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RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony

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10/6/2012 19:30:31   

Say hello to Golden Glory Gem i level 19.

< Message edited by MP -- 1/27/2013 7:01:24 >
AQ  Post #: 451
10/20/2012 10:59:00   

To the level 20 who just ran into Fluffy Little Moonbeam: Sorry! Curious pony got curious.

EDIT: Wow, and I just got my tail kicked for the first time. Your cupcake level does not do your awesomeness justice, dear level 14 pony whose name I sadly didn't write down. Sorry I didn't pose more of a challenge. I will remedy that as soon as I can.

My friend code is 2570-A2E0 Only level 6, thanks to not playing for a very long time.

< Message edited by Miran -- 10/20/2012 11:05:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 452
10/21/2012 0:42:26   

Hello Pony VS Pony community! Would you people/ponies like your Pony VS Pony Character ID to be added to be added to your profile and under your posts a link to the character page? Because it's a mini-game it has not been added, but if the PvP community wants it, it's possible they would add it.

Please post here if you would want that: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20749251

Thank you, :)
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 453
10/22/2012 0:47:01   
Ripper man5

Is it possible to share our accounts in the forum's profile like all the other games?

< Message edited by Ripper man5 -- 10/23/2012 0:15:47 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 454
10/22/2012 2:56:57   

It is not, please read the post above yours if you would like for that to happen.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 455
10/22/2012 14:15:33   
Ripper man5

I feel dumb for not reading that. :P Thanks and yes they better get it done :P
AQ MQ  Post #: 456
10/24/2012 1:51:25   

I tend to get forgetful and not play for extended periods of time, but I do have fun with Pony vs. Pony. 'Cause, ya know... ponies.

Anyone who wants to vent frustrations by smacking around a low-level forum admin, I'm 248528-4FF2.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 457
10/24/2012 13:54:52   
Stirbt Engel

PvP is one of my faveriot Artix Entertainment games but of all the stacks of epic merch from hero mart there is no pony stuff. Anybody think that there may be a chance for some pony stuff i woul love a "Fear the Freindship T-shirt.
Post #: 458
11/2/2012 8:42:08   

Hello all!

First I was wondering if this game is still updating at all? I would be willing to pay the $10, but only for a game they are actually doing something with.

Also, is it just me, or do the computers seem to get A LOT more light spheres than players do. Over half the time I'm losing because all I get is blue candy orbs for my level 0 pet while the computer is busting out large strings of light attacks back to back. Or perhaps my pathetic luck has followed me to this game too.
Post #: 459
11/2/2012 16:00:50   

At the moment, I don't think it's being updated.

< Message edited by XapApp -- 11/8/2012 3:23:07 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 460
12/2/2012 10:40:25   

Hello to all.

I am new to this Pony game, but not new to Artix games. I have many questions and would appreciate the help:

1) It seems to me that I never battle human players. I get to choose from 3 opponents when I click battle button, all of them very easy to beat. I am a level 5 and never lost a battle. It seems very odd to me. Can somebody explain ?

2) How many pets can you have at the same time ? It looks that I have 2 pets right now flotting around me.

3) There is many things to buy but all seems only to customize the pony. I dont see anything that helps in battle neither does the items give any infos about battle stats.

If anyone have more infos, please feel free to give them to me.

Thanks to all.

My Pony ID is: 278328-3D6E (I have no clue what to do with this)
Epic  Post #: 461
12/3/2012 11:42:03   

Ah. Um...Hello, all. >w<

I am Princess Angel Moonbeam{Pam, for short}.

I am not a new PvP player, but this is the first forum post of mine.
I occasionally checked this thread to see if anything new had been happening, but...
It seems like Ponies hasn't updated in a VERY long time, and I wish they would. ;w;
It happens to be my favorite AE game, even though there's not much to it.

I'm level 20, and have LOTS of battles saved up for when the game updates with higher levels and new outfits. (No, seriously, the amount of battles I've stored up is ridiculous.)

So, AE team, please update this game soon. <3



Friend Code: 99622-AD8C
Princess Angel Moonbeam
(But just call me Pam ^_^)

Post #: 462
12/7/2012 7:18:07   

Hey MrBones! Firstly, welcome to Pony Vs. Pony and congratulations on reaching Level 5.

As for your questions;
In Pony vs. Pony, the battles are not real-time, meaning you are battling an AI/Computer and not a real player.
In the normal Battle mode, the Ponies to battle are in or very close to your level, which makes them easy to defeat.
To make the battles challenging you will need to challenge higher level ponies.
To do that you will need to add higher level friends and battle them in the Friend battle mode.
Note that the battles in the Friend battle mode are also not real-time.

To add friends click the Add Friends button then enter another player's friend code and click Request. Doing that will send a request to that person and they will need to confirm it before their pony appears in your Friend battle mode.
You may also give your friend code to others so they can add you, if you confirm, their pony will be added to your Friend battle mode.
And just a note, 278328-3D6E is your friend code. 278328 is your Pony ID.

