bluekatz: 7 blocks in a row at the 45% block rate cap is 0.37% chance of happening. This means it would happen around once every 3000 fights. So, it's not very unreasonable to have it happen at least once :) if you got 7 blocks in a row for 5 fights straight then something would be broken. But, that doesn't happen. Shardonica: I don't have very high str, and I have only level 3 smoke (25 dex reduction). The point is, when I make a build, I sit down and work out all the stats in advance, including block chances etc. That's how I build my character. I'm currently working on making a non-varium mage (hardest class, right?) which is already at level 26 after 5 days. Will probably get that to 32 in a few weeks. Yes, I have a better block rate than someone with free gear, I'm not denying that. What I'm saying is, the block rate my gear gives me, and the number of times I block, match up pretty well. Basically, the RNG is working as intended. All I'm saying is, if you *don't* get blocked 7 times in a row, or you get blocked 1 time out of 7, you don't pay much attention to it. You only notice the one-in-a-thousand things because they're, well, noticable. That's how our brains work. If you actually watch the stats and record all the blocks to hits over thousands of fights you'll see that it falls exactly in line with probability.