Lupus the Wolf
Heres How We Roll Winner July 2014
*AQW username: Lupus the Wolf *Text: Keeper of the Ice Boundary *Font color: Outside white blue, inside white *Background: northlight, on top of the tree where Tinsel hide the gift. (The view is good there, please cut Tinsel out.) Also, as a side request, please make a simple signature with my character in the left and a Hahakomori like this in the right *Text: Lupus the Wolf *Side-text: Fan of Hahakomori *Font color: Blue outside, white inside. *Background: Forest. If I use anything outside my signature look, please wait until I change back to it. Signature look: Werewolf Morph, Tattered Cape, Imperial Plate Armor, Ungodly Reaver of Miltonius.