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RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread

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8/13/2009 17:50:00   


We have a list of items that need to be added to shops, so that at least will be taken care of as soon as we can. There won't be everything you might want - but that is why the game is expanding.

Glad to hear! :D


Each armor is a miniclass. Striker and Gunner are just the starting classes. As for Medic ... that class would be difficult to do, after all what can they do other than heal themselves? With that said, more is coming. Yes indeed, more is coming...

Good point on the medic. XD But so glad to hear that each armor is a miniclass. This is the first time I've heard about it (I started playing WF today... Still a noob to it)


I suspect you are understimating how much you hit ... however, yes, many monsters do have Defences that need to be looked into. I also recommend training stats, they help a lot.

Thanks -- I found out where to train my stats today as well. XD Trained some, doing MUCH better now. :D


There are a few monsters that give 5 gold ... not many, and they are low-Gold monsters - even at Level 0, 6 is more common. By the time you hit Level 10, monsters will be carrying more like 11 or 12, and by level 20, average is ~15 Gold per monster. Since armors at those levels are not all that expensive for example, a Level 12 armor is 77 Gold) - yes, it takes several monster kills to get a new armor, but the progress is noticable. The Gold requirement at low levels is MUCH lower than in AQ, for example.

I see. Thanks for the tip! :)


Yes, the levelcap increased today :-)

AWESOME! Lv 15, here I come! :D


Thank you for the nice comments!

No problem! I've been playing DragonFable since 2007, though I lost my old account because my friend happened to reset my password to something I couldn't remember (someone was trying to hack the account... no one owns it now, though). So I restarted from scratch a few days ago -- and am so glad to see all the new updates put into DF.

I seen WF advertised on the DF home page, and decided to give it a try.

Best idea I've had all week. :)

Keep up the good work! I am loving this game more and more.

< Message edited by KarstAvenger1989 -- 8/13/2009 17:52:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 101
8/13/2009 17:55:39   
Legendary Miss Fixit


For DragonFable ... you can retreive the password using Lost Password if you still have the email account it was linked to. If you don't, it's ... more difficult, but if it's upgraded, still entirely possible (or if you still have the email from character creation or when the password was changed...)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 102
8/13/2009 18:10:09   

Aelthai, sadly, I don't. It was an old email address (which no longer exists, and the account was a free one). So it's lost.

Mmk, back to topic!

I just thought of another thing to add: more music. The first time I heard music in ANY game from BattleOn was in AQ Worlds. Excellent music, it was. And hearing the music in WF, almost on a frequent basis, is good. Shop Music would be nice. =3
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 103
8/13/2009 23:17:33   

some stats would be nice for all items/techs, since the Z and WG items tend to be better even if they're lower level I have no clue what so ever which is better unless i buy them all and try them out.
AQ  Post #: 104
8/14/2009 0:56:38   

I am really enjoying the new update, the ability to gain levels again is very nice, and it seems there have been some balance changes with Tronzor, as I find it possible to train CHA now, which the new Heavy Gunner battlesuit really helps with (just using ther forcefield ability to minimize damage I take while my pet and guest dish it out). I hope to hit level 15 soon and try out the new story quest.

Edit: I would also like to say the basic/recommended CHA is nice however, it seems to only be there for the pets you get in the shop in engeneering and not on the pets you get on quests, like the flowering findle and floaty, it would be nice to be able to see their recommended CHA as well.

< Message edited by Yrro -- 8/14/2009 1:00:16 >
Post #: 105
8/14/2009 1:04:15   
Legendary Miss Fixit

The basic/recommended CHA was only rolled out on a few pets, to see what the reaction was. So far, comments have been positive.

Though I think there is at least one pet where there simply isn't room for it ... hm.

And yes, Tronzor was adjusted.

