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RE: Consider My Words

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6/30/2011 1:47:46   

If you buff the remaining 2 the f2ps will truly be left behind because what kind of nerd would have enough time to get 50,000 credits
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 76
6/30/2011 1:52:10   
Soda Pop

Tactical mercenaries are simply easier to develop and use. But if you perfect a build with Cyber Hunter or Blood Mage, I'm sure that they'll be just as good or better then tactical mercenary.
AQW Epic  Post #: 77
6/30/2011 2:18:38   

blood mage is insane what are u talking about i vs 1 with over 100 str! with fireball and berzerker and bloodlust got killed in 3 turn and im a tac merc
Post #: 78
6/30/2011 2:58:20   
wario the great

the tactical mercs can heal loop aswell becuase of high defences and reroute which can give them time to stall for the 4 turn cooldown


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AQW Epic  Post #: 79
6/30/2011 3:29:59   
Sipping Cider

At first i thought same thing, tactical mercs are OP.

After a little of thought, some advice from the forums, and faith i now find that the classes are not so differently powered. The testing team did a good job in getting the classes to be well balanced.

Blood mages complain that their class is UP

Cyber hunters complain that their class is UP

Tactical Mercenaries complain that their class is OP

As crazy as this sounds, this is good complaining that shows that the classes are balanced. Since the TM have skills that were thought of as the best during gamma, they had better be thought of as OP by the common player, otherwise in reality the class would be UP. Since BM has such a focused class on strength, anyone that does not commit to it will complain because they will find it hard to win. Seeing as CH have such an odd mix of skills it should be more difficult to FIND a good build, even i thought they were UPed at first, yet like many are saying, CH are the new tech mages and will have much potential along with great complexity.

Epic  Post #: 80
6/30/2011 3:33:37   

Stop. Everyone who is saying CB is good, stop. This is coming from an experienced player who retrained 20+ times. I'm still working on a good build. So far it sucks but I'm getting somewhere with this.

Epic  Post #: 81
6/30/2011 3:41:49   
.Sir Lazarus.

Come on people, wait at least 1 week so people can make builds for new classes. This complaining is just ridicilous xD. I mean for god sakes its out not even 10 hours lol. I think you didnt try to fight tactical mercenary and other new classes i belive you just have a teenage need to post something negative... :/


AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
6/30/2011 3:52:03   


Stop. Everyone who is saying CB is good, stop. This is coming from an experienced player who retrained 20+ times. I'm still working on a good build. So far it sucks but I'm getting somewhere with this.

hmm CB u mean CH or BM?
AQW Epic  Post #: 83
6/30/2011 3:54:02   

^xD heal looping and support merc. How is it not Oped? lol
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 84
6/30/2011 3:57:47   
Sipping Cider

Just because they have the skill Reroute does not mean they will be heal looping. That skill does give the possibility for it but there are skills that stop heal looping like asimulation and most energy reducing attacks. And as it has been pointed out, with hybrid armor it will be harder to heal loop as less damage will be taken at once.
Epic  Post #: 85
6/30/2011 4:07:58   

I know it is on everyones mind, Tactical mercs are amazingly oped! (before i thought there was no such thing as "op" now im convinced) I know alot of people have posted about this already but in my post I will be posting a flexiable way in what I think needs changing.

Before I start i will say the solution is although im against it is, nerf! Thier is no way any other class can match tactical mercs and I wont belive anyone who thinks they just need to buff the other classes because that would require buffing evry single class even normal mercs!

Reason why: Before i post ways to fix the prblem it's important to know why, Although it should be obvious , i honestly dont know why the class testers did not pick this up. Before the new classes wre released mercs wre prberly one of the strongest simply having a focus hybrid combo, the only counter for the old merc was defence de buffing and enrgy draining attacks.... guess what tactical mercs have technician and reroute, Thier goes the strategic ways to beat them. Another prblem with the old mercs is that they wre tank although this is true they could not damage debuff other classes which aloud the tankness to be fair, NOW! they have Smoke screen their is no way you can match thier damage and to make matters worse they have a Blood lust style move! (i feel bad for the non variums versing these tac mercs as thyl prberly heal more than they can posibly consider damagin!) They can now tank to the extreme and we have literaly nothing to counter that except for the messed up luck crits system! Another possible way we could try to match up to the old mercs was to Match the merc's defence to try and have a decent run at killing them!, Now the tac mercs even have a counter for tanks(toxic) !! It is completely outrageous!!! I even remeber cyderella saying "tac mercs arnt the oped clas"..... Wow ARE YOU BLIND (no offence) But consider they possible way you can beat this class .. they only way i can think of is getting exteremly lucky or being a tactical merc yourslef.

Solution: The quick simple solution would be To either take one thing from their class either , Smoke! or Reroute , together both these skills counter all possible way to beat tanks, My recomended skill to remove is smoke! and instead of smoke give them Intimidate or something tht isnt a defence de buff. Also in creating this major tank class they should not also have shields (technician) they should be swapped with something else perhaps stun grenade.

