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RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony

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3/13/2012 16:27:02   

I've designed a few more ponies, all Egyptian themed. Oh and this post should be waaaaay shorter! (unless I add more later on XD)

First is Isis-Hathor with solar disk crown, ankh necklace and scarab pet. And without the ankh so you can see her full dress.

Next is the Horus/Osiris with double crown of Egypt, jeweled collar and Horus pet. And without the collar to see the full top.

Here's King Tut with nemes crown, wadjet (eye of Horus) necklace, beard and Anubis pet. He only wears the shendyt/shenti skirt so no need to view it without the necklace.

And finally, Cleopatra with vulture crown gold collar and Bastet pet. And again without the collar.

Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 401
3/15/2012 16:53:24   

Haha HELL YES: http://i.imgur.com/zPx6f.png

On another note, can images be resized with the site's image code?

Unfortunately they cannot. I've changed it to a link, I don't think a large picture such as this needs to be embedded. ~Trog

< Message edited by Trog -- 3/17/2012 13:46:36 >
Post #: 402
3/16/2012 13:43:47   

"Poor" Trojan Pony he dosen't stand a single chance.

Please do not use your signature more than once per page. ~Trog

< Message edited by Trog -- 3/17/2012 13:43:27 >
AQ  Post #: 403
3/28/2012 22:17:41   

I'm currently lvl 5 right now, and am slightly confused from the game and this thread. A few questions:

1) How exactly do pets work? Do they increase your damage, have skills, etc.?
2) Is the blue counter, or is the pink counter mana? And what is the other one? Do they have any use other than summoning lightning?
3) Is it abnormal to have a cupcake level of over 120 at lvl 5? (because all the fake players I see have levels of around 50)
DF Epic  Post #: 404
3/29/2012 10:22:35   

1) Some have their own special abilities, but (I think) most do magic damage as some percent. It says this percent in the description.
2) Pink is counter, and b;ue does damage through your pet.
3) Im at lvl 7 and have somewhere near the max. It starts dropping, though . Thats why I only battle bosses.

Please corrrect me if I was wrong on any point. Thanks .

< Message edited by Ifghar -- 3/29/2012 10:23:18 >


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

-Albert Einstein
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 405
3/31/2012 17:36:16   

I just started the game, good job AE, and I'm a little confused on what's going on.

Forgive me if I'm just overthinking this, but I'm a pony fighting and assumably killing my fellow cute pony bretheren. Why am I killing other Ponies? Are they good Ponies, evil Ponies? Is this some kind of Pony blood sport equivilant to Pony galdiators or Pony Hunger Games? Will the Pony police attack my Pony if he's caught killing another Pony for sparkly rocks? Would I have to deal with the Pony judge in Pony court? Is there a Pony pison where they store the Pony criminals and Pony burglers? Are there any humans? Obviously there's pets, but are there Pony monsters, Pony undead, or Pony frogzards? Do Pony palidans stop Pony necromancers? Can Ponies even be necromancers?!?!? What would an undead Pony EVEN look like? Apparently Warlik's a Pony so I assume Pony magic exists, but will it blend? Can Dhows get into this game like he's hacked his way into all the others? Would Pony Dhows be obsessed with humans instead of birds? Will Pony Lore have to band together to stop him? How do Ponies have outfits if they have hoofs? Who sews together Pony clothes? If humans are Ponies, then where would silk come from? Are there Pony towns? Is Pony Battleon filled with Pony Guardians and a Pony Guardian "dragon?" (not sure what a dragon would be) Does Pony Yulgar sell Pony swords to new Ponies? What breed of Ponies are we, anyways? We have huge bulging eyes without pupils, and REALLY large heads....