As for which are better ... hmm. This should help:

General Z-Token Power Standards
Z   | Pwr | MPLevel | Z-Token Cost
0   |  15 |   11    |    100
0   |  20 |   15    |    300
0   |  30 |   23    |    425
0   |  40 |   30    |    500
5   |  42 |   32    |    565
10  |  44 |   35    |    635
15  |  47 |   39    |    760
20  |  49 |   41    |    855
25  |  52 |   45    |   1025
30  |  54 |   48    |   1155
35  |  57 |   51    |   1385
40  |  60 |   55    |   1655
45  |  63 |   58    |   1985
50  |  66 |   62    |   2375
55  |  70 |   66    |   3015
60  |  73 |   69    |   3610
65  |  77 |   74    |   4590
70  |  81 |   78    |   5830
75  |  86 |   83    |   7870
80  |  90 |   87    |  10000
Z = Level of the Z-Token Item
Pwr = Approximate Power Level of the Z-Token Item
MPLevel = Approximate Level at which the MP Cost for a Token Spell is calculated

General Guardian Power Standards
Item GLvl | Power Level | Level for MP Cost Purposes
0         | 10          | 7
5         | 15          | 12                                       
10        | 19          | 16
15        | 23          | 22         
20        | 28          | 26 
25        | 32          | 30
30        | 36          | 34
35        | 41          | 39
40        | 45          | 43 
45        | 50          | 48
50        | 54          | 53 
55        | 59          | 58
60        | 64          | 63 
65        | 68          | 67 
70        | 73          | 72
75        | 78          | 77
80        | 83          | 82
85        | 88          | 87 
90        | 93          | 92
95        | 98          | 97
100       | 103         | 102
105       | 108         | 107
110       | 113         | 112
115       | 118         | 117
120       | 123         | 122
125       | 128         | 127

This can be found in: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=13900896 if you need it in the future.

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 8/14/2009 1:06:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 106
8/14/2009 1:38:57   

Where the new pets and items are found in-game differs from what it says under the just added section of the warpforce homepage, for instance, the new pet is found in engeneering, not in sickbay like it says, not that it really effects anything, just when I looked in the places listed for the newly added weapons, a lot of them were in different stores than what it said.
Post #: 107
8/14/2009 12:21:49   
Legendary Miss Fixit

Yeah, that was a mixup :-\
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 108
8/14/2009 14:59:00   

It's ok, Aelthai. Mixups happen. =3

I found some glitches/bugs which I reported, one being in the Game Engine (I assume it it Game Engine), and the other being an item (a Battlesuit, to be precise).

Other than that, this game is looking better and better.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 109
8/14/2009 15:36:08   

Well, I decided to get it over with yesterday and take advantage of my 10$ discount. I have to say that I am satisfied. WF appears to be off to a good start, it has a great concept, and it appears to be getting the balance right on the first shot. To be honest, I see WF as a bit of a window into the possibilities of the Sweep. Granted, WF may just have a different standard of scaling power, but some ideas from the Sweep have to be making it into WF. The only thing that caught me off guard was that the new Warp Crystal tech can kill nearly everything in one shot. Overall, I have to say that I am please with how things are going. Gameplay is simple for now, but I find that it's more satisfying than just throwing on an attack button spam armor in AQ and going to town.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 110
8/14/2009 15:44:07   
Legendary Miss Fixit

Yeah, the Warp Crystal tech appears to be having an identity crisis. We'll get it fixed :-p
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 111
8/14/2009 16:18:43   

umm... it makes me keep finding warp crystals when i already found 3 or more


When war approaches 1 things is always needed.
And I can give it WEAPONS!!
Sithen The White Weapons Smith <- link
Post #: 112
8/14/2009 16:24:29   

You need to do the second one last. Find the first then third crystal then last the second one. For some reason the second crystal doesn't save unless you do it last
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 113
8/14/2009 16:27:00   

Post #: 114
8/14/2009 17:48:48   

has anyone else bin thinking Tronzor is to stronge i mean i cant beat him without useing potions i get the stats and damage but his defences are too high and you can barrly hit him
Post #: 115
8/14/2009 17:52:02   

I would just like to say two thing. I'd like to have more stronger techs and skills. In AQ they pack a punch but in WF they are either not strong enough (except when they're bugged, lol) or not diverse enough to be useful. That's not to say there aren't any good spells. WG dissolve packs a good punch but there aren't enough like it. I do appreciate the nano bots spell though because they fill allot of the spots but they aren't dissolve powerful.

And secondly, I like the comet dog, he is so cool and matches my armor to boot :)

< Message edited by mluther -- 8/14/2009 18:43:58 >


Rule number 14. "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
AQ MQ  Post #: 116
8/14/2009 18:49:25   

The release was great but I feel that more quests should be available

Weekly release have a 50% chance of getting 2 quests

So I feel that there should be more quests available monthly

I also feel that there should be more battlesuit types available or maybe even ones from AQ( Protector armor)
which looks like the biengs of Protus

but other that the game's great, I hit 100's on enimies because I have Warptrooper Z

I hit more than I do on AQ as a level 57!