EDIT: By popular demand i have added removing hybrid as a possible nerf option which I think is a brilliant idea to make this class balanced after all mages lost reroute and BH lost Blood lust why should merc get to keep their best passive :S

The other classes : I think the cyber hunters should get Bloo lust back in swap for Shadow arts , as shadow arts seem more of a BH thing, plus it will allow cyber hunter to have a chance at survivng long enough to hit a tactical merc :P, As for the Blood mages giving them a defence de buff would make them oped but obviosoly no way near as oped as tactical merc. So pherhaps they should get a Toxic style attack as well to counter the Tanks, pherhaps a new skill called Dark Devoring: cast a curse on the oppenent causing 9-18 damage for 3 turns.

Please tell me what You think and if you think the soultions are "fare" thank you remorse less

< Message edited by Remorse -- 6/30/2011 10:34:36 >
Epic  Post #: 86
6/30/2011 4:15:24   

LOL Like bountys
AQ Epic  Post #: 87
6/30/2011 4:17:55   

^ What do u mean,?? are you trying to sy the bountys are oped? because they defianately not compared to tactical merc!

< Message edited by Remorse -- 6/30/2011 4:18:14 >
Epic  Post #: 88
6/30/2011 4:20:19   

dude bloodmages are fine
why cant people understand that unless ur BH str builds WILL NOT get high %.
seriously i was able to get 80%-85% with bloodmage no NPCs with just a hard core str build.
if ur saying that blood mage is UP because it gets low % but fast kills then u never been a strength merc. and i bet u said str merc were "OP" when they weren't either.
AQW Epic  Post #: 89
6/30/2011 4:26:16   


^ What do u mean,?? are you trying to sy the bountys are oped? because they defianately not compared to tactical merc!

gamma bountys had SA and max smoke and massacres and 5 focus bountys.
AQ Epic  Post #: 90
6/30/2011 4:26:30   

@goldslayer, I didnt say i think Blood mages are UPed, I just sugested that they need something to beat tactical mercs unless they nerf tactical mercs, But it's not just BM ( I actully think Blood mages is fine and i agree with you) but Cyberhunters are compltely skrewed against tac mercs, Which is why i think they should trade BL for Shadow arts. As for Str builds i agree they are fine , but as a tactical merc the str builds is completely oped, they can use double strike frenzzy and atom smash and maul more than 1 time thanks to reroute not to mention smoke which will make them hit way tooo high!

@mir, Yup thats the Boutys succesful builds while they lasted, Lets see how they do against the Most oped class in ED history TACTICAL MERCS!

< Message edited by Remorse -- 6/30/2011 4:28:55 >
Epic  Post #: 91
6/30/2011 4:29:08   

actualy i beat quite a good ammount of tac mercs
most of the ones who did beat me were mages. for some reason.
they have matrix and technician.
AQW Epic  Post #: 92
6/30/2011 4:35:55   

^ that may be for now but when the tactical mers settle in and find the good builds you will find them really oped!
Epic  Post #: 93
6/30/2011 4:40:42   

actually its the other way around.
when the other classes find good builds and settle in they will be balanced.
of course since everyone thinks of copy cat builds. they dont know what to do.
AQW Epic  Post #: 94
6/30/2011 4:49:09   

Remove the Hybrid..,
Thats the way to make Tact Merc not Oped
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 95
6/30/2011 4:50:40   


@remorse actually its the other way around. when the other classes find good builds and settle in they will be balanced. of course since everyone thinks of copy cat builds. they dont know what to do.

this what you said e.e

and ignore all of those post "omg u ruind the game" threads most of the people use copy cat builds and are angry because they cant copy anyone at this moment since the classes are new and lack the skills or strategy to make their own builds.
AQ Epic  Post #: 96
6/30/2011 4:58:32   
Silver Sky Magician

Well it's too early to say that they're OPed, I'm sure that new builds will surface that will allow other classes to counter them reasonably well. Though I must say the new class looks...formidable.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 6/30/2011 4:59:07 >
Post #: 97
6/30/2011 6:08:37   

Seems pretty obvious - BM should get the hybrid armor and TMercs should get Def matrix
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 98
6/30/2011 6:11:20   

Imagine a Tactical Merc Rampage.

Smokescreen-Maul-Artillery Strike

DF MQ Epic  Post #: 99
6/30/2011 6:39:03   

I agree to you're solution, but I would rather take out Hybrid Armor and give 'em a Reflex Boost or something, or Change HA a bit.
Blood Mage's are pretty good, here's a effective build
Cyber Hunter's should really get back Blood Lust and Blood Mage's could get Shadow Arts, both classes won't be OP'd then.
And the Nerf's on Shadow Arts and Massacre should be taken out.
Otherwise that, everything is good :)
AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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