Pets are currently the only items from shops that affect the battle and it shows their stats while hovering over then in the shop. I am unsure how many pets you can have at the same time.

You may find more information at PonyWiki.com.

Hope that helped, post and let us know if you have any questions or issues. :)
MrBones and Miladanshi, I've sent you both Friend requests. Like MrBones was/is, I too am only level 5, so have fun beating up my Speedy Blue Star!

Pam, is that screenshot very very very real? ;o And congratulations on your first forum post!

< Message edited by XapApp -- 12/7/2012 7:28:00 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 463
12/11/2012 13:20:05   

I'd love it, if the shop would be updated with some Christmas stuff.
AQ  Post #: 464
12/21/2012 13:06:00   

You can have up to 3 pets active, but because it cycles through them, its best to save your gems and buy only one.
Post #: 465
12/23/2012 10:55:07   

is this game for girls only?
Post #: 466
12/23/2012 12:11:37   

Any gender can play it...
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 467
12/26/2012 12:44:15   

@ Staff: Could we please get some partyhats for New Years Eve?

< Message edited by MP -- 1/27/2013 7:01:08 >
AQ  Post #: 468
1/5/2013 15:00:27   

Mr. XapApp, I got your friend request. ^o^ I lurve beating the heck out of my new pony pals.

I'm not much of a forum-poster, but I think I'll keep checking this thread to see when PvP finally updates...

And...yes...unfortunately...that screenshot is very real. I went crazy one day and bought like 3 Pony Packs because I needed many gems to buy out a rare shop...and...they just kept...accumulating.

Please limit your signature to once per page. ~Trog

< Message edited by Trog -- 1/29/2013 1:15:20 >
Post #: 469
1/26/2013 14:25:14   

this game is difficult because its based 300% on luck not skill. It gave me 12 screens full of nothing but blue blocks with 1 yellow and 1 pink and died. 14 games in a row losing because it gives nothing but blues to me which do nothing. I racked up 148 blues in 1 game they are worthless and cause you to lose every game. the other side always gets screens full of yellow one time I died before I could make 1 connection.

the blocks the tutorial says they are to make your attacks more powerful doesn't do anything . It would be nice to have the same number of colors on the screen just in different orders cause then we can match to build attacks rather than frantically hustling to just ditch the junk and HOPE we get some attack yellows we can use which is never garenteed.

check this out this is what i'm talking about (because of this screen which was the second set of blues I got after connecting 15 in 1 turn, the other pony beat me in 1 screen full of yellows)...

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 1/28/2013 10:19:37 >
Post #: 470
1/26/2013 14:57:18   

^ I wish I was so lucky, but here's a good advise for you: Get a pet, 'cause pets attack/confuse your oponent and heals you! When you've got the blue orbs.


Itīs sane to be insane and insane to be sane!

Dare you challenge a level 20 pony?
Pony Vs Pony Friendcode: 152579-3B72
AQ  Post #: 471
1/26/2013 17:53:24   

i have a pet it doesn't help i've tried 5 different pets, all they do is like 5 damage when i collect 5 orbs and even if i get a screen full of 30 orbs they still only do 5 damage whlie the other person halves my health bar with one opening move and their selection is so quick of the bubbles you can't even follow it with your eyes I was killed by one girl with all pet magic attacks doing 5 damage each and she machine gunned it her curser moved so fast... game needs to be worked on to where the computer can't go GOD mode. seriously limit the speed of their selecting to a HUMAN. I try to select really fast and my bubble chain stops in the middle the game wont' let me go fast so they shouldn't be able to either.

One player was so fast I didn't even get a turn, it litterally killed me before i could select 5 orbs. not even 3 seconds after i clicked the start button.


they start the computer side with all yellow orbs and leaves me with 5 points of health or less to do the whole fight while they give me nothing but blue orbs for the first 3 pages of my fight while they get nohting but yellows non stop.

doesn't help that every time I start to win a match the game lags so badly you can't connect 2 orbs til you lose.
I've tried upgrading flash and shockwave, using all 5 browsers, and even turning down all the settings but doesn't help

the bosses are easier than the players which is sad because the players should be the easy but slow grind and the boss should be the challenge but I can bet a boss before he even gets me damaged.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 1/28/2013 10:25:42 >
Post #: 472
1/27/2013 7:00:51   

I advise you to buy these two level 5 Pets: "Red RAZberry Ice Pop", and "Barkley the brown Puppy".
AQ  Post #: 473
2/5/2013 14:11:27   

Doesn't PvP have at least one 100%-attack pet that anyone can get, not just people that buy the pony packs? 'Cuz that's really all you ever need. >_> Once you get to level 20, all you'll be doing is pounding the level 1 boss anyways to get SparkleGems. Who needs variety? They're all computer-controlled anyways.

Please limit your signature to once per page. ~Trog

< Message edited by Trog -- 2/10/2013 20:04:02 >
Post #: 474
2/14/2013 17:07:41   

Now it's been a year since the last update on the game, what's happening?

< Message edited by MP -- 3/9/2013 17:16:06 >
AQ  Post #: 475
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