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RE: (AQ/DF) Legacy of Blood

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12/19/2012 18:34:00   

Well, that was quite a hardcore labour scene.

So let me get this straight...A female, darkness giant?

By the way, I think I'm kinda lost here, but are these characters somewhat tied in to the 'Hunter' a few chapters ago or are they part of a sub-plot?

Also, you mentioned something about the French. Not to sure about what you mean by field advantage, but as proven by Emperor Napoleon, Jeanne D'Arc and the Free French Forces during WW2, they had plenty of audacity and actually knew how to strike at the right time. Though these days, I'm sure you know it's a common joke to make them pitiful cowards who surrender before the fighting even started.

DF MQ  Post #: 176
12/20/2012 6:19:30   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Yeah, it usually is. I mean, even the main character in Dragonfable was distressed when the dragon was about to hatch and that wasn't nearly as bad as this.

Pretty much. She is so very much like your Jeanne, if not for other reasons and perhaps apt to change at one point.


Seeing how they used the name of the antagonist, I'd say that would be case.

I was referring to the French attack on Russia, the harsh winter and the Russians burning the food supplies left them with no choice but to retreat. In this case and the case with your example about Saladin was about the French being the invaders who underestimated the advantage their opponents had with the field they were fighting in.

Jeanne d'Arc only fought on French soil, but not after the battle of Agincourt in which the English decimated the French after they had yet again underestimated the field advantage and their troops sank away in the mud. This left them for easy picking by the English archers.

Did you get the reference I made to your story?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 177
12/20/2012 7:57:10   

Ah I see. Though I have to admit, I almost though we were getting sidetracked on the plot here. I almost forgot about Azer.

Oh and so that was what you meant by field advantage. Though I guess this results in the audacity factor I mentioned earlier. The French heavy cavalry were particularly a bunch of hot heads that spelled their doom at the hands of the English long bowmen.


Did you get the reference I made to your story?


Yeah. So Tax was behind the forced eviction of the Vurrmen? Though I'm not sure if 'that' particular order still or had existed in your timeline

DF MQ  Post #: 178
12/20/2012 8:45:23   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@lordkaho: I actually wanted to write about Azer in this chapter, but then I recalled I had written this and it fit much better to make this chapter come before that. Next chapter we'll be returning to Azer, but as you've probably noticed he is not as much a focus as someone who got caught up in the machinations of greater forces.

Chapters (roughly the way they are now)



-King Alteon/Valen




-The Inquisitor


-King Alteon/Valen




AQ DF AQW  Post #: 179
12/23/2012 21:35:26   

A giantess giving birth...? Interesting. Not to mention Sir Tax, or Max, helping the Guardian Head...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 180
12/24/2012 20:43:25   


@glaisaurus_x: How did you perceive the music and atmosphere in general?

The music's opening worked really well in setting the mood, the rest feels more like it should've been in an Action or Forging sequence in my opinion.
DF MQ  Post #: 181
12/31/2012 11:35:45   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@glaisaurus_x: I see, I mainly wanted to make the reader feel the strain on Xeloc.

Background information to the setting. (Especially interesting to lordkaho.)

The continent of Battleonia is a fortress in its own right, to the east lie the Middle Isles holding the kingdom of Stonerule. Akriloth has been terrorizing the lands east of Darkovia for quite some time now, any army that is to invade the continent has to make its way past the troops of the Great Fire Dragon and the local defenders often supported by the Order of Carcharas. That is, if they managed to bribe or otherwise do away with the many pirates which plague the Great Sea. To actually get to the Great Sea, one must get through a rather thin body of water or sail to Tjeli in the far south where there are about as much icebergs to sink ships as there are in the waters up north.

To the west, the yearly migration of the Abyss Wyrms between the Horn of the continent and Deren cuts many fleets off from nearing the western coasts of the continent. Should they manage, they'll be greeted by the royal navy of Swordhaven who hold the beak.

Another great obstacle is that there are very few suitable spots to land an army other than by using teleportation. Willowshire is hidden by high mountains from the south and the Badlands from the north. You could potentially land at Akiba, since you'll meet little resistance from the locals there, but on the other hand the weather is too fickle and may blow your fleet (and supplies) away.
Further down south, we find Krovesport and landing here with an invading force would be to hit a hornet's nest with a bat. Either you burn everything down to the ground till the last man or you'll find yourself and your men in the foundation of New Krovesport.

There are mountain ranges along the coastlines further south till the Skraeling Desert, a wasteland in which the unprepared will die of thirst. Then there's the Grogh Swamplands, filled with bugs that will drain your blood and a wet soil which rusts your metal gear. Skipping the conflict with Akriloth, the next option is the Bennuju Wetlands which are dangerously close to Augerthorne, home to the Ulgathi, a race grown strong due to their neverending struggle with their neighbours, the mountain trolls.

