Orion The Hunter
First of all, people, don't even start saying that Nova Knight needs an update, or I will haunt you in your dreams. Because it is meant to look like the old school guardian armors, it is perfect, for those who loved and have been around, since the good old days [;-)] On topic. It seems that the following monsters need an update (I think): Klubber The Undead Dude Mythical/Legendary Warrior Tropopause Tyrant Serlissa The Water Dragon Frost Wyrm Elves! Dwarfs! Burps Demons Michaleon Entan (So much potental) Mostly, a lot of old quests, their bosses, starter Equipment (Mostly the old releases). Ziragath, should totally have his own sprite, because he has potential. This has become kinda a summuray, feel free to add to this list.