I know that it's hard to answear ALL of these questions, and maybe I'm just being stupid for asking them, but.... It's a Pony death match.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 406
4/1/2012 14:32:45   

Sigh..... I had hoped, that there would be somekind of April Fools at the game today, but no there wasen't, it kinda make me a bit sad. Sigh..... Well maybe next year, when the game has been updated with an adventure mode.
AQ  Post #: 407
4/4/2012 7:48:12   
SouL Prisoner

Well , i update PvP wiki and its really hard to upload pics as the game is totally buggy and taking a pic of proper pixel is "really" hard . i mean if they could make the "shop" buy item option with a little more gaps and even make the screen bigger . (gap , in sense .... increase the distance between the items, all are crowding on each other, especially their names)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 408
4/6/2012 13:58:17   

Omg, i love this game!!!! Thank you AE team ^^

Btw is cupcake level like your ranking? the higher you are the more professional you are at the game?
And I guess battle limit is similar to the concept of exp/gold cap from AQ

< Message edited by tomwu -- 4/6/2012 14:53:17 >
AQ DF  Post #: 409
4/16/2012 20:28:09   


Btw is cupcake level like your ranking? the higher you are the more professional you are at the game?

The Cupcake Level actually determines the difficulty of the CPU ponies you play against; it can also act as a ranking.

As for the game itself; I enjoy it. I'm hoping to reach Level 20 and play Adventure Mode in the future.

EDIT: Yay! I finally reached Level 20! Party at the Starlight Shop!

< Message edited by Milt -- 4/20/2012 19:44:26 >


PonyVsPony Page: http://ponyvspony.artix.com/character.asp?idPlayer=5343
Current Level: 20
Post #: 410
4/23/2012 16:49:38   

It would be nice, if there was a way to put a tattoo on our ponies kinda like the MLP Cutie Mark.
AQ  Post #: 411
4/24/2012 20:58:20   

I was just thinking of a suggestion, (not too sure if this was already mentioned or not) but to me, 5 levels are kinda long to go without new items in the stores, especially when you're getting higher up. What I would suggest is that, for example, of the 10 pages of items in the Sunshine Shop (level 10 to 14) maybe only the first 6 can be be browsed when you hit level 10. The other items you can see what they look like, but can't see the stats or buy them. Then when you hit level 11, the 7th page items become available. This would continue to add a page of items for every level.

The reason I would like to be able to see the item, yet not the stats or be able to buy is to simply tease us a bit more, and give you a little extra prize for gaining the levels in between the major ones. I hope I'm saying this the right way, because while it's neat to gain the big levels and see the new shops, I stopped looking through the shops when I hit level 11 and knew that there wouldn't be anything new available for a long time yet.

Any thoughts on this?

(Yay first post!)

Sunny Sky Gem is currently level 13 and climbing. Will accept friending! Pony code is 149672-A223

< Message edited by Skyness -- 4/24/2012 21:03:42 >
Post #: 412
4/28/2012 17:53:02   
Sugar Lightning

*trots in*

@ MP: We won't get cutie marks. We're all blank flanks and that's why we're mixing it up. ;)

*trots out*


Anypony want to battle?
Friend code: 206978-5FDF
Rainbow Sugar Lightning is currently level 14. ^-^/)(\^.^
Post #: 413
4/28/2012 22:29:34   

Hey Sugar, my pony's Lord Lightning Knight. LV7 and I sent you a friend request. Like this game on the sole premise that it's a pony death match....

ID's 197565-B8C8, so if anyone wants to fight my horse I'm up for it.

EDIT: LV 8 now.

< Message edited by dethhollow -- 4/28/2012 23:04:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 414
4/29/2012 20:28:56   
Sugar Lightning

Hiya, Deth!

Friend request accepted ('cause, after all, friendship *is* magic)!

Looking forward to many no holds barred pony death matches. ;D
Post #: 415
5/3/2012 16:08:51   
Anos the fire lion

So like what is pony vs pony like? all I know is almost like my little pony...
MQ  Post #: 416
5/3/2012 20:56:24   

It's a pony death match between two opposing forces, like a Pony Hunger-games or Pony Gladiators. It actually has a unusual minigame-like way of fighting Ponys where you click and drag 4 or more connected images to use an attack. 4 connected attack images do 1 damage and every additional attack image does another point of damage.

