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RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread

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7/7/2010 21:09:20   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

No, it received a graphical update quite some time ago. Exactly how long i don't know, but it sure looks a lot better!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 201
7/7/2010 21:16:15   

BURP (rabid and normal are the same thing XD)
Aquus(Its the water LORD for sakes, it HAS to be cool!)
And whatever anyone said, nova knight needs it really bad. It look s like a maple armor...like it was released for Canadian Day XD

Exactly. Golden Plate was a lame name but it looks awesome now, so why not an awesome name like that (NOVA anyone?) have a good artwork? Imagine the potential
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 202
7/7/2010 22:36:50   

That herder with the weird face, Pzycho guest, Chimera, and some of the drakels could do with weapon art updates. There's a female drakel that has a outdated looking dagger. The only problem with all the art that does get updated is that its bound to cause more lag than a lower rendering of one. But that's worth the risk.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 203
7/7/2010 22:53:16   

Nightmare plate aka nemesis plate needs new art and animation. for JC sake, this has been brought out since time memorial.
AQ DF  Post #: 204
7/12/2010 16:34:31   

Mostly ones that definitely need updates... I feel are the Moonray and Sunray monsters, you don't see the moonray at all really. But the sunray is seen often.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 205
7/13/2010 1:31:23   
Guardian Patrick

@johnnyquest.aqrocks: No. It only needs new animations. Not new art :o The design looks cooler than the nova plate lol
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 206
7/14/2010 17:11:53   

I also think the fire and dark blades of awe need to match the look of the original one! Except with the elemental looking difference. I also believe that all variations of the clone pets could at least have updated armors. Or they could be coded to match our exact armor that we have equipped in battle. Except ones that make us look like a creature or someone else! Because it would be hard to code!
Who agrees?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 207
7/14/2010 19:27:10   
Mutant King

I for one think the nemisis set should definetly get a touch up for such an amazing item set it lacks alot in visal compared to any other uber/epic and think this should be #1 on your list instead of monsters what do you think guys?
AQW  Post #: 208
7/15/2010 15:25:28   
Dark Chronos

One set over monsters? No. I'd rather have the monsters look pretty than to update one set.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 209
7/25/2010 10:44:57   
Sin Carnation

I think the reaper could REALLY use an art update, since most of us meet it several times a day... ^_^
AQ  Post #: 210
7/25/2010 13:06:01   
Lord Momo

Mawler seems to have new art :P
AQ  Post #: 211
7/26/2010 20:16:57   

Sackelberry Special needs one.

It just looks like a green shield, with areas of light shades of green.
AQ  Post #: 212
7/30/2010 19:30:08   

I know its rude to say this since it is sort of a new item, but the Nova Knight items seriously need a graphics update, I mean its the highest level armor in the game but it's looks are around the same caliber as the low level armors like the Elemental Plates. This is ofcourse just my opinion, and I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 213
7/30/2010 21:16:11   

When did algern the shadowknight get an art update? it looks spiffy :)
AQ  Post #: 214
7/30/2010 22:58:56   

The only monster i can think of that needs an art update is High Paladin.
AQ  Post #: 215
7/30/2010 23:06:07   

Glad you guys have brought that back up. I was going to a few weeks ago, but decided not to. Anyway, here's some ideas: Fighter Armor, Mage Robes, Lightning Rod, Nemesis Mace (I'm gonna get flamed for that XD), Soul/Power/Spirit Katanas, and Arkridge. Also Muhrble pets, Nerfbat pets, Obelisk of Darkness pets, Sackelberry Special, and Spell Blocker.
Post #: 216
7/30/2010 23:15:51   
The fanciest of moustaches

^I think that the Arkridge looks pretty good. Soulcarver too. The hilt could use a smidge of work on the Arkridge, but it's otherwise a very good looking weapon imo.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 217
7/30/2010 23:44:00   

the banshees can use an update


AQ  Post #: 218
7/31/2010 3:19:05   


IMO the two best looking items I have seen for AQ are the Eldritch Utensil and the Centuarian form The Hollow drew up..... unfortunately neither of these are avaiable in game

Dosen't the in-game armor use the same graphics, except for the gleam on the horse's skin?
AQ  Post #: 219
7/31/2010 13:06:17   
lord dracoma

Kaley Obsidia, the Nercomancer Teacher, really needs an update look she looks..strange to say the least when compared to other NPCs.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 220
8/1/2010 10:27:14   

There are bunch of wallpapers what needs an update.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 221
8/1/2010 11:46:06   

Personally I think that the swamp trog could use an update, as i have just done a run for the health potions on my segunda account, and the diffrence between the trogs graphics and my anxiety rainment was shocking.
AQ  Post #: 222
8/2/2010 0:43:13   

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, *correct me if I'm wrong*, but some of the class armors, take three for example, the dracomancer armor, the necromancer armor, and the paladin armor. They need to look cooler. Also, I agree with the motion to update the Nova Knight set. Seriously. It is the "future", where this guy came from after all. Don't you think it should be more, I don't know, ADVANCED? Anyways, I would also enjoy an upgrade of the Nightmare, excuse me, NEMESIS set. Seeing as, again, correct me if i'm wrong, it is the OLDEST master craft in the game, it should be more "nightmarish", or at least a little bit more dreadful or dark in it's appearance.
AQ  Post #: 223
8/2/2010 1:08:55   

not sure if anyone said this yet, but the seed spitter might need an update. oh, and maybe grandmother zard.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 224
8/2/2010 1:09:20   

salamanders need something added also the roc and maby all leprechauns


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AQ  Post #: 225
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