First off this release wasn't supposed to just nerf strength mercs, it was supposed to make ALL extreme builds of ALL classes less effective. Strength merc was the most common, however there are some super high support mages out there, super high dex bounties, and super high strength bounties that use smoke + cheap shot builds. Each of these types of builds should be less effective now, and they are, however not by much. If they add a few more levels to the diminishing returns then all of those builds will be far less effective, but not useless, and no mater what they do stun zerk mercs will never die completely (unless they remove stun from the game). I happen to know for a fact that +5 focus mercs with about 88 strength can still effectively stun zerk, the build is a bit slower however it can and will still two turn SOME players if they have low enough defense or resistance or lack good armor. You don't have to be extreme to successfully stun zerk, all that does is speed up the process, and this release in my opinion was mainly meant to slow down extreme builds, not make them useless. Mercenaries have not been nerfed or buffed, everyone in the game was hit with the same effects, the only difference is some players are able to adapt faster then others to the changes. Shaniqua once said "Evolve or die", what that means is to stay one step ahead of the masses, if a build becomes popular, make a counter for that build so you win most battles. Eventually your build will become the new popular build (since the popular build users that you beat will consider your build overpowered cause it beats them), and once that happens, find a counter for your own build and beat it. Repeat this process every time the builds change up and you will always be ahead of the game and will always win more then everyone else, its that simple "Evolve or die".
< Message edited by Wiseman -- 4/10/2011 21:32:55 >