In all of this, the Kingdom of Swordhaven has been pestered by the remains of Slugwrath's armies. These men have mingled with the bandits and after so many years can no longer be told apart, if not by allegiances to the former royal house of Swordhaven.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 182
1/1/2013 23:22:27   

Dwelling brought up lots of interesting scenarios to consider, though I'm afraid the version of Lore that I'm using will be slightly 'warped', geographically speaking that is.

But what's important here is that Battleonia's landscape offers lots of terrain advantage/disadvantage that merely throwing an invasion force over there would be more than disastrous.

"...To wage war on a foreign nation on the other side of the world, a nation we know next to nothing of, a nation whose soil could very much be a weapon deadlier than its inhabitants.
Truly, we're facing a logistical nightmare.

- A quote I'm still trying to put in my story, haha.

In all of this, the Kingdom of Swordhaven has been pestered by the remains of Slugwrath's armies. These men have mingled with the bandits and after so many years can no longer be told apart, if not by allegiances to the former royal house of Swordhaven.

This information is very relevant to me, considering it's a MAJOR plot point.

DF MQ  Post #: 183
1/4/2013 18:11:13   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

CHAPTER XXI: Places of Shadow

Also more background information to the setting.

You glorify the idea of juvenile heroes, I'd suggest you pay a visit to the Ulgathi boot camps.


The Ulgathi are born warriors, unlike humans, as they had to adapt to a hostile climate. An Ulgathi knows that the odds of reaching the age of fourty are slim, bigger is the chance of dying in the war with humans, elves, trolls or dragons. This hostile climate has made for a strict militairy hierarchy.

Any Ulgathi at the age of 10 is drafted into the militairy service of his or her tribe. Some tribes make exceptions to women, others do not discriminate. These greenhorns are footsoldiers and continue to be called as such until they have reached the count of twenty battles or the age of twenty, whatever comes first. Most of them do not make it to carry a sword or crossbow and perish before that.

Footsoldiers are first sent to a boot camp, which includes a lot of push-ups, boxing and brawling. A few select with promise are allowed to train in the ways of the "Fist of the Troll Club", a Martial Art which revolves around dealing powerful blows at the cost of accuracy.

An Ulgathi can only be excused from joining the footsoldiers if he or she is gifted in the art of magic. Of course, this path is frowned upon as it is to give up honorary combat and thus most Ulgathi do not take this path even when they are proficient in magic. Those that do become mages are either more pacifistic or protective of their tribes. As such, they train in the creation of magical wards and barriers. Some of these mages become priests, but Ulgathi are not very religious. Some worshipped the Light Lord, until the Paladins brought war to their doorstep and others worship the Fire Lord, but Akriloth's destructive path has made many an Ulgathi, not bent on war and chaos, wonder what sort of god would make such a creature act as his champion.

Another option is to provide weaponry or food for the tribe, the more warlike and chaotic tribes may send out raids to do this, but Ulgathi miners, blacksmiths (this includes working with technology), farmers, fishermen and beastmasters are not unheard of.

The Ulgathi armies are indirectly led by the chieftains through generals who have survived enough battles to attain the rank of swordsman. These generals are the few Ulgathi who benefit more directly from being intelligent as they make up the plans for the wars. They do so with the wizards, mainly to make sure the mages do not obliterate their own ranks if anything else.

These plans are then distributed to the warlords, who each command a 100 footsoldiers. The mages are directed by the few wizards the Ulgathi count. The swordmen and archers are given more freedom as they are considered able to handle themselves, though they are often required to fight in the immediate vicinity of the generals, functioning as their bodyguard and ensuring their survival.

Unknown to most humans, Ulgathi do use siege equipment.* However, few of the people that are faced by these contraptions live to tell the tale and the Ulgathi hardly ever bother with them as they rarely besiege castles or places which have more than a simple wooden palisade. These palisades are easily burned to cinders by Ulgathi Blasters and Bombs, a technology which the generals consider mobile enough to use during short campaigns.

To maintain the strict order required to make this hierarchy function, militairy crimes are punished by sentencing the criminal to the fate of gladiatorial death. This is to give the criminal a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the public and save his family from eternal shame. Gladiators are given a mace which can detonate at any given time they hit something with it.

*Cannons, also known as the Ulgathi Trebuchet.

< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 1/18/2013 18:23:35 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 184
1/6/2013 1:06:24   


After all, a free stay was nothing too much now most of his income had decided to go home without him.

Come now, DD, you're better than this. :P *now that


The yell was followed up with loud splash

*a loud splash


continuing to walk now his curiosity was sated.

*now that his Do you hate the word that or something?


"Oh, can I meet her? I do love a good conversation with women, are frogwomen just as good of talkers as Forest Furies are? Redtail exclaimed excitedly.

