in a cutscene)

I looked Haden in a dictionnary, no match. Probably a place we will visite in WF.
The fact that Iron Grasp is in capitals intrigues me. Is it the name of something, a weapon, spell, underling, or something?
AQ DF  Post #: 503
6/2/2009 16:55:13   

It is a place we will go to in Warpforce


Stairway to Haven
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 504
6/2/2009 16:55:13   

Something's messed up. Did I mess up the Playfair cipher? (I used one online) Because I got:


+spaces: maller rules over haden with her iron grasp evidence succests she is a wearer of the mantle thas shis group is so far traveled gives frighting implications to the origins of the first such wearer x
DF MQ  Post #: 505
6/2/2009 16:55:23   

The mantle could indeed be the mantle of the mysterious necromancer - it would fit well with the Network connection, and she does seem to fit into the role of a wearer of the mantle.
MQ  Post #: 506
6/2/2009 16:56:54   


The Mantle is the symbol of the Mysterious Necromancer.

Therefore, Dark Madder is the Mysterious necromancer? Or maybe just some form of re-creator/summoner?

< Message edited by TreadLight -- 6/2/2009 16:59:35 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 507
6/2/2009 16:58:24   

There have been, and still are multiple 'mysterious necromancers.'
MQ  Post #: 508
6/2/2009 16:58:47   

MN is not one person.
It is... like a position one can occupy for a time being.
AQ MQ  Post #: 509
6/2/2009 17:00:33   

By the way, this seems to be a Star Wars parody.

Dark Madder is probably not the real name for this person.
Just like how Darth Vader, Darth Maul, etc. came to be. Their names were replaced and given more fitting names.
The dead Darth/Dark passed on the torch.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 510
6/2/2009 17:01:17   

ha, i like this... dark madder, dark matter... it reminds me of grey matter, which then connects to brain. but still, @ swenson: didn't it come out that it was suggests, that, and this? frighting we already saw; maybe a typo on Falerin's part?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 511
6/2/2009 17:03:39   
Cod Cod Lord of Mysteries

There is such a thing as dark matter. It is the matter we cannot see, touch, feel, smell, hear, or otherwise sense in any way at all unless we use advanced technology under certain conditions.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 512
6/2/2009 17:05:16   

So Dark Madder is a female Darth Vader hidden in dark matter. Eek.
AQ MQ  Post #: 513
6/2/2009 17:05:20   


- Madder (Dark Madder?) is a she

- She is the current wearer "of the mantle" probably refering to the mysterious necromancer mantle

- If the above is true, she is a powerful necromancer

- She rules "Haden" which may be a typo for "Haven"

- From the concept art, it seems like Haven is a V'eld or whatever the flying variant of a K'eld is called again

- The concept art portrays some sort of skeletal-like being inside or on it - necromancer connection?

That is what I've been able to think up, anyways.
MQ  Post #: 514
6/2/2009 17:05:52   

... wasn't that used in His Dark Materials? i know i've heard of dark matter, but i didnt want to be wrong in saying it was real so i branched off just in case, to maybe save some face lol...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 515
6/2/2009 17:07:27   

Dark matter is very much a real think, Rethal - its another word for antimatter, if memory serves correct. (and it probably doesn't)

< Message edited by Kuld -- 6/2/2009 17:08:42 >
MQ  Post #: 516
6/2/2009 17:07:30   
How We Roll Winner

dark matter=black holes but it also = the abyss, a place of complete and utter nothingness.
AQW Epic  Post #: 517
6/2/2009 17:09:05   
Legendary Loremaster

You think WRONG Aaron.
Post #: 518
6/2/2009 17:09:54   
Cod Cod Lord of Mysteries

Actually, antimatter and dark matter are two different things, and a black hole is different, too. A black hole is made of normal matter, except its gravitational pull is so strong that it sucks everything in, including light, so we can almost not detect it unless we scan for the X-rays given off by objects as they're sucked in. Dark matter is matter that can't be sensed. Antimatter is matter that has the opposite charge of matter. Instead of positively charged protons, it has anti protons, and instead of negatively charged electrons, it has positrons.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 519
6/2/2009 17:10:11   

They are trying to find out what dark matter is made out of with the Atom Crusher :P, it's what makes up and holds the universe in place without collapsing in on itself
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 520
6/2/2009 17:10:59   

A word from a real-life physicis about Dark Matter:

It is not anti matter at all. It is a form of matter we know about only because we observe its gravitational field. We are not sure what it is: black holes, exotic elementary particles, cold gas, whatever. And maybe it's a mixture of all of them and more. The presence, origins and amount of dark matter are among most interesting fields of research of modern cosmology.


< Message edited by Hagen -- 6/2/2009 17:12:33 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 521
6/2/2009 17:11:35   

@Cod Cod Lord of Mysteries:
Yeah, physics and the like isn't my thing - memory didn't serve correct this time. :P

Ah, so it IS Haden, not Haven...That's interesting.

Any ideas?
MQ  Post #: 522
6/2/2009 17:12:09   
Cod Cod Lord of Mysteries

I think that's different, too, actually... What makes up the bonds of the universe could be sensed, but it's just that they're too small. Antimatter can't be sensed no matter how big it gets.

EDIT: I have to go for now. I'll be back on later.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 523
6/2/2009 17:13:00   

...wow... well, i guess we know what its made of. necromancer class, a mantle, and an iron grip on Haden.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 524
6/2/2009 17:13:41   

Haden is Haven mixed with Hades...

Its counterpart is called Haves.

I guess it's too late for me...

< Message edited by Hagen -- 6/2/2009 17:15:04 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 525
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