I can't wait for the next release!!!!

I also suggest that items should show on you character.

So whe nyou equip something like temuras star it is shown on your character just like how the Warpguardian helmet is equipable

< Message edited by ferty157 -- 8/14/2009 18:51:07 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 117
8/14/2009 19:03:39   

The enemies over level 10 seem a bit overpowered to me...

Examples: You know the Virin Behemoth? It can hit 30-40 on me with most of its attacks at lvl 12, but the best i can do is about 20 with a special/concussion grenade. Add on the fact it has about as much health as i do and u have a problem. I don't know if im expected to log out and log in again to refill my potions or what? I have Medic II but it does practically nothing.

Example 2: Tronzor. He is in about the same boat. All of his attacks at the moment do over 10 damage PER HIT.. so the gun blast does around 30, the power punch comes in around 20 and the lightning bolt about 20 again. To top this off he ALWAYS has more health than i do... I'm OK with the enemy doing better damage but not if THEY HAVE MORE HEALTH THAN ME!!! Its really hard for me to win these fights. I don't know if being a striker makes a difference...

And just a class balancing issue... Why does the DEX stat not affect gun attacks??? I usually do more damage trying to bash my opponent's brains out than shooting at them!

Please don't say that it does cos I'm looking at the entry now at Tronzor, and it says, and I qoute:

Bonus damage for non-gun, non-tech ranged attacks.

That means throwing my gun. Not to useful.

If strength increases a striker's damage, shouldn't DEX do what it did in AQ and boost ranged attacks i.e. guns?

I'm just tired of having these really hard fights to deal with, when i have nowhere near the damage rate required. If anyone else has these troubles, let AE know so they can fix it, or just explain why.

Just to let you know, heres my stuff:

lvl 12

Warptracker gunner
Heavy Gunner A

Warptracker pistol
Damaged Rocket Launcher
Osprey 10b (AWESOME!!!)
Training Laser Pistol
Ice Dart Repeater

Basic lightning gauntlet

Medic II
Summon Zorboz

Emerald Star of Fortune

Flowering Findle

30 DEX
20 END
10 LUK

< Message edited by d3vastator -- 8/14/2009 19:09:00 >
MQ  Post #: 118
8/14/2009 19:10:35   


Dexterity affects the gus accuracy meaning that strikers at a disadvantage too

A striker only hits 1 time so you can miss and do no damage at all

A gunner can hit opponents many times meaning that if you have a high dex
you are guaranteed to hit an enemy or make an enemy miss alot

heres my character:
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 119
8/14/2009 19:47:38   

@ d3vistator

Although it may appear that Tronzor has more health than you, to defeat him you only have to get him below 10% of his max health, making him be required to sustain less damage than you without dying.
Post #: 120
8/14/2009 20:39:24   

Kudos to the AQ team for WF, I can say I'm quite satisfied with the AQ/Star Wars combo....

I Just hope it doesn't become a "Guardians get 70% access to the game" sorta thing
MQ  Post #: 121
8/14/2009 21:46:09   

ummmmm, i dont think the soduim warp crystal should be doing 200+ damage


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 122
8/14/2009 22:49:06   

Actually theres more armor and weapons here right now that it's more than I get in the regular AQ
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 123
8/15/2009 14:15:56   

I'm still somewhat confused by all the seemingly identical attacks on the WarpGuardian armor. I understand that the multi-hits will be more likely to do some damage than the single hit, and the Ion Cannon is good as an energy ranged converter that is independent of your weapon, but Ram Attack and Power Punch seem to be pointless. Nearly every attack ends up doing the same amount of damage. There really doesn't seem to be much if any reason to choose either of them. Ram attack never has a situation where it is useful because it loses BtH, and since WF is designed under post-sweep ideas, everything is harder to hit. Power punch gains BtH, but it amounts to very little difference.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 124
8/16/2009 16:41:46   
Billybob joejack IV

yeah... i liked the magic in AQ... i waz really hopin for magic in WF....but the tech. weaponz r ok.....
MQ  Post #: 125
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