Quotation mark needed after the second question mark.

I enjoyed the humor of the chapter, although I'm still curious as to Volu's part to play in Azer's story...I will also state that Doc is one lucky Ulgathi. Although, I'm curious to this Fairy Princess and her relevance as well.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 185
1/6/2013 8:02:00   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

I made the corrections.


I enjoyed the humor of the chapter, although I'm still curious as to Volu's part to play in Azer's story...

To Volu being a major character, all I will say is that in all honesty, what I'm planning with him is rather...already revealed to you.


Although, I'm curious to this Fairy Princess and her relevance as well.

You don't recognise her? I thought my description was fairly accurate. Just the colour of her eyes should give her away.

< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 1/6/2013 13:02:35 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 186
1/6/2013 12:43:17   

Purple eyes? No, I'm certain that I don't recall any Fairies with Purple or Violet irises, since Maeve and her Daughter have Green irises.

And, Sek-Duat's going to be a major character, or are you simply mocking how I said that the reasoning for which I included him(at least that was coincidental with me choosing his third incarnation because triangles and not wanting to reuse the Fifth) was already told to you, albeit not by me.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 187
1/6/2013 13:02:18   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@Razen: When I speak of purple, who are the first people who come to mind?

I don't mean to mock you, I am trying to say that I have given my readers hints that are oh so obvious once you know what they are. I will be describing a lot of Lore, or at least I intend to, including the Sandsea and its emperor. There may be some scenes with your favourite villain, but that will require some research and planning.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 188
1/6/2013 13:07:46   

Oh, silly me. I wasn't thinking about M4B whatsoever at the time.

And, well, by mock, I didn't mean in any negative sense, more of just a jest, if you will, since I said pretty much the same thing about Sek-Duat III's role. Although, I'd say that favorite villain entirely is somewhat of a stretch, one of my top villains? Mostly certainly, but there's the Chessmaster, Kathool, Erebus, SeekRat, and some others up there as well, at least if we are to retain to the AE Games.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 189
1/6/2013 17:37:49   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@Razen: Well, I have some cool ideas for Sek-Duat and it'd be nice if they would work. I also have some ideas on things which are related to the villains you have mentioned, but not directly.

I think I should focus on getting some other chapters out of the way first though.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 190
1/6/2013 22:44:48   

Very atmospheric chapter once again, DD. I really loved your description of Braughlmuk Cape.

The music though, while epic as it is, felt very out of place during Redtail's light hearted dialogs.

Still somewhat surprised Volu didn't angrily lash himself against the two when they spotted him.
DF MQ  Post #: 191
1/7/2013 11:46:30   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@lordkaho: Thank you for your comment, I have made a notice for the readers to stop the music before that section. Luckily it was on the end, so it was not that difficult.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 192
1/11/2013 5:30:47   


He had nearly gotten<> the shafts which he knew would

Missing a "to" there.

mostly jesting, with Redtail

Comma seems unnecessary ~_^

The Order of Carcharas

Love the name.

Anyhow, nice chapter, though to be honest I felt the music was too serious for it.
Pacing was also faster than usual for you, however that's not necessarily a bad thing at all.
And hm, Azer can TELEPORT COW.
That has to be useful in the future.
DF MQ  Post #: 193
1/11/2013 5:53:25   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@Glais: Fixed the first thing, the second thing cannot be removed if I recall correctly.


Love the name.

You'll gain my undying respect as loremaster if you can tell me its purpose now.

Yes, it will be most useful (and amusing).
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 194
1/11/2013 5:57:00   


I cheated, but Carcharas is apparently the founder of DragonSlayers
DF MQ  Post #: 195
1/11/2013 7:36:24   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

That is correct.

As for the music, did it not fit the theme of


wandering through the nightly woods, the dark tunnels of Popsprocket and the forsaken ruins of Braughlmurk Cape? I already took lordkaho's suggestion and put in a comment to warn the readers of stopping the more "serious tone" before a more humorous section.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 196
1/11/2013 7:43:45   

Ah I missed the warning.
It's not that the scenery itself didn't fit, but the actions that went on kind of contrasted that.
A sharp 180 one could say.
DF MQ  Post #: 197
1/19/2013 13:37:22   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

I proudly present you with a map of the setting.


The protectorate to the east is the old Kingdom of Malinius.


Poor Sek, the Queen and King rule his lands without paying their tributes to him and add only chaos.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 198
1/23/2013 15:36:13   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

CHAPTER XXII: "How the Worthy have Fallen"

Quite dark indeed.

No comments on the map?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 199
1/23/2013 15:39:54   

The main thing sticking out in the map, Awethur will be involved?

Will get to your chapter after I read Razen's new update, as I was supposed to days ago.
DF MQ  Post #: 200
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