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RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV

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6/28/2009 9:25:11   
Strange little dude

You sure??
because I haven't heard or read anything like that
AQ  Post #: 276
6/28/2009 10:00:52   

actually i remember something like this as well, reading it in some post...
never the less i found this, stated by Galanoth in this very thread:

WF and AQ are 2 different games -- accounts and characters are all different, so there can't be any transfers of any kind.

i guess that's the word i hold true.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 277
6/28/2009 10:00:58   
Nex del Vida

Yup, that has been said. Regardless, our WF characters can still have low ID numbers. I'ma name my human mage (or the WF equivalent of mage) Vanadium Galilei.
AQ  Post #: 278
6/28/2009 11:55:01   

cant wait,five days till release!!Woot!!
AQ  Post #: 279
6/28/2009 12:00:56   

I wonder what the Special beta item will be?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 280
6/28/2009 12:28:37   

WarpForce seems so close yet so far away. I'll just have to find something else to focus on. And if you will not be able to play the beta, don't worry. Plenty of fan sites, including mine, will be covering beta.
AQ AQW  Post #: 281
6/28/2009 16:51:26   

I suspect that this has already been answered, but why can only Guardians play the Beta?
DF MQ  Post #: 282
6/28/2009 17:06:03   

Because setting up extra "connections" for the rest of the games would push the beta release back well into next month, and also because you only have to wait two weeks after the closed beta to get in otherwise. :p

Not like DF or MQ where it was a few months, if I remember right.
AQ DF  Post #: 283
6/28/2009 21:11:33   

What time does WF go live on the 3rd? I really would appreciate knowing cuz I always miss stuff like this.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 284
6/28/2009 21:29:57   

the staff will tell by the 2nd seriyu but if its anything like AQW its goning to be around noonish(at the earliest) to mabye 5
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 285
6/29/2009 0:46:49   

can't wait for the warpforce beta it'll be my first beta

Edit:I found out some stuff by looking at captain rhubarbs character page,they renamed everything (almost everything,I'm also guessing not many people looked at everything but his character.heres the link,look at all the other stuffs)

< Message edited by Eel -- 6/29/2009 0:51:25 >
AQ  Post #: 286
6/29/2009 3:00:24   

Oh Waffles, how well we know thee....
You know, back when Cap posted the link the beam sword was clickable...
changed length to a dagger size, and back to sword length on a second click.
THAT was pretty cool

The wait for WarpForce starts to get a little annoying... But this week it will finally come.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 287
6/29/2009 5:07:14   

At least most people can actually play on 3rd july. I have to wait till 4th july due to the fact that I live in Asia. And when WF goes live, I'll be sleeping. But at least I got upgrades in all 3 games and planning to upgrade in WF. This will be my 3rd beta testing =P MQ being the first followed by AQW.
AQW  Post #: 288
6/29/2009 7:52:39   

dunno what race I`m gonna be >.< there all awesome!!


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 289
6/29/2009 9:20:52   

that's true!!!!

< Message edited by Warlord3000 -- 6/29/2009 9:21:18 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 290
6/29/2009 9:46:19   
Vale Defender

Depends on the perks for me.

I probably wont pick Elf unless there's a great tankmage style perk, cause their ears are too Spock-like. Overkill, imo.

If there are no perks, then the odds of me picking Human or Drakel are equal.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 291
6/29/2009 10:25:59   
Nex del Vida

...Argh. I wasn't really stressing over the wait until yesterday. Cursed time fairies using their Asymptotic Boredom Hex!

This'll be my third Beta, and the first in which I actually continue playing the game (I hope). I wasn't a Guardian when the DF beta came out and didn't know of AE when the AQ one happened. Blech. I still consider myself an oldschool player, though, because I favor AQ over the other games. I'm /really/ glad it's going to get some love in the form of WF, and possibly draw some more players.
AQ  Post #: 292
6/29/2009 12:26:38   

I... don't think AQ had an open beta.

It just kinda showed up, to my knowledge. :p

Unless you're referring to being in AQ since the beginning, in whichcase, nevermind.
AQ DF  Post #: 293
6/29/2009 12:34:39   

Maybe it could be like this:

Elf- Good with ranged weapons - Dex bonus
Drakel- Good with magic/ magiscience weapons - Int bonus
Human- Balanced stats

~GraveMyst, on the verge of going crazy while waiting for WF.
AQ DF  Post #: 294
6/29/2009 12:42:46   

I'm hoping pre register is released in the next couple of days and we get some more info, I'm bored out of my mind as well. Don't want to leave my computer, but soon I may resort to the xbox.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 295
6/29/2009 13:45:20   
Dark Ganondorf

So are you going to be able to use your AQ characer in Warpforce because it looks like it in this picture:
AQ  Post #: 296
6/29/2009 13:52:14   

Yea I have a good question, will there be somthing like guardianship in WF? Or can we use our AQ guardian character for anykind of upgrade in the game? Please be so :D.
Post #: 297
6/29/2009 14:03:05   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

No, WF is its own game, you won't be using the same character(s) for both.
Post #: 298
6/29/2009 14:29:00   

can't wait for the release,4 days till to.WooHoo!Again.

I chose drakel as my race from the point where I heard about the WF
AQ  Post #: 299
6/29/2009 14:41:17   

almost done dang it the zardis isn't working so hurry up this is going to be EPIC


im going to be a elf


Remember that time that everyone hated me?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 300
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