I'd recomend at least checking it out just for the odd concept and unique battle mechanics, but if you absolutely cannot stand Ponies or playing such a "cutsie" game then you won't like it too much.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 417
5/5/2012 20:07:03   
Sugar Lightning

Hey, has anypony got any news about the Adventure Mode? I saw it as "coming soon" but I haven't seen anything more about it... I like this gem-battling and all, but quests would be a nifty little plus.

@dethhollow: Pony Hunger-games? Awesome! I <3 me my ponies, and I really enjoyed Suzanne Collins' books... that's a win-win!

^_^ /)


Anypony want to battle?
Friend code: 206978-5FDF
Rainbow Sugar Lightning is currently level 14. ^-^/)(\^.^
Post #: 418
5/5/2012 21:11:37   

Hey, does anyone have a lvl 20 or other high level pony I can abuse to level up? My friend code is 89838-F5EA. I'm level 7 as I post this if you want to battle me. I'll accept all requests.
Post #: 419
5/6/2012 6:25:49   

As fare as I remember, then level 20 is the higest level there is.
I've send you a friends request, evnthough my pony is only in level 15.
AQ  Post #: 420
5/13/2012 16:41:43   
The Harmonizer

Oh, boy, this thing. I've been meaning to get into it, but I can't find a good secluded time. Meanwhile, there's the question of whether it's worth my time.
Hopefully like most others here, I know why Artix Entertainment suddenly did this. I've been watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic since last summer, and...well, it's surprisingly a good show. I'm not going to set fire to the forums and start an argument here, so let's graze over that and go straight to the point. What I want to know is if AE is giving Friendship is Magic the respect that it's earned.

So, everypony out there, does it? Are the general "rules" of the My Little Pony universe in effect? Is the game, like the show, surprisingly not all rainbows and sunshine? Can the two even be compared? I guess what I'm trying to ask is if this is an acceptable tribute or more of a mockery. I know there's always the possibility of copyright infringement (They've gotten away with a lot, but not even Artix can be friends with every company), but given that this is seemingly what it's based off of, I want to know if it reflects it well.
AQW  Post #: 421
5/13/2012 17:40:56   
Handsome Devil!

I'd say it's a tribute to the sudden pony craze everywhere, not solely based off of FiM. It's a very fun puzzle game with optional cosmetic changes to your pony after earning currency from winning battles. Other than them both containing cute cartoon ponies, that's the only similarity. It's no doubt that FiM started the pony craze, so I suppose this game was created thanks to it, but that's about as far as it goes.

It's definitely well worth the time to look into.

< Message edited by Trog -- 5/13/2012 17:41:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 422
5/15/2012 0:34:53   
Master of Light

This game is FUN!
I really like the chill music that plays in the menu...
Anyways my friend code is 220460-36FA please add me!
Post #: 423
5/16/2012 17:38:01   

My physical attacks are way stronger than my magical attacks... They should be more balanced. But then again, the power of you magical attacks are based on your pet...


Merged double post. If you've got something to add, please use the edit button. ~Trog

< Message edited by Trog -- 5/18/2012 23:13:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 424
5/18/2012 21:55:48   
Sugar Lightning

Sort-of-reply to both The Harmonizer and Trog:

Until (unless?) the adventure mode starts up, comparing PvP to MLP:FiM is kind of like comparing cheese puffs to Brie. They're both food, and they both bear a superficial resemblance, but it kind of ends there. I like PvP, and I really enjoy the vaguely-Bejewelled-like puzzle game aspect to the battles, and I really, really, really enjoy messing with my pony's accessories. (I'm female; I grok accessorizing. 'Nuff said.) But I've been a fan of MLP since the G1 ponies (original Minty with her cloverleafs was always my favourite), and I just love what has been done with them in FiM, and I happily wear the title of brony, to boot. So, while I think the two share a common thread - to wit, candy coloured ponies - there isn't that much else in common. Yet. But I'm hoping that adventure mode will eventually launch, and when (if?) it does, then we'll see if homage is done or mockery is made.

I call homage. I hope. ;)

Thanks, as usual, for the soapbox! *trots off*


Anypony want to battle?
Friend code: 206978-5FDF
Rainbow Sugar Lightning is currently level 14. ^-^/)(\^.^
Post #: 425
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